『 Phase 2 』

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  The two men have arrived at the airport, the older carrying their bags as SeokJin heads to a vending machine to grab snacks for the two.

"Hyung likes banana and I like Strawberry~" Jin sing sang, earning his yoghurt drinks from the machine with a smile as it seemed he recieved a really nice gift. On his way back, the younger accidentally dropped the banana flavored yoghurt drink when a rushed businessman had bumped into him.

The yoghurt had bounced and rolled over and tilted the right just on time to bump into a man's navy colored converse. As the younger watches the man pick up the light weight yoghurt into his bony, big hands

"Is this yours? Here, don't drop it again.. Or else it'll get a dent in it"

The strange man behind two shade of glass and a cap on his head backwards, giving the younger his yoghurt drink that will soon be in the hands of his older brother. SeokJin gave a nod and bowed, but he didn't want to let the man leave empty handed so he metioned the tall, slender guy over to the machine

"W..what flavor do you like?"

"What? Are you buying me a yoghurt drink?"

"Yes, What fla--"


The younger softly smiled at his words interrupting him, which he would usually not allow, but he let's this strange man since he helped stop his brothers drink from rolling across the airport floor stepped by many shoes and who knows where they've stepped in. Jin paid and pressed for the number for the drink and took it out from the box. The taller figure generously took it in his care and shook it a little in the air woth his dimpled smile.

"Thank you, I guess doing nice things really give you something in return"
He says as the other let out a small soft chuckle and nodded.

"What is your n--"


The blonde turned to the direction of where the sound had emitted from. SeokJin turned his head as well and smiled at the other and bowed his goodbye

"Enjoy your drink! And don't forget to shake it! It tastes more better and sweeter that way!" He flashed his smile and the dimples return the smile back to Jin.

Jin ran off to his older brother and the two ran to the bridge of where there plane will take off.

On the other hand the blonde man arrived on his plane and hasn't touched a single drip of smooth liquid into his mouth. Recalling the smooth milky skin of the plump lips and slim- halved almond eyes when he smiled, he smiled at the thought of the beautifully gorgeous man and longed for the fact they had more time together with and gain more info, more than just to recall his face that will probably haunt him for the rest of the day.

Maybe more..

"5 more minutes till the plane to South Korea, Seongnam takes off." Hearing the announcement, the two rush over and arrived at the bridge to their plane, only for one of them to be stopped.

"Sorry, sir but only one more person can get on the plane as it's full with one more person being added into the plane."

The younger looks at his younger brother with a half worried expression, Jisoo looking back at him then the woman attendant and gave a disbelief sigh. Nodding his head and walking back to his dongsaeng

Without word he got behind Jin and pushed him into the entrance of the bridge, Jin hesitates to walk any further as he's worried to be seperated from his brother

"SeokJin. Take my seat okay? I can go on the other plane that will be here by tonight, please don't hesitate and get on in my place. You know where to go afteryou arrive, right?"

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