『 Phase 25 』

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"He kissed me.. But he says he won't do that from now on-- but please don't get mad at him as it was my fauly for letting my guard down--"

"That's a reason I should be mad! He kissed you when he said he wouldn't! I tried to trust him as he's your brother's best friend.. But he crossed that line." Taehyung outgrew emotions of fury, anger along with immense jealousy. He knew how much Seokjin loves Jisoo and gets timid around Yoongi since he's always straight fa e 24/7. Yoongi has been there since SeokJin was in elementary and before he learned to walk after crawling. Taehyung thought Yoongi only saw the younger as a little brother, but boy was he so wrong. Even just from one mistake he will not allow it to happen again so he dragged the younger downstairs and flung into their room, pushing force down on Seokjin into the bed scaring the other with this sudden dark aura surrounding him. "Taehyung please calm down!"

"No! You two kissed-- How am I suppose to calm down!?" Taehyung shouted as Seokjin trembles underneath him trying to keep calm, unfortunately the sudden emotion coming from this calm collected happy man was suddenly on the verge to kill someone. Or so it seemed. "Don't go near him! I don't care if he's stayed with you for a long time! He will touch or make a move on you again..!" Jealousy would be found cute to Jin, but this is out of hand. Sure, he understands how upset he could be the fact his precious lover's lips were tasted from another man however, this burst of anger mixed with jealousy is out of hand and almost out of control. Seokjin hugged Taehyung tightly from behind to calm him down and he eventually did as he realized how scared Seokjin is with his shaking vibrating through his arms enclosed by the other. "Seokjin-- I'm sorry, but.. I am scared for him to steal you. I'm scared you won't wait for me anymore and be the reason to wait for.. Or even the one you were waiting for-- How am I supposed to live with that??" Tears gently flew down the latter's cheek, staining over his glassy oiled face. Seokjin muffled sobs into Taehyung's shirt. Feeling bad he turns around and hugs Seokjin tightly to comfort him. The two cuddled in bed till the sun finally broke free of the maroon night sky that was hiding the horizon to ever rise.

It was 10 AM. Seokjin woke up to see no Taehyung on the side of his bed. Everywhere his eyes darted to. Still no Taehyung. His assumptions were that he went off to work after falling asleep. The sudden realization of the amount of sleep he only had made him feel gloomy as his work stresses him enough and lack of sleep can fuel it more closer to the breaking point. Wasting no more time on the bed to avoid an extra hours of unhealthy sleep, Seokjin decided to turn on some music to listen to his "boyfriend-less" morning. The memories of last night's argument only made him feel gloomy and less energetic all at once. Possibly loosing connection points eith the older he now sulks back into bed only to have Jisoo walk up the stairs from the kitchen and bring Seokjin to eat. A few knocks were heard and opened afterwards revealing a Jisoo wearing pajamas with a blue apron over the clothed body. "Are you coming to eat? What's wrong?? Are you sick?" Jisoo sat next to Seokjin and checked his head for any fever only to rralize the long face from the younger. "You can tell me what's wrong, ya know? What happened? Was it Taehyung--"

"Aish!! you ask too mamy questions! Stop asking and let me hug my brother!" Seokjin whined after cupping his ears from annoyance and hugged his sibling to relieve himself of any further annoyance. "Seokjin.. You want Hyung to give you hugs?" Seokjin nodded into the older's chest and gave a huff, prevent him and relax his system on the verge of spilling tears of how guilty he felt of kissing another man beside Taehyung. "Hyung.. I did something bad..as much as I want to.. I don't want to say it because you'll be really mad--"

"Yoongi told me. I know about it."

"He told yo--"

"Well I saw it all.. When you two thought I was asleep I was actually hearing your whispers and I saw the kiss as well. I talked to Yoongi after he had kicked you out. You be stealing everyone's heart Kim Seokjin." Seokjin felt flustered yet embarrassed from the fact his brother had to witness a man-- No, his best friend kissing his sibling. Surprisingly not shredding him into pieces yet! Seokjin assumed these two friendship could end because of losing trust in each other or action behind each other's back such as this. They must have a strong bond to over come it quickly..

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