Conbeke- Weakness

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Conor sat in the dark dreary cell in the oath bond ship. The waves rocked the boat from side to side making Conors stomach start to feel rather queasy.

The cell was cold and dark the only light was coming from the portholes cut in the side of the ship. Conor looked around at his friends, Rollan and Meilin were sitting with there backs pressed against each other in the far-side of the cell, Abeke sat across from Conor her legs crossed and her head bowed in defeat.

Conor would be kidding himself if he said Abeke wasn't special to him. Ever since Arctica when they went to get the crystal polar bear he has developed somewhat of a crush on her that has only grown during there many adventures.

Abeke raised her light brown eyes to meet his, she gave him a reassuring smile that seemed to chase away all his horrible thoughts about the cell. Conor smiled in return trying to keep his face as neutral as possible.

Abeke looked down the dark hallway and back at him. She scooted closer before whispering to him,

"Do you still have it?"

Conor nodded patting towards the small key in his back pocket. "course."

Abeke let out a sigh, "Good."

She leaned back against the cold wall her eyes a bit distant. Conor scooted closer and took her hand in his. He have it a reassuring squeeze,"Its not you fault Abeke you can't keep blaming your self for them taking storm-speaker." Conor knew she blamed her self for storm-speaker, but why was beyond him.

" It was my responsibility Conor, she gave it to me to protect and I failed." Conor knew by she, she meant the ghost queen at the hut back in Nilo.

Conor gave her hands another squeeze " We will get them back, all of them then we will be free to do whatever we want go wherever we want to go. I promise."

Abeke smiled one of her genuine Abeke smiles that sent Conors heart racing. She opened her mouth to say something else but was interrupted by the sound of a door slamming open and feet coming down the stairs.

Abeke and Conor both jumped to there feet. Behind him Conor heard the chains rattle as Rollan and Meilin rose to there feet as well.

Kana and 4 other oath bounds came stomping down the hall until they stopped right in front of there cell. She glared directly at Meilin.

"Where is it." The hissed her voice laced with venom and rage.

Meilins face seem totally unfazed by the older girls cruel voice." I don't know what you are talking about." Meilin answer plainly.

" Oh don't play dumb with me Meilin. I know Takoda told you were The Dragons Eye is. Now tell me where it is!" Kanas voice was cruel and sharp.

"Ill never tell you." Meilin hissed her voice equally as sharp if not more.

Kana looked very irritated, but her face quickly lit up with an idea, A cruel smile lit her narrow face. "You might not but think I might know someone who will." Her cruel gaze found Conor, " Conor, tell me where to find the dragons eye or else. Kana said it so casually it actually caught Conor by surprise.

Conor scoffed, " Or else what?

Kana nodded towards one of the other Oathbound. In an instance he flung open the door and grabbed Abeke. The large oathbound slammed her against the far wall and pressed a wicked looking knife to her throat.

Conors heart raced and his head began to spin, "Let her go!" He croaked

Kana only laughed. "While with your little group I not only picked up on your fighting skills but I took it upon myself to learn your weaknesses, and you Conor could not have made your feelings any more obvious. It was obvious from the start that she was your weakness."

Conor cursed himself. How could he let his feelings be so plain. He should have known better. Conor glanced over at Abeke expecting to see either surprise or disgust on her face but was surprised to see neither. Instead she looked at him with a look of relief, letting him know that the feeling was mutual. Conor felt a new wave of courage wash over him.

"Your going to have done better then that Kana. If you claim to have known us so well then I would've thought you would've known we would have a plan for this sort of situation." True he was bluffing but he was hoping that the others would catch on. He looked back at Rollan and Meilin. They looked at him the back at Kanas confused face. Rollan was the first to catch on, he gave kana one of this dazzling smiles, " Yeah Anka I thought you'd be smarter then that." he took a moment to let the words settle in before continuing. "And ill have you know you fell right into our plan."

Kana looked genuinely shocked. Rollan smirked and Meilin held her head a little higher, but Conors eyes never left Abeke, still pinned against her throat.

After a while of silence, Conor ripped his eyes off of Abeke. As he looked at Kana he so almost see the wheels turning in her head. After another few heart wrenching seconds a cruel smiled graced her lips once more

"Well I guess if you have a plan then you must have planned for this." Kana nodded towards the man holding Abeke.

With one swift movement the man sliced his wicked knife across Abekes chest.

"NOOOOO!!!" Conor screed his heart breaking as abeke let out a cry of pain.

Abeke dropped to the floor in a heap, a large puddle of blood started forming around her body. Conors despair quickly turned to rage as his heart broke. He ran forward and started punching at the bars that kept him from her.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, WHAT DID YOU DO,IM GOING TO KILL YOU HELP HER!!!" Conor creamed and punched at the bars with such rage Conor didn't know he had. He continued to punch until his fists bled. He felt rollin arms eventually pry him from the bars. Conor continued to kick and scream. What is he doing I need to get to her, i need to get to her, I need to get to her. Conor continued to think this as Rollan dragged him away from the bars and kana laughed cruelly and walked back up the stairs.

After the door shut Rollan released Conor. He shuffled towards where Abeke was lying. She was facing him , her hand was lying out towards him. He quickly grasped her hand and gave it a squeeze just like he did before when they were talking earlier.

Her eyes opened slightly and she gave him a small smile. Tears rolled down Conors cheek as she winced again before her eyes closed her chest moving weakly up and down.

Conor thought back to what Kana said about Abeke being his weakness And as he looked at her gentle face with her braids cascading around her face. Conor couldn't agree more.

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