Dasha: Ferris Wheel Part 1

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Tasha loved her small town, there was always something about Greenhaven Alabama that made  her feel safe. Whether it was the open fields that surrounded her small town or the ability to walk down the street and be greeted by everyone.

Tasha prized herself on being able to hold a conversation with anyone who passes her way.She never stuttered and never hesitated. She was never to nervous to approach someone, she wasn't what you would call the shy type.

And that was exactly why she was absolutely blown away when Dawson Trunswick rendered her speechless during the spring fair.
Tasha walked down the street with her two best friends on either side of her, Niri and Cordalles. On her right Niri had her long brown hair in two braids running down her back with a pretty ocean green sun dress on.
Niri walked with a slight limp because when she was born her legs were unformed  and the doctors barely managed to correct them enough so that she could walk but she still had a bad limp. Niri didn't mind though, she was the type of girl who just loved life and everything about it.
She was kind of weird like that but Tasha didn't mind, it made her even more interesting to be around.
On her left Cordalles had a sky blue sun dress with her usual black and white vans, her blonde hair in a messy bun atop her head.
Cordalles had very tan skin that didn't contrast very well with her blond hair and she constantly complains about it saying how it makes her look fake, but Niri and Tasha always say they think it makes her unique.

Tasha looked at her two friends as they bickered over who would win the most carnival games when they got to the fair and thought how lucky she was to have them. They caught her staring at them and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing it's just that I'm really excited that you guys are actually here this year to go to the fair with me."

"Hey it wasn't my fault I wasn't here, I had to go to Boston the see my grandparents." Niri exclaimed

"Yeah and it wasn't my fault that I pretended to be sick because I'm to lazy to do anything!" Cordalles said throwing her hands up in mock surrender.

The girls laughed at that and fell into a comfortable silence for a couple of strides.

"So did you guys hear that the Trunswick boys are coming back from boarding school this week." Niri said out of the blue watching with satisfaction at their stunned faces.

"What!" Tasha finally said, "But I thought there dad wasn't letting them come home till June, its April."
"He let them come home early, only for a little bit though then they have to go back. I think they are going to be at the fair actually."

Tasha and Cordalles looked at her with look of disbelief. Cordalles dared a glance in Tashas direction. It was a well known fact in Greenhaven that Tasha and the younger Trunswick son, Dawson were best friends in grade school before their father had them sent away to some fancy boarding school in New Hampshire.

Personally Tasha was a little hurt that Dawson hadn't tried to contact her to let her know he was visiting, they had always been very close. To be totally honest Tasha always had a sort of crush on Dawson so it hurt even more that he hadn't  made an effort to try and contact her.

Tasha tried not to think to much about that though, I mean she would be 17 in a couple weeks and they haven't talked since they were 14. Tasha felt a little more relieved at that, its not  her fault his father sent him and Devin away, its not her fault they grew apart thats just they way things are, right?

"Do you think we will see them." Niri asked curiously, she was looking straight at Tasha.
Tasha shrugged, "I don't know, I kind of hope we don't to be honest." When her friends just stared at her she decided to keep going. " I mean Devin has always been a sort of bully and I feel like it would just be super awkward if I saw Dawson again after so long."

Niri shrugged " Your probably right, but still we could at least say hi."

Tasha hesitated, "I mean..... I guess it would be kind rude to avoid him."
Coradalles playfully pushed her shoulder, "that's the spirit! Now let's go I'm craving Cotten candy."
When they reached the fair grounds Tasha was shocked by the amount of teenagers present. In all the times Tasha has attended the fair it had mostly been kids dragging their parents around, tonight was a whole other story. It was as if the entire high school had decided to all go on the same night at the same time. Tasha was even more shocked when she spotted the 4 most poplar kids at school, Conor, Abeke, Rollan, and Meilin lounging by a pile of hay bails. She didn't think this was their kind of scene.

Tasha knew them well enough to get a hi when they run into each other but not well enough to actually hang out with them. it was very rare to find them hanging out with anyone outside their friend group anyways . Conor was the captain of the football and soccer team so naturally all the girls had a crush on him (except for Tasha that is) but none of them dared make a move, it was common knowledge that he and Abeke were a thing even though they weren't officially together it was pretty obvious. Speaking of Abeke she was by far the coolest girl at school. She had that go with the flow kind of attitude that made her very unproblematic and easy to talk to. She was also crazy good at archery which always kinda scared Tasha. Meilin was the complete opposite of Abeke. She was a hothead and tended to get overly offended at little things which meant that everyone was always cautious around her, plus she was really scary. Lastly their was Rollan, Meilins boyfriend. He was the jokester, the prankster, and basically anything else that would get him in trouble. He was pretty funny at times but most of the time Tasha just thought he was immature. He practically lived in the principles office for his pranks. Granted he was sometimes accompanied by Abeke in his pranking endeavors he mostly flew solo.

Tasha tore her eyes away from the group when she felt Niri nudging her and pointing to someone standing by the ticket booth. Tasha couldn't see to well without her contacts, which she stupidly left at home. Tasha still couldn't make the person out but they seemed to be walking this way, Niri nudging increased its speed.

Tasha turned to swat her friends elbow away and when she turned back she was able to clearly see the boy walking towards her with a roll of tickets in his hand. She gasped.

He stopped right in front of her and held out 5 tickets, "Any chance you'd take a ride on the Ferris Wheel with me?"

Soooooooooooo, whatcha think? Ik it's been a while but I kind fell out of Spirit Animals but I'm going to try and make a comeback I promise. Also I'm not really sure what I'm doing with this story so I'm sorry but it might take me a while to come out with part 2.......sorry. Anyways hope u liked it :)

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