Chapter 4

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I ran back over to the lake and tried to get through the water barrier, but I couldn't. I punched the barrier but it wouldn't budge.
I took out mugen and sliced the dome. The water separated for a second, but it closed up to fast for me too see anything.
I beat on the barrier over and over again, but it still wouldn't let me in.
Why am I even doing this? I don't care about that damned beansprout. I stepped back and slid down the tree I got smashed into only minutes ago.
The blood was fading on the muddy and squishy ground. Beansprouts blood was completely washed away, as if nothing ever happened.
I sat against the tree staring at the lake for god knows how long.
The rain started to pour down even harder than before, but I refused to move.
Eventually I saw the beans body be pushed out of the dome and once again fall lifelessly to the ground.
I swiftly walked over to him and picked him up princess style.
I walked as fast as I could back to the hotel.
"Send Medical supplies up to our room immediately." I shouted at the man sitting behind the counter.
The man jumped up and immediately ran to get the supplies.
I opened the door to our room and gently put the bean down. By gently I mean I dropped him on the bed.
I tore off his exorcist coat and his shirt.
There was a deep wound in his stomach area. The blood wouldn't stop pouring out. I used his shirt to put pressure on the wound.
I looked over his body and remembered the stab wound in his throat.
The sword went through it completely but his innocence seems to be keeping him alive. For now.
Someone knocked at the door and I stomped over.
The man behind the desk handed me the supplies with shaking hands. I ripped them out of his hands and slammed the door behind me.
I needed to get his neck treated first, but his stomach wouldn't stop bleeding.
"Dammit beansprout you owe me later"
I straddled the bean and I moved my knee so it was putting pressure on the beans stomach wound while I went to work fixing his neck.
After hours of stitching and treating the stab wounds. I was finally able to sit down.
I got off the bean and sat down near the window. The sun was already rising.
"Kanda" I heard my name being called over from the bed. I looked over and the beans chest was slowly rising and falling.
"Che. Idiot" I relaxed my body and watched the bean sleep.
Not to long after I sat down the beans stomach made a loud noise.
"God dammit" I hissed. I went down to the tavern on the first floor of the hotel and got us both breakfast.
I was able to get my soba and I ordered the rest of the menu and told them to bring it up to our room.
Hours passed and the bean hasn't even stirred.
With nothing else to do I take out my golem and report to komui.
With only a few rings someone answers the phone.
"Hey Kanda, have you completed the mission?"Reever asks.
"There are some complications. Beansprout is hurt and the innocents won't let me back in the barrier to gather it." I said flatly.
I hear inhuman screeching coming from the other end.
"Allen is hurt!" Komui yells. I glance up at Allen and I see him stir.
"Quit bickering. The mission will be compete wothin the week. That's all"
"Kanda wai-" I hung up the phone and walked over to Allen. I watch him for a moment before I turn away. Hearing a noise from behind me makes me turn around again.
Beansprout is sitting up, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"G'morning Yuu" been says.
"What did you just call me bean?"


New chapter soon! Thanks for reading.

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