Chapter 24

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Within a few minutes everything was packed and Allen was dressed. At the moment they all sat in a semi circle around the fire. Lavi and Allen as far as could get.
This whole thing was taking a toll on Lavi. He's supposed to be an emotionless bookman, but he saw Allen as a little brother. The same person he thinks of as a brother is terrified if they even make eyes contact.
What did I do? Lavi kept asking himself. Sure, Allen said that in Roads world he called his little buddy a murderer, but just that couldn't be the reason Allen was so scared of him.
        Lavi knew his little buddy. He wracked his brain for the worst thing that he could do. It took him awhile, but when he figured it out his heart sank. He needed to fix this.
More time passed and everyone went to their designated sleeping spots. Allen and Lenalee in a room on their respective beds, Lavi on the couch, and Marie and Kanda on the floor.
Everyone's quite snores and slowed breathing echoed through the old house. Lavi, however, was awake listening to them. Right then Lavi made up his mind.
Lavi stood up and made his way into Allen's and Lenalees room. He opened the door as quietly as a could. Only a small creak came from the door.
       Lenalee and Allen were both fast asleep on their beds. Curled up in the blankets. Allen was rolled up into a ball and would grunt in pain every time he moved. Lenalee was sleeping peacefully. A small smile placed on her lips.
Lavi walked up to Allen's bed and placed one hand on his shoulder and the other hand over his mouth. If Lavi's hunch was right he'd need to hold onto Allen's mouth tight.
Lavi shook Allen lightly, calling out his name. He shifted a few times before sleepily opening his eyes. It took him a few seconds to process the situation. When he did he shot up and yelled. My hand, thankfully, muffled his scream.
"Shush it's okay little buddy. If it's alright with you I want to have a small chat" A wave of fear passed through Allen's eyes, but it left just as quickly as it came. His little buddy's body was shaking a bit. When Lavi realized this he released his hands. Lavi scratched the back of his neck as Allen slowly nodded.
Allen and Lavi both glanced at Lenalee. Allen sighed and stood up. Their conversation could wake her up. Heaven knows the poor girl needs her sleep.
Instead of passing Kanda and Marie (the light sleeping devil and the super hearing saint) they went out a back way only a few doors down from where they are.
A cold breeze hit Allen. He shivered as a chill ran down his spine. Something wasn't right. Then again nothing has been right since he woke up. With those thoughts in mind Allen followed Lavi into the woods for a late night talk.
A feeling of annoyance came over Kanda as he heard the door shut. He hasn't been able to fall asleep due to Lavi's constant sighing. He doubts Marie could either.
Kanda's eyes snapped open and he sighed to himself.
"Damn rabbit and sprout" Kanda grumbled to himself.
"I think you should let them go. They're probably talking about the problem now. Let's just let Lavi and Allen work this out" Marie spoke to Kanda is his big brotherly tone.
Kanda grunted. I guess I was right about him not falling asleep. Kanda thought to himself.
He crossed his arms and looked towards the back door.
"Something feels off. I'm going to follow them."
"Listening to others conversations is bad Kanda" Marie scolded.
"Fine I'll stay far enough away to not hear. Happy?" Kanda grumbled. Marie let out a small chuckle and waved Kanda off.
He grabbed Mugen and went out the front door. It didn't take long to spot Lavi and Allen. They were walking slowly towards the set of woods nearby. Allen seemed to be standing as far away from Lavi as he could be. He kept inching closer to Allen trying to close the distance, but Allen moved away again.
"Che. Just leave his alone stupid rabbit" Jealously rose in Kanda's chest, but Kanda being himself he pushed it down and ignored it.
      Kanda continued to follow the pair until they reached a small meadow and stopped. Lavi sat down and patted the ground next to him. The bean seemed hesitant at first, but complied.
     A  feeling a achievement overcame Kanda. The bean sat next to him no questions asked, and stayed there.
       The pair sat there for a little bit. They weren't talking at all.
       Allen was fidgeting. The silence between himself and the red head was unbearable.
     "L-Lavi. You said you needed to talk to me?" Allen asked is a quiet voice. Lavi sighed deeply and began talking.
     "You're my little buddy and it was terrible when you were gone. I did everything I could, but I was useless. When the Panda and I found a lead I felt relieved a bit." Lavi looked down at Allen. He was looking at the grass between his crossed legs, so Lavi looked back at the sky.
     "We ended up finding you, but we were to... to late." Lavi's voice sounded so sad it was almost painful to listen.
       "But still. We were able to get to you, but everything feels wrong. My little buddy is scared of me and is letting his arch enemy, Kanda, take care of him" Lavi sighed. He needed to talk carefully if he wanted answers.
      "You told me I called you a murderer" Out of the corner of his eye Lavi saw Allen flinch. He immediately felt bad for bringing it up.
     "You're just so scared of me. I know I did some terrible things when Road took control of your mind, but you need to tell me everything I did. I want to earn your trust back. Don't let Road destroy something we built together" Lavi pleaded.
      Allen didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Lavi, but what if the same thing happens? I can't trust myself, but Lavi sounds so desperate. It wasn't even his fault. It was Roads.
     Allen took a few deep breaths, and looked at the side of Lavi's face.
      "You would scream at me and hit me every time you saw me" Allen took a deep breath. He didn't want anyone to know. Should he tell Lavi? Would it help or hurt him?
      "You... you... raped me" Lavi gasped and whipped his head at Allen.
I know I'm evil. Next chapter coming out soon.

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