Chapter 25

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     "I what?" Lavi asked. His eyes wide and voice hoarse.
     "I had a theory similar to that, but I didn't want it to be true" Lavi's voice got quieter as he spoke. His head hung as low as it could go. It explains why his little buddy is so jumpy and scared around him.
     "Listen..." Lavi started.
     "I understand that terrible things happened when you were taken. You're body is just one example. I want to help you. I want you to trust me again" Lavi's voice sounded desperate.
     Allen slowly nodded, not sure how to react to Lavi's feelings. Everything used be to so easy. Now just breathing is hard. Allen feels like he's being held down is thick water.
Allen swallowed the feeling and scooter closer to Lavi. He needs to make sure Lavi is happy, even if he's uncomfortable. It's just what Allen does.
Lavi beamed when Allen scooted close to him. It seemed his words are already paying off.
Kanda, who was sitting in a tree listening to everything, was getting aggregated. His beansprout shouldn't be so close to Lavi. To add on to his even more foul mood in Roads dream Lavi raped him. Does that mean he treasures Lavi more than him?
Kanda's mind wandered to when they had to stay back on their last mission because Allen was hurt. He could feel Allen's gentle hands caressing his abdomen. The white haired boy treating him like he was some kind of priceless jewel.
"Tyki. He.... he raped you in real life to right? There were numerous signs of it on your body. I get it if you don't want any male to touch you. That is what's going on right?" Lavi's voice snapped Kanda out of his daydreaming.
      Kanda thought about Lavi's theory. Allen let Kanda touch him, but Kanda only grabbed his arm and put the bean on the bed. Now that he thinks about it Kanda never looked to see the beans reaction. He wondered if the bean was scared of him to.
      "Maybe" Allen let out a small fake laugh and went quiet again. The two sat there in silence thinking about the other persons words.
     "We should head back. You need your sleep if you want to heal" Lavi said cheerfully. He stood up and offered Allen his hand. Allen hesitantly took it and let Lavi help him stand up.
     Kanda and Lavi didn't know just how hard it was for the bean to stand up until then.
     Allen's legs were shaking and struggled to support his body. He hissed everything he moved. Allen would start to stand up then stop for a break every few seconds. It went on like that until Allen was completely on his feet.
      Lavi bent down telling Allen to climb on his back. Allen looked around and slowly climbed on. Lavi could feel Allen shaking the whole time, so as he walked Lavi was talking mindlessly. 
      Kanda trailed behind them making sure not to get caught. When they got back into the house Lavi went into Allen and Lenalee's room. Kanda took this chance to sneak in, and go back to his position.
      A few minutes later Lavi walked in and settled on the couch. He fell asleep almost instantly.
       Kanda was awake at sunrise, and went to train in the nearby woods.
       Marie and Lavi woke up soon after and started getting everything ready to leave.
       Lenalee woke up next and made breakfast while everyone else was busy.
      Allen was the last to wake. Sleepily  limping into the kitchen he went straight to the food and started inhaling his fill.
     At that moment Kanda burst through the door and sat down to eat as well. Lenalee giggled at Kanda's antics.
     Soon everything was ready to go and the group of five were on their way back to the order.
     Allen was nervous. He wasn't sure how to react or how other people will react to him being there. It's not my home anymore. Allen thought.
       They made it to the train station with only a few problems.
       Allen couldn't really walk. Riding on Lavi's and Kanda's back was a definite no, and Lenalee was to weak to carry Allen. Marie ended up having Allen on his back until they got to town.
        Allen grabbed a thick branch from the woods and used it was a cane while they made their way through the town.
     They group got some odd looks from the towns people, but that was to be expected.
      A tall man with long black hair who was scary just as much as he was beautiful, and a threatening sword at his hip. A girl walking next to them with odd shoes and ripped clothes. A boy with firey red hair and an eyepatch. Last but not least a tall blind man carrying a small white haired boy in his back.
    To say the least they were a mess. they didn't need to talk to the people so the four kept to themselves. They got on the train and all sat together.
      This time Allen was squished between Kanda and Lenalee while Marie sat across from Allen and Lavi as far as he could get. Through the whole ride there was at least one person with their eyes on Allen. They can't afford to lose him again.
     They road on the train for almost two days before they reached the stop nearest to the order. Not being able to use the arc was a pain.
       On the rain ride Kanda used Mugen to cut down and carve the beans walking stick. Instead of it being pointy and just a broken branch, it had a smooth curved handle and Japanese lettering curved into the many designs.
      This was so unlike Kanda. Everyone was so surprised they didn't even bother to ask the Japanese man.
      Kanda has his reason though. He saw the bean eyeing a cane in the window of the town they last visited. Kanda has no idea what compelled him to do this for the bean, but he continued. When he handed it back to Allen when they stepped out of the train the beans face lit up and he remembered why.
     Everything about he bean was fake and Kanda hated it. He fought with the bean to draw out his real emotions. It was the only time he let lose and stopped acting. Kanda enjoyed those flashes of real emotion even though he'd never admit it.
      The bean looked so broken. He was a ghost of his former glory. Kanda wanted to change that, so he did small things to see the beans different reaction. The glimmer in his eyes when Kanda handed the bean the cane was genuine, and Kanda quite enjoyed that look.
     Kanda's mind was deep in though as they walked in the direction of the Order. Lavi and Lenalee were happily chatting while Allen and Marie stayed quiet.
      We were just about to reach the headquarters when Allen stopped. His eyes went wide and he started running. The other four ran after him yelling. They had no idea what was going on until they reached the building.
     The Order was on fire. Hordes of akuma surrounded the building. Mostly level threes and fours. Everyone in the building was trying to stop the attack.
     The exorcists working to kill the akuma, but there were just to many. The finder tried to catch the akuma  in their barriers, but they eventually broke out. Everyone else was assisting the finders and running around, obeying the orders that were being given by Komui. Komui himself and the science division were using what they had to make gadgets that would help the situation.
      And then they saw it. Every single remaining Noah were watching the chaos and occasionally killing troublesome people if they felt like it.
      Allen was shaking. His whole body wracked with fear. In spite of that Allen launched himself into battle blocking an attack from a Noah that would've killed Komui.
     The other four rushed in after Allen destroying everything that stood in their way of killing he Noah.
      The Earl rushed at Allen with his sword. Allen was caught in a heated battle against the Earl and a few other Noah the decided to join.
     Lenalee and Marie were working with Miranda, Krory, Timothy, Bookman, and Chaoji to take out the akuma. Lavi and Kanda joined the generals in attacking the Noah who weren't focused on Allen.
       Everyone who wasn't a finder or Komui ran away to safety. Komui followed the group after everyone was  in a safe place.
      The finders we're being killed at an alarming rate. Soon it was only the exorcists, the Noah's, and the remaining akuma.
This chapter is done! The next one will be out soon! I hope you enjoy.

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