Chapter 19

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Allen's eyes slowly opened. He looked out only to see pitch black. He adjusted his body. Only now realizing how much pain he was in.
A small snicker alerted him that there was someone in the room. Allen however didn't move.
"Nice to see it worked so well" came a husky voice. Someone made their way towards Allen. His footsteps echoing in the silence.
Tyki picked up Allen's leg and rested it on his shoulder. He stroked Allen's manhood. Then he grabbed it in his hands.
No reaction. Tyki let out a loud laugh.
"Just how I like them. Defenseless" Tyki continued what he started two months ago.
Road came in next. No screams. No whimpers. It was kind of boring. Not her cup of blood.
"Road dear" the Earls voice rang clearly in her head.
"The exorcist are coming for young Allen Walker" Road wined.
"So, have all the fun you want because you're going to have to take a break for a bit" Road pouted.
She summoned an Akuma maid.
"Bring me the sharpest thorns you can get. I'll turn the orders angle into their beloved god" Road giggled. The maid came back seconds later with a cart full of brown thorns.
Road got to work weaving her candles and the thorns into pretty little bracelets and then finally a crown.
Road admired her handy work. She put Allen's new jewelry on. It looked good on him. She sang Allen's praise. Of course it didn't matter he is still in a trance-like state. No fun at all. For now.
Road looked at Allen again and decided something was missing. Road sat in the pitch black room thinking.
She watched as the blood ran down Allen's arms, legs and head. It was more like she could smell the blood than see it.
"I know" Road shouted in glee.
She took her favorite branding iron and wrote each exorcists name on Allen's already burnt chest. She crossed each name off as she went ending with Kanda Yuu.
Road jumped up and smiled after she finished her last little drawing. She ran out of the room calling out to anyone who would listen.
After gathering everyone she could Rod walked back to Allen's dungeon now followed by Tyki and Sheryl.
Road happily bounded in the room and showed her uncle and dad her art.
Sheryl praised her while Tyki gave her a mixed look. Now his fun was gone. Oh well, he supposed he could figure out after he kills the exorcist that are coming to save the boy.
Marie and Lavi headed off to one location as Kanda and Lenalee ran towards the other.
Both teams were going as fast as they could. Saving Allen the only thing on their minds.
Lavi and Marie panted as they landed in front of their designated building.
Tyki was smoking at the entrance. Yes! Lavi though. We found him. The two exorcists engaged Tyki in battle and the other two made it to the second location where they met Road.
Woooooooop! Two chapter in less than an hour. I'm out of the bath this time. I swear. I'm not in a towel... I guess that doesn't make it any better.

What do you guys think will happen next? Ooooooh it's gonna be good (I hope). Short chapter but I wanted to get this part out, and my last chapter was above 2,000 words. Please enjoy this chapter.

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