Chapter 18

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      Kanda and I pass the days shopping and what not. I found a really pretty field and I dragged him in the middle of it.
      All around us was row after row of   lilac flowers. I happily sit in the middle picking the flowers that look like they were about to die.
      "Oi. Why are you only picking the dead ones?" Kanda asks. My head snaps up and I look at him. My eyes then travel to my the flowers around me.
     "I think it's wrong to pick all the pretty ones. Deep in their roots they are all full of sun." I close my mouth and look straight at Kanda. He silently urged me to go on.
      "Besides it isn't fair to the flowers. The most beautiful people always die first. I've come to realize this no matter how much I hate it. Why should such a beautiful flower be torn from its home instead of the flowers that had already shone for others?" Kanda nodded along to my babble. He didn't seem to understand, yet he still listened to every word. I smiled a bit.
      "You know Kanda? I used to think of you as many different things. A doll, snow, but now I realize that you're actually a flower." Kanda looked slightly confused. I chuckled and decided to elaborate for him.
      "It's hard to see your Beaty in the distance but the closer you get the better you become. As long as someone doesn't come along and pick you, you will continue to grow. Like a lotus flower you too have the ability to rise from the mud and bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world" His eyes softened. A sudden pain shot through my head. Something inside me regrets what I just said, but I don't know why.
      "C'mon bean. We should head back. We need to leave early tomorrow." I looked out into the distance and saw orange, yellow, blue and purple combine into  a peaceful sunset. Through the trees I can see the last trace of the sun. I watch it as it dips into the horizon.
     I stand up and run to Kanda's side. He grabs my hand and I link mine with his.
     That night we fell asleep in each other's arms.
     "Me and Panda found something!" Lavi bursts through the doors of Komui's office where another secret meeting was being held. Komui, Jonney, Lenalee and Kanda's head shoots in the direction of the out of breath future Bookman.
      "We'll spit it out idiot rabbit! We don't have all day!" Kanda yelled. With Allen being gone his emotions have been crazy. Allen being gone stressed most of the order out, but you could tell it was taking a major toll on Kanda, even if he says otherwise.
      "While the old panda  and I were sorting out the records of where the exorcists have gone on their last missions I though of something" Lavi was speaking so fast he had to take a break. He almost forgot to breath.
     "I was going through all the records of when the Noah appeared and what direction they came from, among other things and I think I've pin pointed where he Noah might be."  Lavi stood at the door with a wide victorious grin on his face. Lenalee had tears streaming down her face. Komui was comforting her, but it was hard when tears were falling down his own face. Kanda has a small smirk on his face. Nice going rabbit. He thought.
     Lavi pulled out a map along with some of his notes. He kept glancing back at them while he circled an area in Germany.  
      "This most likely isn't their headquarters, but it's the only place they could've kept Allen. Now I've narrowed it down to two different building in this town" Lavi said making a small circle around the town and two even smaller circle where the buildings are.
      Komui quickly went through the files in his desk. Everyone lost sight of him until a small victory screech was heard and a head popped out of the papers. Komui fixed his gasses and opened the file.
     "I have a mission around that area in Germany. It was never confirmed because the finders kept dying. I'm sending you three along with Marie on this mission. I will quickly debrief you then you leave ASAP." Every exorcist in the room answered with a confident nod and exited with a determined look on their faces.
      "Yay! Allen-Chan is about to crack. Only a few more minutes" Road cheered happily.
     A scream rang out in the room. A never ending call for help. To put him out of his misery.
      "Ne, ne Tyki" the little girl says. Tyki, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, turned to Road with a questioning look.
      "Do you think the Earl will let us have some fun after this is over?" She asked innocently. Tyki smirked.
      "Well why don't you ask him?" Tyki answered. Road cheered and left the room.
      "Ready to have some more fun boy?" Tyki asked the unconscious boy, his look darkening. A scream was all he got in return.
      "Me to boy. Me to"
    "K-Kanda" I stuttered out. We had gotten off the train together and handed over the innocence.
     Instantly Kanda broke away yelling at poor Allen.
     "What the hell? What did you do to me you retched Noah?" He screaming. I stumbled back and reached out for Kanda's hand. He yanked his hand away and then proceeded to slap me a few times.
     I brought my hand up to my red cheeks. I looked at him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
     "W-what? Why? Kanda I don't understand?" I cried out desperately
      Kanda's yelling alerted the nearby CROW. Talismans surrounded me in no time flat. A strong electric shock struck my body and I fell over in pain.
      I yelled for Kanda as the CROW carried my body away.
    Now in my cell I decided to reflect. Suddenly something hits me.  Before there weren't any CROW, were there? No I don't think so. I tried to remember the last thing that happened before I woke up in the order, but I could come up with nothing.
     Hours passed before I heard the sound of a door unlock. I looked up to see Kanda with his usual scowl. I need to see if I'm right or if... no I don't want to think about it.
      I looked up at Kanda as he dropped my tray of food on the ground and kicked it under my cell door.
    "Kanda" I said. He continued to ignore me. I called out to him a few more time only be once again be ignored. Fine.
    "Alma" Kanda stopped in his tracks and snapped his head towards me.
   "I don't want his name to come out of your tainted mouth" he spat.
    "Are you still looking for him?" I asked.
    "Of course idiot" Kanda stomped out of the room and slammed the door. I thought so.
     "Road! It's not going to work!" I yelled. I yelled out her name until I couldn't speak.
       Kanda once again burst through the doors and walked into my cell. He angrily stomped up to me and grabbed my by my throat.
     "What's the matter Road? You mad your plan isn't working?" Kanda brought his sword up to my cursed eye and slashed it.  
      I screamed while Kanda stood above me. Lenalee came into the cell and started yelling at Kanda.
      "We need him alive" she yelled.
    While they fought a small puff of wind tickled my neck. I was frozen with fear.
      "Kill them. Kill them for what they did to you" a low voice cooed. The 14th. I shook my head furiously. I won't do it.
     "You have no choice" a sudden force knocked my body back. I tried to fight the 14th from breaking through. I let out a yell.
      I could faintly hear Kanda telling Lenalee to go get Komui. Footsteps disappeared through the halls.
     I felt my body being lifted. I slowly cracked one of my eyes open and saw Kanda's worried face looking down at me.
      "I'm sorry" he said.
      "I had to. I needed to protect you. It was the only way to get Lenalee to trust me" he explained. I hesitantly looked up at him. This is the Kanda I know.
      "He took you over in your sleep. He's going to try and kill everyone. I needed you to be separate from us. I knew you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself if the Noah killed everyone in the order" Kanda presses his jacket to my eye.
     "Dammit! I did it again" he screamed and smashed his fist into the ground.
     I lifted my hand up to his face and smiled.
     "I-I lo-" a scream cut off my words.
     "Come my boy. Let's destroy" I screamed at the noah inside me in protest, but I couldn't control my body anymore. I was chained to a chair.
      I struggled to get out of my binds until I was bleeding. I heard a scream and saw my grey hand inside of Lenalee's chest.
     My body laughed.
     "Stop" I muttered under my breath. My body continued on killing until only the exorcists were left. Komui was now dead on the ground next to Lenalee's body.
     "stop. Stop. Stop. STOP!" I screamed.
       My body kept killing. Marie, Krory, Lavi, the Timothy who Lavi failed to protect.
      One. By. One. They. All. Died. I killed them.
      The last was Kanda. I attacked and he blocked. He never attacked.
     "C'mon bean! Fight it "
     "I'm trying" I yelled several times. But just like the others Kanda ended up on the ground.
     I felt the Noah give me my body back. I fell to my knees next to Kanda.
     "No" my voice was raspy. I grabbed Kanda's head and laid it down on my thighs. A small hum of appreciation came from Kanda's mouth.
     "I never thought you betrayed us" Kanda's voice was quiet and weak. He coughed up blood before continuing.
     "I really do love you. It wasn't your fault. You didn't kill anyone." No. I never wanted to see Kanda like his. So broken.
      Tears fell rapidly down my face landing on Kanda's cheeks. More coughing.
     "Where are you?" Kanda reaches a hand up. I grabbed it and placed it on my wet cheek.
     "Stop crying b-beansp-prout. I can picture your pathetic face now. All red." Kanda scoffed. His eyes were a misty grey. Now glossed over. His strong cobalt orbs now faded.
     "No. Stop talking. I need you Kanda." I begged.
     "Since when do I take orders from you?" Kanda questioned.
       His hand almost slid off of my cheek but I caught it.  One of my tears fell into Kanda's eyes. I screwed  them tight.
     "Open your eyes" came a soft murmur. I slowly opened my eyes. A small gasp made its way through my lips.
      Lotus flowers were everywhere. Laying upon dead bodies. They didn't look so sad anymore. Flower petal rained from the sky. A small smile made its way to my lips.
      A shaky breath  came from under me. And my attention went completely back to Kanda. His face was pale.
      "I wanted you to see them. Do you?" he asked.
     "Yeah" I pushed out of my mouth using all of the voice I could muster.
      "Good" Kanda's hand fell front my face. His chest stopped moving. I ran my hands over his body.
       I finally fell back to my knees. He's gone.
     "A-Allen" I looked at Kanda with hope. When I realized it wasn't him my eyes traveled around the room I was in.
     "Allen" a voice said again. Lavi. I ran over to Lavi and pressed my hands to his wound.
      "Don't touch me" he hissed. He used all of his strength to move away from my touch.
      Lavi glared at me. He lifted his shaking hand out to my head. He ran his bloody hand down my face  leaving finger trails of blood.
      "You killed us. Never forget that. Yuu was dying and oblivious. Murder" Lavi spent his last words cursing me out.
       He then fell to the ground.
Well that was long. I may or may not have wrote  this whole thing in the bath. ( ゚д)
I hope this chapter made up for my last one being late.

Im trying to close this one for now. Im planning on starting a rouge x reader from fairy tail and a Kanda x reader.

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