Chapter 6: James

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"He was being really rude, Mrs.Palmirch. I was there, after all," Nikki said next to me.

We were in my main living room telling my Mom our story about the fight. And right now, she was eating every word of it, like she has done for the past 15 years about our lies. She believed it, but we don't- not a single syllable.

Nikki was sitting on the couch by my side, explaining. It pays to have a smart girlfriend. "Can you please explain the entire thing, Nikki and James?" Mom asked us. We looked at each other, her eyes saying that she'll explain.

"See, Mrs.Palmirch, what happened was Joseph Souchinell was taunting James for losing the competition to him. Then his friend, Mateusz Zilski, started doing the same thing. And Zachary Lorz stood up for James. All of a sudden, Joseph lurches forward and punches James in the eye. Of course, he had to use self defense and then Zach and Mateusz got tangled in their own fight. In the end, Daniel Baynbrig tried to break it up, only to no prevail," Nikki continued. "So you see now, Mrs.Palmirch, James was simply doing this out of self defense."

My Mom looked relieved and stood up. "Well, James, Nikki, thank you for explaining. You can go now." I smiled and thanked Mom as we headed to my driveway and got in the Cadillac. The engine jumped to life and we started becking out.

"We need to pick up the crew, you know," Nikki said. "I know. Sophie, Zach, Danielle, Lenny, Jordyn, and Cory. Right?" I replied. She smiled, which meant that I was completely correct. The 8 of us were going out tonight.


Cory jumped in the back. "So, we're watching 22 Jump Street," he said. Everyone was in the car and I pulled into AMC Theatres. "22 Jump Street," Danielle replied. Of course, we were all rich kids. But, I did not expect Zach to be wearing his Air Jordan's.

I poked him. "We're going to get mugged because you're wearing those," I whispered. "Whatever." The first thing we see when we all got out of the car was our mortal enemies. Britch Squad. Nikki gave them a dirty look and turned her head.

They were the first to speak.

"Oh my, look who's here. It's the rich little assholes," Jessica Davis said. "And lookie there Mateusz. There's your other 'bestie'. Seems like he joined his own kind. You've got a lot of nerve taking down one of your closest friends, Zachary."

She knew she was aggrivating us, and that's what pushed her on. Everyone else part of the Britch Squad stood behind, watching her talk. But, I knew that if we tried anything they would be right there, ready to fight. That's why none of us was doing anything.

Jessica smirked with delight. "Nikki Glass, James Palmirch, Lenny Kogem, Sophie Goldberg, Jordyn Grain, Danielle Valentine, Cory Wood, and then of course, Zach. This was the best you guys could do? You may have more money, but even compared to just Joey and Mateusz, well let's say half of their cells have more power than all of you do at your best. Hell, you guys couldn't beat us at our worst."

And then Nikki snapped.

She stepped forward and I saw Chloe's hand ball into a fist. "Listen here, you motherfucking son of a bitch. You better stop all that bullshit before I rip that pretty little black hair from your scalp. Oh, and you couldn't beat me if you were God."

This time, Jessica stepped forward to be closer to Nikki. "Please, like you'd get your little polished hands anywhere near my skin before freaking out." And then Chloe stepped up next to Jessica. "If you want to fight, go ahead, but we came out to have a good time and we're feeling really attacked right now. Have a great life, and go fuck yourselves why don't you," Chloe finished. They turned and walked off towwards the theatre.

I started laughing uncontrollably. "They couldn't beat my pet hamster," Lenny said.

We walked toward the thetre entrance. Nikki leaned on me with tears swarming her eyes. "Am I really like that?" she asked her voice breaking. "No, no, no. Don't you ever think that." I told her. She was hurt though. She's sensitive after all.

They hurt Nikki.

But, I don't like it if someone hurts the ones I love. Even though we both know none of that is true, Nikki isn't easy to take insults. She doesn't like to lose, to be humiliated, it breaks her down. And she's my best friend. But, I don't like it if someone hurts the ones I love.

Especially if it hurts Nikki.


I dropped Nikki off at her house. I drove home and went to my bedroom. Damn, those britches. My MacBook Air was propped up against my thighs as I laid down. I got on YouTube and turned on Cemetery Drive.

Singing songs that make you slit your wrists. It isn't that much fun, staring down a loaded gun. So I won't stop dying, won't stop lying. If you want I'll keep on crying. Did you get what you deserve? Is this what you always want me for?

I went to my bathroom and opened the cabinet which held my collection of blades. You might ask why. And you might say that I showed no signs of depression. But I don't like it, when someone hurts the ones I love.

Especially if it hurts Nikki.

Singing songs that make you slit your wrists.

I drove the blade into my skin and it cut, it cut deep. Not as deep as they hurt Nikki, not as deep as they hurt us. I hit my wrist again, and again, and again. Tears were rolling off my skin and I don't care.

So, who cares it it hurt? Who cares if this would kill me? As long as Nikki isn't hurt.

The blade hit my wrist a final time. I blacked out and collapsed.

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