Chapter 5: Mateusz

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I collected my things from my locker. How am I getting suspended? It's all Zach's fault! He's the one who slapped me, he's the one who attacked me, and he's the one who started the fight. This proves to show how fair life is.

My hand reaches for my backpack, but instead is met with air. I look up to find that Joey, who is standing beside me, has already gotten my backpack for me. "I'll wait for you in the lobby," he tells me. I smile in response.

"Uhm, Mateusz..." a familiar voice whispers behind me, Delaney Norstorm.

Just don't look at her. I turn my head back to the inside of my locker to gather some random things that I need. "Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" I snarl. She hits my right shoulder. I look at her with tears filling her eyes.

"LET IT GO ALREADY!" she screams at me and runs off. I slam the locker door shut. Damn it, Mateusz, you did it again. Honestly, this is really Daniel's fault. He got into the fight to break it up and instead got us all suspended.

Great. I walked to the lobby where Joey is waiting for me. The door swung open before I touched it and I was greeted with the bruised face of Zach. "You're a dick," he murmurs under his breath.

I walk in and look at the digital clock sitting on the table in front. 2:47 PM. It is thirteen minutes to school's end. Suddenly, the door bursts open to show Chloe and...Delaney. "Excuse me," Chloe says, "but these two have a note to leave at 2:50."

She hands the secretary the piece of paper in which she had Owen sign in case she ever had to get out of school. I peered at the paper slightly to see that everyone that was part of the britch squad, and going to be at Chipotle, had their names written on the paper.


I swung a seat in the back. "My god, Owen, you are the best brother ever," Chloe says. He smiles and says, "You're only realizing this now?" The britch squad members: Joey, Chloe, Daniel, Delaney, Myself, Jessica, Kristen, and Jason- are all jammed into this car.

Kristen is in the britch squad because, apparently, she punched Nikki after she found out what she said to Chloe that had led to the toilet papering. Jason is in because he and Owen are close friends and the one who helped get Nikki and James' addresses.

The music was at top volume in the car, blasting Metallica as requested by Daniel for being the 'hero'. Please, he's far from heroic. "CAN WE PLEASE CHANGE THIS TO COLDPLAY OR SOMETHING?!" Jessica shrieked over the music.

And, to our surprise, all the girls agreed. "THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO CHANGE IT YOURSELF!" Daniel screamed. So, Delaney had handed over a CD labeled, 'Our Music,' to Jessica who was now leaning towards the music player.

No sooner had she ejected the disc had the other music begin to fill the air. And guess what was blasting out? Yes, their music. The music the four of them bonded over, Panic! At

The Disco.

Around 20 minutes of being tortured by this music, and we finally arrived at Chipotle. "Thank god," Joey and Jason said in unison. "Hey, could've been worse. Could've been Bieber," I joked. He smiled.

We got to the front desk. "Table for 9, please," Owen said. The woman at the desk looked at us. I could tell what she was staring at: how young we looked. She was probably thinking, 'How are these freshman going to pay for their meal?'

Nonetheless, she got us a table and handed our menus and what not. "To Joey, Freshman King! And to Daniel, Freshman Hero" Chloe said while raising her glass. "To Joey and Daniel!" we all responded back. Except, I didn't say Daniel.

Then all of a sudden he stood up. He was nervous I could tell. "Guys, I need to tell you all something." Delaney looked at him with surprise. Wait, she doesn't know about this? "I'm moving to Florida," he blurted.

Eyes widened, and Delaney's was filled with tears. She started to sob, putting her head in her hands. "I'm sorry Delaney, but, I- I-" he choked. I knew what he was going to say. He finally took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you." My hand tightened around the glass I was holding. Don't kill him. Mateusz. The glass broke spilling glass, water, and my blood on the table. He looked at me and I death stared him.

So, my hand was oozing blood and I let the glass stay in there. The pain of my hand wasn't present in my mind. It was only the pain that he was moving. Because, we used to be best friends. In fact, it was Myself, Daniel, and Delaney which made up our triforce.

Then there is this really long story which I don't have the energy to talk about. But, let's just say I'm not really friends with them, like we used to be. Now, he's breaking Delaney's heart.

And I feel her same pain. But worse.

"You hurt her." I said. "You promised you wouldn't hurt her."


I don't remember the rest because I blacked out. I hadn't noticed, but there was just so much blood oozing from my hand, that I blacked out. Luckily, there was a hospital nearby so they drove me there, getting our chipotle to go.

And here I sat, on the bed inside a hospital room.

The only person here though was Joey. He was eating Chipotle and had another box of that in his lap. Probably mine. "Hey, Matt. How ya feeling?" he asked noticing I was awake. I smiled, "Good."

Soon, the doctor walked in. "Hello, Mateusz. My name is Doctor Castro," she had told me. Fear filled my mind. "Did you call my parents?" I asked quickly. She smiled and raised her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Normally, I would've automatically. But, I didn't by request. And still I would've request or not. However, you're friends with my daughter so I'll let it slide. Also it's free of charge." she said. I sat confused. Daughter? "My daughter is Jessica."

Like earlier today, Chloe, Delaney, and Jessica burst into the room. Jessica though just to get her mom. "MATEUSZ!" They both screamed and hugged me. "You lost a lot of blood, you know," they whispered.

Daniel walks into the room. I glare at him and Delaney & Chloe leave. "Mateusz, I'm sorry, really," he said. I gave him a smile. "We're still the triforce forever man." I replied. Daniel broke into tears.

He started towards me and embraced me. "Daniel," I continued while hugging him back, "I forgive you. You don't have a choice." By now tears were rolling down my face. "Mateusz, I'm sorry for everything," he sobbed back.

And I fell asleep.

I woke up to find Daniel sitting next to me in a chair. "Who gave me blood?" I asked. The reason I'm here is because I lost so much blood. That means someone must've given me blood. "I'm a B positive," I said.

Silence met me. After a while, Daniel finally said something. "I did," he whispered. I looked on in astonishment. "You know, Delaney, Jason, Myself, and you, have the same blood type. She almost gave blood but I convinced her not to.

"Then Jason said he would. But, I told him I would. After all you're my best friend." Is he kidding right now? "I thought Zach was your-" I started. "He is. But, I've known you since birth, Matt," he cut me off.

We sat in more silence. I looked to my other side to find my phone and my washed clothes. Right now, I was wearing a black shirt and some sweatpants provided by the hospital. I stared at the clock.

Five minutes passed until he said something again. "When I'm in Florida, promise me to take care of Delaney, okay?" he asked his voice breaking. "Yeah, I promise." He looked at me and smiled. "If you break this promise I'm going to kick your ass off."

And for once in a long, long time, we laughed together.

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