Chapter 7: Nikki

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"You're such a loser," the voice echoed around me. "Look at this bitch. She's such an asshole. What a slut and a whore."

Then Chloe appeared right in front of me. She pushed me to the ground and spit on my clothes. "Ha ha ha ha!! This skank won 2nd for hottest girl? My goddamn puppy could have beat her, and my puppy is a guy," she laughed out.

Loser. Bitch. Asshole. Slut. Whore. Skank.


"THAT'S BULLSHIT!" I woke up screaming. Oh it was just a nightmare- again. My phone read 23:54 (11:54 PM). I was about to go back to sleep when the home phone started to ring. "I'll get it!" I heard my little sister say.

Forty seconds later, she comes running upstairs with the phone in her hand. "Nikki... it's about James." With a confused look, I grabbed the phone wondering why he would call at Midnight. I held the phone to my ear and heard crying.

It was his Mom. "Nikki? Yes, hi. This is *sniffle* Mrs.Palmirch. Uhm, *sniffle* we found James on the- *loud sob* we- found- w-w-we f-" I cut her off there. "It's okay Mrs.Palmirch, I'll be right over." I think I heard her sniffle a 'Thank You.'

My heart was racing. Why was she crying? Where did they find James? Oh my god, if they found him on the side of the road or in a bar all drunk and intoxicated, I will slap him so hard until he realizes to not throw away his life.

"Cana!! Tell Mom that I'll be gone because James' family needs somthing!" I screamed to her. "Okay!" I heard her reply. I jumped into sweats and but my hair in a bun. The front door swung open and I slid on some uggs and grabbed a jacket, beanie, and scarf.

Quickly, I rode my bike all the way to James' house (13 blocks away). I finally got to their house and clicked their doorbell. A teary eyed, mascara cheek stained, stressed out Mrs.Palmirch came to the door and pulled me into a hug.

She didn't say anything, but she led me to the James' room. When I walked in I saw what I think is James' dad. (I never met him, because he has work from 6-11.) "Hi, are you Nikki?" he asked me. I nodded yes.

He pulled me into a hug, too. "I need you to be ready for what you are about to see," he whispered. "I'm ready," I replied. No I wasn't. How are you supposed to be ready for a situation you know nothing about? Nevertheless, I walked with him to James' bathroom.

And there, in the center, was James with a bloody wrist and tear stained cheeks- there was a blade in his hand.

This happened before a long time ago when we first met.


I was walking past the boys bathroom. Today was the first day of 3rd grade. I heard a loud 'thud' come from outside. Quickly, I ran into the bathroom. There was a boy lying down on the floor with a bloody wrist, tears on his cheeks, and a blade in his hand.

"Are you okay?!" I screamed. I ran to his aid. I ripped off a piece of his shirt and bandaged his wrist. After I dried his face, I took the blade and flushed it down the toilet. The noise of the flush must've woken him up because I heard a sniffle.

He stared at me and tried to stand up. "No stop, you lost blood," I said and walking to him. So then he say back down. "What's your name? I'm James." The boy told me. "I'm Nikki," I replied taking a seat next to him.

James smiled at me. "So James, what were you doing?" I asked. His smile grew bigger. "I was cutting myself. Because I hate myself. And I want to die. I have no friends. Everyone hates me," he replied. I sadly smiled. "I'm your friend now," I told him.

"Thanks, Nikki."


He never picked up a blade again. Has he been doing this secretly? I heard his computer playing Cemetery Drive...his favorite song. I remember the first time he discovered this song. About the beginning of 5th grade. "This song reminds me of a long time ago," he said at the end of 6th grade.

Oh my god! He's been cutting himself since the end of 6th! I cried out a loud sob. I tried to run to him but Mr.Palmirch held me back and tightened me into a hug. "James, no! How could you?! You said you stopped!!" I sobbed. "James, no..." I continued over and over again. I blacked out.

A/N: So you decide. Should we kill James, or nah?

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