Chapter thirteen 💞

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March 3 2018

I sat on the bench in the park alone.

I drove Jack away.

But I'm not going to admit it's my fault because it isn't!

He is so selfish!

I nodded and gave myself an encouraging thought.

I had left Burger King.

I almost wandered back to my apartment, but remembered that I had no where to live.

"Y/N..?" A tired voice croaked

I turned to see a hooded figure.

It was Jake.

Fear nibbled at me, but I tried myself to stay calm.

He slowly walked over to me and sat on the far edge of the bench.

I took a glance at him.

He was still as cute as ever.

I frowned.

His hand was bandaged.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked

"Fire" he murmured

"I'm sorry...." I apologized

Not for the burn, but for not telling him anything...

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to scare you that day. I didn't know what was wrong with me." He squeezed his eyes shut as if it was too painful to even remember the scene.

"Is there something paranormal going on with you?" I asked

I had seen it all.

I wouldn't be surprised if he said yes.

"Yes..! I feel like I'm going crazy. It feels like there is something that controls me when I don't have the will to do anything anymore"

My eyes saddened

"Y/N.... I'm sorry about burning your apartment. Would you like to live in my house?" He turned to look at me

I froze

His eyes widened as if he realized how creepy that sounded

"No! Not in a creepy way or something... I just didn't want you not having a place to sleep for the night! I won't hurt you I promise. Uh... actually that sounds even worse" he sighed, giving up on even trying anymore

I laughed

"How aren't you scared of me?" He asked

"I am.... It's just. I don't want to run away from you and leave you alone"I knew that I would never forget when he almost killed me several times.

I would always be scarred by that.

"I'm sorry. You know I'm not a monster.... please. Can we restart?... Uhm... as friends?" He gave a weak smile as he put out his un-injured hand.

I hesitantly accepted it.

"Okay" I smiled

Why did I feel like I shouldn't be doing this?

I felt like I was betraying Jack.

I shook the feeling off.

"If you don't feel comfortable with me I understand...-"

"No. I'll do it" I spoke up before he could say anything else

He seemed fairly surprised

"But I will be cuffing your arms and legs. Okay?" I meant it as a joke, but he just nodded

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