Part 3 in the misshapen Tree

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"Yes?!?" As I see their hands shaking at their sides now unclenched and fingers twisting in almost spasmic anger at the Beast, who is calmly tilting their head as if to express all their curiosity at the being before them.

"What do you need love?"


"Yes... how can I help you love?"

The hands slowly unknotting they actually take a long breath to give that genuine response and somewhat shaken voice. "I ... I ... don't know... that question... well...." Staring at the ground they raise their head back to the beast. And as the echo of 'Fight to protect it.' From Morpheus rolls in my head as I hear a slap of the sneaker hit the floor as they struggle to maintain their perceived anger. "I don't need your help!" Turning tightly and taking their seat once more, folding their arms across in a two-fold gesture of, 'I'm done talking and I need protection.'

With a deep sigh the Beast pulls on their hair as if a thought crossed their mind looking between me and the anarchist at the back of the room. "You two, will you come to the front of the room? There's something we need to demonstrate."

With a slow nod we get up and join them looking at the class. I turn and see faces ranging from confused twitching nervous gestures, curious bent forward hands on desks rapt on what's going to happen, next to eyes darting, looking for a nearby escape or weapon.

"Now..." The beast taking a step off the desk. The class hushing its murmurs and movements. The deer tails twitching as I see visibly the collective sit back in their chairs. Knowing that smile has reached my face again I give a faux sneeze to mask it and attempt to remain stoic for the herd that has now started staring at me as if I really am an alien. With that thought the smile returns, with a shrug I maintain their glances confident that now anyone can see me for who I am if they truly wish to as I'm no longer a false half alive being. Turning my head I notice the same smile on the Anarchist as my grin goes wider.

The Beasts, aware of the shock factor as it slowly dawns on them that the beings in front of them hold no fear at all of them, the confused twittering sets back in their eyes and the fear to follow of the unknown.

"As you can see for yourselves, we do not fear. You two may return to your seats." With a small giggle as the inside, now public joke, we return to our seats with a high five.

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