10 for the Devil's own Sell

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To which the Anarchist cleared their throat to pronounce, hands cupped to their mouth above the laughter. "I suppose we don't have to fear coming to school anymore ither!" Which basically flooded the beach city with laughter which we called our humorous existence in this classroom.

And as soon as the laughter hit its crescendo the door opened banging against the wall spring with an audible doi-oi-oi-ing .

Of all the moments of silences this one struck me the most quiet of all...Titan recognizing the anger once in Royal's eyes suddenly plastered across another face stood stoic that grin that I shared earlier in front of the classroom. The laughter still in his chest as giant struggled looking at them back recognizing another being as the Beasts did to all of us at the start of our First Day. The Newcomer puzzled and with a nervous tone obviously caught off guard. "What's so funny?"


The stifled chuckles of the class threatened to let loose another receding of ocean waters on the beach which was quickly quashed when the Beasts peeking there out from behind the computer at their desk quickly picked up on the situation. "Hello there, how can I help you love?" To which I saw Royal clench their seat and body to stop breathing their face going candy apple red attempting to hold back the laughter.

Our Newcomer didn't seem to notice however as the rest of the class had their eyes glued to Royal. A sense of deja-vu set over all of us and we started whispering "go ahead" to which Royal's stomping of their foot in the air attempting to not make noise as Beasts greeted the Newcomer with Royal shaking their head viciously biting there lip.

Turning my camera very slowly not wanting to miss Royal's breaking point I turn back to The Beasts and Newcomer.

"The noise from this classroom is very disturbing, we are attempting to get new students assimilated..." At this point I had to grasp my own chair at the Star Trek Borg reference. "... to their home room class. I'm always amazed at how you manage to keep your job!"

The Beasts looking them dead in the eye without blinking, I'm still amazed they did and said, "So am I." With a huff the Newcomer left.

As we all visibly relaxed struggling to breath and not break out of our skin with the hilarity of our situation then the Beasts gives that sigh again twirling there hair and I go very very still. And from my peripheral vision I notice from our other "awakened" souls do the same. Not out the intimidation factor but to receive the input we were literally on the edge of our seats for.

The other busted robots in the room are the first to notice as well and the silence washes over our existence once again.


"Now that roll call is out of the way, does anyone have questions about that story?" The Beasts' calm disposition, arms folded across the chest looking like the cat the got the cream... correction like the cheshire cat realizing the world is mad for the first time and gives its first smile.

The Mouse speaks, "ye. yea.. yes.. I do. When the seven year old mentioned Phoenician, wha a.. t is that?

With an affirmative nod the Beasts over the class once again as if to see if the question is lingering in our eyes as well. "In modern terms it was the melting pot America is today located in the middle east where all cultures visited and every language was spoken. Hence when she said 'I am not of your world of words and spell' she wasn't aware of her energy, the fiber of her being was well aware of this. Though perhaps not consciously."

The Mouse happened to be the one I was sharing our double takes seated next to me across the aisle. Giving me a semi-puzzled look before nodding to themselves as I let them sort it out in there own mind.

"Words have power." The Beasts proclaiming at the front of the classroom letting thought linger in the silence for a bit before continuing. "Every spell-ing, every utterance.. heh," giggling to themselves with a muttered breath, "Like were milking this reality."

Shaking their mane of hair to clear the derailment continues again, "Every spoken sentence." Stopping again I start to wonder how off this train is going off into Wonderland. Cracking their fingers and stretching their neck and finally the Beasts eyes focus straight ahead, a look like there focused on the track aiming for it far ahead of them.

"A book, a paragraph a sentence, a word. We give names to things, thoughts and ideas to convey some semblance to tie down this reality. An anchor if you will to a frequency so we can innerstand it." Nodding as they finally have full steam ahead I actually see them give a pull of the air horn of the locomotive as they pass the intersection.

"And that laughter from earlier is very well placed. To be named is to tie your own energy to that body on loan out of fear of being nothing.... which the mind cannot accept. The person has to be something. When you tell some "body" you are nothing they will be ready to fight" Looking to Royal with an affirmative nod before turning there gaze to the ground as if waiting for the next demon for the feared masses about to arise from the floor we all crane our necks to see what the Beasts is staring at. 

Consciousness School Day OneWhere stories live. Discover now