Chapter 18: ...And Here's the Shit...

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Saturday May 11, 2019 - Dover, Florida

Gigi POV

3:00 PM

My family has either flown in or taken the train into town to celebrate the twins' first birthday and we're all gathered for the party today in the newly fenced backyard with the girls crawling and walking around in the grass playing with my nieces and nephews. My mom and dad are staying at the house while my siblings and their spouses and kids stay in a hotel not far outside of Tampa. Right now, I've managed to round up the twins and I'm situating them in their highchairs while my god-father leads everyone in singing Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday to ya! Happy birthday to ya! Happy birthday to ya! Happy birthday!

We were all singing and clapping along as the girls laughed and squealed in excitement at the small cakes that I brought out to them and all the commotion around them. As we are all singing, a deep familiar and unexpected voice joins in from the back of the crowd.

"Haaa-ppyyyyy birrttthhh-daaayyyy! Happy birrtthhh-daayyyy! Happy birrtthhh-daayyyy!"

We all turn around and see that Joe has made his way out the back sliding doors and is marching up to join us. I cover my mouth in shock and the girls begin squealing louder than they have been. Most of my family have looks of bewilderment and confusion, but continue singing. He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and stays there until we've finished singing and rushes over to pick the girls up out of their highchairs to shower them in kisses.

"Happy birthday my little angels! Daddy missed you so much!" He exclaims loudly in excitement as they giggle and kiss his face and mess around with his hair.
"THAT'S THEIR DADDY?!" My sister Monica blurts out as she runs over to me.

"Giana! How could you NOT tell me that you had kids with Roman Reigns??!" She yells at me, her jaw basically dragging on the floor and I shrug as Joe walks over to me still holding the kids.

"I have my reasons."

He bends down and kisses my cheek before going back to place the girls in their chairs.

"Alright everyone, stop gawking and get your phones out; my babies are about to have their very first smash cakes! Gigi, you wanna get in here for the pictures?" He says pinching the girls' cheeks.

I quickly join Joe and the girls and pose for a few pictures before Talia begins to poke at her cake. Natia takes notice and decides to outdo her sister by pushing both of her hands into the cake as hard as she can and breaking out into laughter. Talia giggles a little before diving into her cake face first making Natia laugh louder and repeat her actions. Everyone is almost falling over in laughter and I manage to catch a few pictures with my Canon camera hung around my neck. After we calm down, Joe has volunteered to cut the big cake for everyone which granted him a chance to introduce himself to everyone personally.

"It's good to see you again, sexy-ass Samoan." Val says winking at him.
"You too, psycho-ass lesbian."

They laugh at each other, fist bump, and he hands her a piece of cake. Being the last person to walk up to the cake, I lean up against the table we set up in the middle of the backyard.

"Cake?" He asks with a warm smile.
"Not unless I'm eating it off of you."
"Oh, babygirl, behave yourself; we're at our children's birthday party." I toss my head back in laughter as he wags his finger at me.
"You've gotten real bold lately." He says cutting himself a piece.
"Meh, I've just gotten more comfortable with you." I say with a wink.
"I'm glad I could help bring you out of your shell." He winks back and I smile.

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