Chapter 22: Everyone's Got a Secret

483 27 33

Tuesday May 21, 2019 - Tampa, Florida


4:00 PM

It's kind of crazy that just twelve hours ago I was in Brooklyn making love to Giana's beautiful ass, literally; we did anal. I would've never taken her for someone who liked it, but she loves it. I've never done it before; my mind is blown and my dick kind of hurts, but I can't wait to do it again with her. Memories of her sexy chocolate brown body writhing under me and her husky voice calling my name flood my mind and I have to physically shake my head to bring myself back to the moment I'm currently in.

I'm standing at the front door of my house with the key in the lock. Surprisingly, Galina hasn't changed the locks but I know she'll be doing it soon, so I'm here to pack up most of my stuff to move out, even if it's just for a few days. The kids are at school and daycare and her car's not in the driveway, so I know that I'm here alone and I'm hoping she won't pop back up for a while.

I make my way up the stairs to the master bedroom and pull two suitcases out of the walk-in closet. I open them and begin to empty the closet of my clothes and shoes. I stumble upon a small cardboard box of old pictures and I begin to look through them, smiling and laughing at all the amazing memories Galina and I have created and shared throughout the years. I pick up the box and realize that it was sitting on top of a manila envelope on the floor. I put down the box and read the mailing address on the front and see that it's from her O.B.G.Y.N. I open it up and pull out a piece of paper that reads "Pregnancy Test Only" across the top.

"What the Hell?" I say as I read through it.

Galina POV

"Joe?" I call out loudly.

Getting home, I see my husband's shoes by the front door and his jacket hanging on the coat hook. I don't know what the Hell he wants, but I need him to be quick about it.

"I knew I should've changed the locks sooner." I mumble to myself.
"Joe!" I call out again as I climb the stairs and walk into the bedroom. Joe's sitting on the bed, silent, not answering me; he didn't even acknowledge me.
"Joseph, hello? I know you hear me calling you." I now notice that he's holding a piece of paper and I get nervous.
"Joseph...what is that?" I ask slowly.
"Who is he?"
"W-what're you talking about?"
"Who is the man you've been sleeping with?"
"Seriously Joe? You look at a pregnancy test and assume that it's someone else?"
"What am I supposed to think when you and I haven't had sex in months? You're a month pregnant and you didn't sleep with me when you and the kids came to see me for Wrestlemania last month; who he is."
"I don't wanna talk about this. You need to leave."

He gets up from the bed and walks over to stand in front of me.

"Galina, I'm tired of the secrets, I'm tired of the lies, I'm tired of fighting, I'm just tired; can we just sit down and talk about everything? Please?"

I remember a time when all Joe and I would do was talk and make love and go to the park with our daughter; after getting into WWE, he would barely leave the house when he came home just because he wanted to spend as much time with Jojo and I before he had to head out on the road again. He's always done all he could for us and he's been nothing short of an amazing father and husband, even despite our recent issues; we've always been his number one priorities. Am I pissed about his affair? Hell yeah, but if I'm being honest with myself, I probably drove him right into her arms. As I look at him, his naturally bagged eyes are red and puffy and he looks physically and mentally drained; my heart breaks as all my anger and spite disappear and I think about everything that's lead up to this moment and I know that, after today, our relationship as we know it will truly be over.

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