Chapter 10: Christmas Break Compromise

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Wednesday December 19, 2018 - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Gigi POV

6:00 PM

Ever since our talk after Clash of Champions, Joe and I haven't done a whole lot of talking except for when I called him to tell him I was checking into the room and when he comes over to help with the girls as usual. I like Joe, a lot, I really do and I want nothing more than for us to be a happy family with all of our kids, but that's wishful thinking and quite naïve. I don't want to think about it anymore, I don't want to think at all actually, so I'm sitting in the bathtub relaxing in a very bubbly bubble bath listening to "Different Skies" by Shoffy.

I'm lying in the warm water with all these bubbles covering me with my eyes closed and the curtain pulled when I hear the hotel room door open and I already know who it is. I continue relaxing until I hear the bathroom door open and close and I let out an exasperated sigh, refusing to open my eyes.

Maybe if I just ignore him he'll go away.

Then the curtain is pulled open and I feel something being waved in my face and I let out an annoyed growl.

"You're super worrisome, do you know that, Leati?" I finally say.
"Only if I have a very important reason to be. Open your eyes, please?" He begs in a whiny voice and I oblige, reluctantly opening my eyes to see him waving four pieces of paper in my face. I furrow my brows and look at him with a confused look.

"Joe, what're those?" I ask.
"Train tickets. Bought you, Val, and the girls tickets and reserved your seats." He says with a wide proud smile.
"Why Joe? And to where? I-I'm confused."

He pushes the curtain open more and sits on the side of the tub.

"Alright, so I'm just gonna come out and say it: I want you to come to Tampa."
"Oh, oh-hohoho okay, okay, whoa, hol' up. You want me to what?"
"I want you to come to Florida."

I blink my now wide eyes at him.

"Joseph, how in the Hell am I supposed to do that?"
"By train." He says waving the tickets in my face again.
"Dammit, Joe, I can't do that, I'm supposed to be going home to North Carolina for Christmas, you know, where I live?"
"I know, I know, but hear me out alright? This is the girl's first Christmas, right? I didn't know they existed until over a month ago and I've already missed so much of their lives, like, they're sitting up now and creeping and crawling and they're doing it so fast; I don't wanna miss their first Christmas, too."
"Okay, I get that, I really do, but my mother is a devout Christian and she wants her family together for Christmas."
"Val is a devout lesbian and she's still tryna get me in bed with her."
"Joe, sweetie, I'm pretty sure those aren't similar situations..."

"Alright, look, I'm sure your mother will understand if you tell her that you just wanted to spend the holidays in the warmth with your girls."
"Joe, that's really stupid."
"Alright, fine, then tell her that a friend invited you to spend Christmas there with them."
"Equally stupid." I say rolling my eyes and getting a little irritated.
"Fine, fine, but I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her that the children's father wants to see his kids for Christmas."
"Why can't their father come to me?"

He lets out a breath.

"Because he already has a family and he can't neglect them, right?" I say quietly. He holds his head down and runs his hands over his face and sighs.
"Gigi, please, I-I'm tryin', you know I am. I don't like how things have to be, I hate it too, but like you say 'it is what it is', but only for now. Please, just work with me."

He looks at me with pleading eyes and I look back at him, my vision really blurry without my glasses, but I can still see his face as long as he's close. I sigh and sink further into the water, blowing some of the bubbles.

"She's gonna be really sad that I won't be there this year."
"I'll send you home right after Christmas; I know you don't want them flying yet, so I'll book you some more train reservations so you don't miss New Years with her. Hell, I'll fly her out to you if you want, I'll do anything, just please let me be with my girls this year, even if it's for a couple of hours. I have a nice room booked and everything; Val will be there and you won't have much work to do, so you won't be all cooped up in the room like you usually are. I can even—"
"Alright, just breathe. I...." I take a breath before talking again.
"We'll go—"
"Yes!" He exclaims quietly.
"BUT I want my mom there, I need her there, okay?"
"Alright, okay, anything you need, you got it, I promise. Ima go book her a flight right now."
"She doesn't like flying."
"Then I'll book her a train ticket."
"Alright, DON'T make me regret this."
"I won't Gi, I promise."

He squeezes my hand resting on the side. As he gets up to leave, my phone begins to ring on the counter.

"Joey, tell me who that is."
"It's Renee."
"Answer it and put it on speaker for me, please."

He slides to accept and turns on the speaker function.

"Hello?" I say as he sits back down on the side of the tub with my phone in his hand.
"Gi, girl, what're you doing?" She asks loudly in my ear.
"Relaxing in the bath, at least I was until somebody decided to disturb me." I say rolling my eyes.
"Is Joe being a pain in the ass again?" She asks.
"Joe's always a pain in my ass, nothing new."

He sticks his tongue out at me and I shrug with a smug smirk.

"But I was actually referring to you." I say smugly, earning a gasp from my friend on the other end.
"Rude!" She says faking a hurt tone.
"Alright Ney, whatchu need?"
"You should come out with me and the girls tonight."
"Oh, uh, I don't know Ney—"
"C'mon, it's our last night in Minneapolis before the break, let's have some fun!"
"I mean, okay, but it's cold out and I don't drink anymore and—"
"Then we'll order you some orange juice or something, c'mon! You haven't really come out your shell since you got here, have some fun for once!"
"Uhhh, welllll..."

I look at Joe and he's nodding his head, encouraging me.

"Alright, I'll come out, but not for long, alright. What time we heading out?" I finally say.
"Eight. Dress warm but be cute; that shouldn't be a problem for you since you're always cute."
"You know it. Cute is my ushe. I'll see you soon."
"Yay!" She yells and hangs up. I shake my head as Joe puts my phone back on the counter.

"Lighten up, babygirl. You deserve a night of fun. Val and I are here; you can take Val with you if you want, I'll take care of the babies." He says turning back to me.
"You don't have to, Joe."
"Of course I do, those are my kids. Besides, I've been itching to have some daddy-daughters time with them."
"If you insist. Now, close my curtain so I can finish up, please."

He pulls the curtains but bends down to kiss my temple first.

"Thank you." He smiles at me and closes the curtain.

Fuck, there goes my heart rate.

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