Chapter 12

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Cammie POV

I wasn't expecting to see her so soon. Kara. Why was she even here? I quickly stepped back and held Shannon's hand.
"Hey you!" Kara said
"Hey Kara" I replied
"Do I not get a hug?" Kara smirked
I leaned it to hug her barely going in to the embrace.
"Hi Shannon" She said
"Hey, what's up?" Shannon said
"Fancy seeing you guys here, how long are you staying in London Town?" Kara asked
"Not long - just a few days" I explained. I didn't know why I was suddenly nervous. I didn't want to be in this situation. I had decided I was going to see her but I hadn't mentally prepared for it. And now here she was standing in front of me and Shannon in the middle of a bar.
"Well isn't this awkward?" Rose said as she reached us. Boy did she know how to make us even more uncomfortable.
"Kara! How have you been?" Rosie asked as she leaned in to hug her.
"I've been better - you know with the whole breakup thing" Kara replied. Ouch. I felt Shannon tense next to me and squeeze my hand. I looked at her and gave her a reassuring look.
"Well we should get going - we are so tired and have an early day tomorrow!" I said enthusiastically.
"Leaving already? It's only 11? We used to stay out until like 1am at least?" Kara questioned
"Like I said we have an early morning" I explained
"Well it was nice seeing you Kara - we better head off too" Rose said giving me a supportive look.
We all hugged goodbye even Shannon but as I leaned it Kara whispered "We need to talk" in to my ear. I nodded and said "I'll text you"
She was right we did need to talk.

Shannon POV

So imagine the most awkward situation you can be in and then double it. That was still nothing to what we had experienced in that bar. It was too soon to have seen Kara - I felt bad for her. Cammie hadn't told me how they broke up or what had happened, it wasn't something we wanted to discuss as of yet due to it being so recent. We had just come out of long term relationships, we were still processing. We were mature enough to know it takes time and that when we were ready we would talk about it. So me seeing Kara was not on my list of plans for the immediate future.

The way back to the hotel was pretty much us sitting in silent. I was the jealous type, Cammie knew that it partly played on why we had broken up in the first place. I was very insecure back then and Cammie was my first girlfriend after fully coming out so it was hard for me. I had changed, and I was trying with this whole Kara situation, obviously I didn't want Cammie to go see her but what I could I do?

"Babe, I'm sorry I didn't know she'd be there please don't be upset" Cammie said. It took me by surprise cause I wasn't actually upset, I was just processing.
"Babe, no, I'm not upset! Sorry I've been quiet. It was just a shock!" I said leaning in to kiss her forehead.
"You sure?" She asked.
"Of course babe. Come here" I said as I pulled her towards me and leaned my head on hers. Her smell was intoxicating, I had missed it so much. I always loved how one smell could just take you back to so many memories and make you feel at home.

That night she laid in my arms, we didn't have sex or anything we just lay there in each others arms. It felt more intimate than having sex and I loved it.
I never imagined we would be back together.

The next day we woke up nice and early I had a photo shoot to go to and Cammie was coming with me. She had told me that after lunch she would head to Karas. I could tell she was nervous which put me on edge but I trusted her, I had to trust her.

Cammie POV

Shannon had two photo shoots to do, I was going with her to the first one but then heading to Karas place.
She had texted me in the morning and asked if I could pop by later. She lived just outside London near Heathrow Airport. I made my way and took the tube, I knew my way around pretty well. When I left, Shannon had kissed me passionately and told me she was happy we were back together and that she loved me. I believed her but I also knew she saying it so I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

I rang the bell to the apartment.
"Hello?" Kara answered
"It's me" I replied
"Oh Cam, yeah come on up" she said and buzzed me in
I walked up to her apartment and suddenly got so nervous. I didn't know what to expect.
She opened the door before I knocked.
"Hey Cam!" She said smile beaming across her face.
"Kara" I smiled as she leaned in to hug me. She squeezed me hard and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It made me uncomfortable, I did miss Kara in a way but she had cheated on me and that I couldn't forget.

"I just came to get a few of my things and to apologise" I explained.
"Apologise? It's i who needs to apologise. Cam I'm truly sorry for hurting you and fucking this up for us. I want to give us another go. I know you're with Shannon but don't you remember everything you told me about why that ended? Why would that change now?" She said as she moved closer to me.
"I want to apologise if me moving on so fast hurt you. Things have changed, we've both changed and any problems is between us two" I explained
"So you don't want us to work out?" She said reaching out to grab my hand
"I will miss you and hopefully one day we can be friends but I can't be with you again. I don't trust you Kara" I said moving back, she grabbed my hand and pulled me close to her, our faces were really close I could feel her breathe on me.
She leaned in and kissed me, I didn't stop her, I knew I should of and I wanted to but it just bought me back to everything we had gone through. She tried to deepen the kiss and that's when I stepped back.
"Kara no - I can't" I said and well away.
"I know - I just had to do that one last time, I'm sorry Cam. I really am, I fucked this up" she said with her eyes glistening, "I miss you" She said as the tears came rolling down her face.
I leaned in to hug her and we sat down on the couch. We stayed there a while until she felt better and I got up and grabbed my things. I hugged her goodbye and left.
I didn't call Shannon straight away nor did I head to the tube station instead I went to the park and sat on a bench and started crying. I couldn't stop crying. Everything had happened so fast, leaving Kara, being with Shannon again, going around Europe with Shannon - it was a lot. I loved Shannon I knew that and I wanted to be with her I knew that too but I also knew I needed some alone time to process. We both rushed in to this, a couple weeks isn't enough time.

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