Chapter 17

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Shannon POV

Cammie had been in London for two days, we texted a lot but mostly face timed when she could. The time change was a bit hard for us to be up and not busy at the same time. It was Monday and Ally had asked if I wanted to grab a drink with her and Amy. I decided I'd go for a bit, it would be a good distraction cause staying home led me to overthink the whole Cammie in London situation.

"Hey Shan! You came!" Ally said as she got up to hug me.
"Yeah, thought I'd get out the house for a bit" I explained heading to Amy to hug her.
"Hey Shan, how are you? How's Cammie?" She asked me
"Yeah she's okay, the funeral was today so it was a bit intense" I told her.
"It sucks, Kara was nice and I can't imagine what she's going through" Amy said taking a sip of her drink
"Yeah I know, she's in bits according to Cammie" I said
"How are you though? It must be hard" Ally chimed in
"Yeah its a tad hard but have to be supportive, of I were in her shoes, I would want her to be understanding too" I smiled
They both nodded and took a sip of their drinks.
"Have you seen Cari lately?" Amy asked
"Not recently no? A couple months back I think? Why?" I asked her
"I heard she's got a new girlfriend, thought you knew?" Amy explained
"Oh" I said feeling my face drop. I didn't know why that affected me as much - she had every right to move in but it just made me feel weird.
"That's good for her, I'm glad she's moved on" I said trying to disguise my actual feelings.
"Do you guys want anything? I'm heading to the bar" Amy asked.
"I'll have a beer please?" I said.
"Sure thing. Ally?" She asked
"No, I'm okay for now thanks" Ally replied
Ally turned around and faced me, her facial expression was serious
"I heard Cammie and Amy talking on the phone yesterday. Amy was sort of whispering and I didn't really want to pry but what I heard was that Kara had tried to make a move on Cammie again" Ally said
I felt my body go numb when she said that, why hadn't Cammie mentioned anything? What had happened?
"Are you sure?" I asked her
"Yeah - that's what I heard, I thought you should know. Secret keeping is the worst in a relationship." She said taking a sip of her beer
I just smiled, I didn't know what to say or do really. I knew I couldn't trust Kara to not make a move or anything. So many things were going around in my head. The rest of the night was a blur, I had 4 beers in the space of 30 minutes. I was drunk by the end of it, and had to leave. I wasn't in the right frame of mind and I didn't want to do anything stupid.

The next day I didn't wake up until late, it was around midday when I finally forced myself up. My head was hurting and I didn't want to do anything.  I checked my phone but it was off, it probably had died and I hadn't charged it. I put it on to charge and headed to the bathroom.

After about a minute, my phone started to ring, I went to go pick it up but I missed the call. It was Cammie, she had called me 15 times and there were at least 10 messages from her.
Fuck. I was worried something had happened, I called her back. No answer. I called her again. Nothing. After the third time she finally picked up.
"Hey babe, are you okay? Sorry for missing your calls?" I said
"Where have you been? Why were my calls not going through?" She exclaimed
"Babe im sorry, my phone died and I forgot to put it on charge" I said
"I thought something had happened to you or that you were upset?" She explained
"Oh, no I went out last night, I told you remember? And got home pretty late and just passed out" I told her
"That's why I was worried, but everything is okay?" She asked
"Yeah I guess, I miss you that's all" I smiled
"I'll be there tomorrow babe! My flight gets in at 3pm" She said excitingly
We spoke for a bit more and then she said she was going to bed so we hang up.
I lay in bed for a bit, why hadn't Cammie said anything to me about Kara?

The next day rolled by and I headed to the airport to pick Cammie up. I pulled up just as she came out. She looked so happy to see me and when she saw me, she jumped on me and kissed. Made me giggle.
"Babe I've missed you!" She exclaimed. "I have so much to tell you!" She said as I put her down.
"I've missed you too!" I said.
I drove to her apartment and helped her with her luggage.
"Shan sit down for a bit - I have to tell you something" she said as we got in to her apartment.
"What's up?" I said nervously sitting down on the couch
"Kara tried to kiss me again. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset or anything whilst I was still there. I didn't kiss her, I stepped away and kept my distance for the rest of the trip" she explained. I was so relived she had told me, I was right to trust her and I was right to give this another shot.
"I love you Cam!" I said a bit too excited.
"Thank you for telling me!" I said and leaned in to kiss her
She started to laugh a bit taken aback that this was how I was reacting.
"I love you too Shan!" She said.

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