Chapter 15

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Cammie POV

Kari Fletcher was standing outside my apartment. What was happening?
"Can I come in?" she asked. I was surprised, what was she doing here? I couldn't even say any words, I just nodded.
"Who is it Cam?" Joanna asked
I had forgotten she was even here, why did this throw me off so bad?
"You have company, I'll go" Kari said
"No, its fine, she was just leaving" I said loud enough so that Joanna could hear.
"Hey Kari, haven't seen you in a while" Joanna smiled and hugged Kari.
"Joanna, fancy seeing you here!" Kari exclaimed.
"Yeah, we should totally catch up! But I was actually about to head home so I'll see you around" Joanna explained. Thank god she got the message!
"I'll see you some other time" I said to Joanna nervously.
"Perfect" she smiled and hugged me.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I politely asked Kari as I headed towards the kitchen.
"Water would be nice thanks" she smiled.
I went in to my cupboard and pulled out a bottle of water and headed back to give to her. I sat down and suddenly felt really nervous.
"So what brings you around here?" I asked not quite knowing what to say
"I want to talk about Shannon" she explained
"I gathered that, whats wrong?" I said
"We may not be together but I wanted to make sure you're not messing around with her. I know how she feels about you but I'm not sure you feel the same way" She said matter of factly.
What was it to her? I didn't have to explain myself to her. If there was anyone I had to have this conversation with, it would be Shannon.
"Look, whatever is happening between Shannon and I, is our business, I'm not going to discuss it with you. Its nice you still care about her but it's our relationship" I said.
"I understand - I know I shouldn't of come" she said as she stood up to leave
"Look I know you're hurting and I know you still care about her so it's honestly fine - I get it" I explained
"You don't have to leave - but I understand if you want to" I told her
"I better get going" She said and walked towards the door. I followed her so I could close the door behind her.
As she opened the door, my heart dropped, Shannon was outside about to knock. As Shannon saw me she smiled but as her eyes moved and saw Kari, her face dropped.

Shannon POV

Why was Kari at Cammies apartment? I had woken up to an empty bed with a note on the pillow from Cammie saying she had gone home to freshen up. I decided to pop by and surprise her, I hadn't seen her in a while so I knew it would be nice to just spend some time together.
On my way there I decided to get Cammie her favourite Starbucks drink and some flowers. I wanted to make it special for her. I stopped outside her door for a bit just to get ready and I was about to knock when the door opened. That's when I saw Kari. Kari? This was the last place I thought I'd see her.

"Kari?" I said. She started to cry. I felt so bad and I sort of wanted to hug her but at the same time I knew I shouldn't.
I looked at Cammie, I couldn't quite read her face, then I remembered I had the flowers and drinks in my hand.
"I just came to talk to Cammie about something" Kari said after calming down
"I should get going though" she continued
"Give me a second okay? I'll walk you down" I told her
I walked through in to Cammies apartment, Cammie followed me in to her bedroom.
"Babe I bought you a drink and some flowers - I wanted to surprise you!" I said
"I guess I'm the one who surprised you!" She laughed
"I'm just going to walk her to her car and I'll come back - is that okay?" I asked Cammie
"Yeah babe, you don't have to ask for my permission! I'll be waiting don't take too long" she said as she moved in to kiss me.

We got to Karis car, we hadn't said anything on the way it was pretty awkward.
"I'm sorry Kari, I'm sorry if I hurt you - I never wanted to" I told her
"It's okay - we weren't meant to be" She said, I could tell she wanted to cry again.
"I just want you to know that I did love you and nothing of what happened between us was a lie. You were an important part of me" I said
"It's hard not to doubt" she said leaning against the car door
"I know and I'm sorry but I did love you, I still do, you'll always hold a special part in my life" I told her
And then she kissed me, it came out of no where but as soon as our lips met, I stepped back. I didn't kiss her back and she was shocked by it.
"Shannon I'm sorry" she said and got in to her car.
I didn't know what to say, I just stood there in shock. So many things were going around in my head. She had kissed me and I had managed to move away, the same had happened with Cammie but she had kissed her back? I had hurt Kari and I hated that I had done that. I got in to my car and just sat there for a bit. I was feeling overwhelmed, I didn't know what to do or say. No wonder Cammie felt like shit after seeing Kara.

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