If I let my mind wander
Maybe everything will be okay
Maybe I should just let it all out
Not plan ahead
Let myself feel pain
But why does everyone act
Like they have a bad life when they don't
Everyone is so negative
They don't see the good that they have in front
Of them
If I let my mind wander
Maybe I'll be alright
Maybe I will feel pain
Not so numb after all
After all that I've seen you think I'd be
Okay with everything.
Maybe I'm supposed to be dead
But for whatever reason
Someone wants me alive
I'm alright
Not sad
Not depressed
Not anxious
Not numb
Just letting my mind wander
And maybe everything will be okay.
Dear Sadness, [✔️]
PoetrySometimes I just need to feel numb again. *contains suicidal references * -all poems are written by me (changed my username to @theheroindevil it was @spacedoutaj before) New book out called Lavender check it out