The King's Apology

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    ♚Chapter 31♔     

The tension between us has grown stronger that seconds felt like it's been hours.

"What makes me think this way?" His tone has suddenly become monotonous.

I thought I was safe.

"You have been away from me for so long Ji-Ahn, who knows who you've been with and what you were doing!" I winced at the sudden rise of his voice.

Is he accusing me?

Does this guy thinks he's doing any better than me?!

My mind jumped over the memory with him hiding Yona instead of me. He protected her and I was left to take care of my own alibi for why the fuck I, a fugitive, was there dilly-dallying with a silly king in broad daylight.

I felt the urge to slap him straight on his pretty face. I was holding back this much and yet I still can't help but feel my sense of reasoning disappear. If I can't hit him, I can at least still fight back with my mouth.

"What about you? Aren't you the first to break the promise?" I asked, too calmly to my surprise.

"What are you talking about?" he was perplexed.

It confused me as well, but more than confusion, I was more upset.

"Our last meeting... you protected Yona." My voice cracked and I internally cursed. I don't want to cry in front of him. "Do you not care if the soldiers see me and take me away as long as your Princess Yona is safe?" It sounded more like a complain than a question.

Soo-won was stunned in his place. His eyes scanned my face for a while before directly looking at mine. I nearly gasped at the look he gave me. He was bewildered.

"Ji-Ahn... are you still thinking that I love Princess Yona?"

My body unintentionally tensed.


Isn't it the truth?

However, instead of voicing out my thoughts, I stayed silent and turned away.

He sighed my name. "I made a promise with you. How can I break it?"

I see.

Why didn't he explain his self? Why did he need to bring up our promise instead of giving me a proper answer?

There's no love involved in this relationship. All this time, it's only because he is honoring his promise. My heart fell.

Every minute I spend with this guy, I only grew impatient and disappointed with myself.

"This is getting us nowhere Soo-won. We both know those aren't the answer I'm looking for."

"Then what do you want to hear?"

"That you love me."

My bluntness made him astounded and speechless. He looked like he was about to say something but closed his mouth and sighed.

His silence was enough to make me overturn with anger.

"If you're gonna be like this then I get it! Get off of me!" I pushed him on the chest. "You are the worst! I would be better off with him than stupidly win over a guy whose heart already belongs to a woman she's supposed to kill!"

We both gasped.

It's as if the masks we've been ineptly trying to cover ourselves finally unraveled.

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