The Wolf Escaped

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Chapter 16

"I don't need a little sister staining my name on court."


He sighed.

"I'm telling you to escape now."


Say WHAT!?

We were on our way to the castle with me sandwiched in between Kye-sook and Joo-doh.

I was only able to whisper with Joo-doh when Kye-sook isn't looking or when a soldier asks something from him.

He's obviously growing annoyed by this, which I know is Joo-doh's sneaky little plan so that he can talk to me.

And now I'm not really sure but he just told me to escape.

I mean I'll be glad to but is he serious?

"Hurry now or you won't have a chance later."

"I want to but how?"

"Stirr up some trouble. That's the only thing you're good at afterall."

I glared at him.

Honestly, just because I can't scream in his ear doesn't mean I'll let him off.

With a whistle, everyone's attention turned to me.

But that's not exactly what I am aiming for.

Yue who has been disguising himself as one of the soldier's battle horse, made a defeaning screech causing his rider to fall over.

He then dashed straightly at us.

"Someone stop that horse!" Kye-sook ordered and everyone fell into a heated discussion.

Why of course.

They're too scared.

My horse is not to be underestimated.

Yue is the most biggest and strongest horse in the kingdom. He is known for his recklessness and even sent 3 soldiers to the infirmary.

I'm the only one who could tame him.

"Thanks brother." I sneaked a wink at him.

"Don't thank me yet."

"Tell Soo-won, I love him."

He sneered.

"I'm not your messenger. Stay alive and tell him that yourself."


Kye-sook, alarmed at my horse raging speed towards us, was about to grab me by the arm to transfer me to his horse but I was quick enough to flip over and gracefully land on to Yue's back.

"Ji-Ahn! Stop it right there!" Kye-sook yelled at me, holding out his hand.

"No can do brother. Send my love-filled regards to Soo-won." I threw him a kiss and a wink.

"Don't let her get away!" Joo-doh also ordered.

Oh yeah,I almost forgot. He needs to act too or he'll be suspicious.

Too late though.

Yue was already trampling those who stood in his way.

"I'll see you when I see you!"

And with that, I escaped.


Now back to reality.

I'm somewhere in the middle of forest with the probability that a soldier might pop out behind one of the trees and seize me.

Haha. Yeah right.

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