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"Look out Soo-won!" I tried to warn him but it was too late. He already fall over the waiting puddle.

I heavily sighed and came to his aid only to be pulled along by the arm and land dramatically on top of him.

If it weren't for the dirt and his annoying smile, this would've become a romantic set up, despite our ages.

"You liwle brat! What have you done? Now I'm all mwuddy! Annoying Soo-won." I whined and dust myself off when I got up.

"It's 'little' not liwle, Ji-chan." He corrected and gave me his usual refreshed smile that only made me more annoyed.

"Im gonna hit you.." Flustered, I glared at him.

I can't help it, I'm just 5 years old and I like to put style in my words.

"Lady Ji-Ahn, and Lord Soo-won too! What happend? We should get you two cleaned up before someone sees you both like that." A servant hurriedly led us to the bath.


"Im sorry Ji-chan, you got dirty because of me." Soo-won began.

I puffed my cheeks and looked to the other side, causing small amount of bubbles to fly away from my hair.

"I promise I won't ever do that again. So please look over here." He begged but I ignored him, and splashed water on myself.

"Ji-chan..." By this time, I know he's already starting to tear up.

"Geez, you're such a girl. Fine, I forgive you." To prove it, I leaned over and peck him on the lips.

It's called the Deal Kiss.


I rolled my eyes. He finally smiled.

For all I know, he just wanted a kiss.


"Lord Soo-won Im sorry but, y-you can't enter Lady Ji-Ahn's room. She's sleeping right now so please -AH!"

"It's fine, it's fine~"

"Lord Soo-won!"

I woke up with the loud voices outside my room, no-, they're already inside.

Lazily, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Ji-chan! You're sleepy face is so cute!" His kind voice filled my room with bright colors and pretty roses.

I blankly stared at him. He've grown so much through these years. Although he's still the weak brat he was back then.

"Hmm, is something wrong?" He tilted his head to the side and stared back with a gentle smile.

"L-lord Soo-won, please come back later. Lady Ji-Ahn needs her rest so.."

They exchanged glances but Soo-won is too hardheaded to listen.

"It's okay. I'll take care of her." He smiled dismissively at the servant who was reluctant to leave.

"Are you okay Ji-chan? Did you perhaps catch a cold?" He asked worriedly, leaning down to brush a few strands of hair away from my face.

Finally awake, I pulled his hand and playfully kissed him.

"That's for waking me up." I let go of him who was blushing furiously.

"So what do you want?" I sat on the edge of the bed, facing him.

"W-well, Yona's birthday is coming up and Im going there now so I'm picking you up." He made it sound so simple.

"Are you an idiot? Why would I come and celebrate someone else's birthday when I can't even celebrate mine? Go away, I'm tired." I sighed, hearing her name.

Even if I'm Soo-won's fiancee and childhood friend, Yona is also Soo-won's important person considering how he cares for her.

"Don't say that Ji-chan, we both always celebrate your birthday right?"

I shook my head, and crossed my legs.

"No way. And besides I don't want to get attention to myself,"

I grabbed a hold of my red hair and showed it to him,

"With this hair, everyone thinks I'm Yona's twin sister or something. It's kinda creepy and I don't even like it that much." I cringed at the thought.

I'm not sure why I was born with an unusual hair color but because of it, I gained a rank at the castle. King Il was rather fond of me.

"You hate your hair Ji-chan? But you've always love it when we were little." He suddenly sat beside me.

"W-well, that's true but. A lot of people thinks it's some kind of jewel and make a big deal out of it."

"Is that really the only reason?"

I was speechless.

"But I love your hair Ji-chan so please take good care of it." With that said, he gently placed a kiss on the strand of my hair.

"Hey, I won't come to Yona's birthday so..."

I placed my hands on his shoulder and slowly pulled him in for a kiss.

"Don't cheat on me."


Back then, I think I should've said more, like 'Behave yourself', or 'Don't do something you'll regret eventually'.

Cause the things he did after that was the most annoying of all. Murdering people; he's the one who always say it's wrong.

Where's that little, angel brat whom I fell in love all these years?


I have nothing to say......

Umm, I love you guys.


"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now