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I screamed busting into his room. He jumped almost choking himself by pulling his tie too hard.

"Yah! Do you want me dead?!" He yelled back between coughs.

"I got accepted to Starbucks! I start tommorow!"

He smirked at me.

"Good job princess, let's see how well you do." Jin said condensingly.

"Don't doubt me, I might surprise you." I said walking back to my room.


"I need a venti caramel macchiato with a shot of blonde espresso." My coworker Lina called.

Now which one is a venti? I'm gonna just go with the medium-sized one. You were supposed to roast the blonde espresso a certain way but I didn't remember how nor care to go through the extra trouble.

"This is the wrong size..." She frowned.

"Not my fault. Who told your dumbasses to change the sizes anyway?" I scoffed.


"Minji, where are you going?" Another person asked.

I didn't know their names, I met them this morning.

"On break." I replied.

"You just came off of break."

"Awwww but I'm tired!"

"Caramel goes at the bottom. You don't stir it in."

"I don't give a shit. Who wants caramel in one spot of the drink?"


"So how did work go?" Jin asked as he walked into the house.

"I think it went really well!" I nodded in assurance.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

Boss Lady 🖕:

Don't bother coming into work tommorrow.

What?! Why?

You took 32 brakes, made none of your orders right and the other employees complained of excessive cursing. We won't need you anymore.

Okay...thank you for the experience.

I groaned throwing my phone on the ground.

I actually didn't have anything against my boss but I just heard you were supposed to hate them. So now that emoji is fitting since she fucking fired me.

"Yah be careful. I don't have enough money to buy you a new phone and neither do you." Jin fussed.

Being extremely annoyed I growled at him.

"What's the matter anyway?" He said going to pick up my phone.

The man couldn't keep himself from bursting into laughter.

"Y-you got fired for eight hours of work?!"

I looked down embarrassed.

"That's worse than I even thought you would do." He said wiping stray tears away.

"Jin! It's not funny! I tried really hard!" I complained.

I really thought I did a good job and I wasn't happy about getting fired at all. But instead of supporting me for trying, that idiot just kept laughing at me.

"I'm going to bed." I stated starting to walk upstairs.

"Are you really that mad?" He asked laughter dying down.

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