Secret Admirer

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              •Thomas's POV•

Before I went to class I decided to go to the coffee shop and grabbed A coffee with two sugars light on the cream. And a hot chocolate with wiped cream and with two candy canes and sprinkled with chocolate chips (sound good as hell) don't ask why.

I ran out and hopped into my car I need to get to class super early

         •Washington's POV• (thats new)

Walking into my classroom I noticed there was a mug sitting on Alexander's desk with a note on it. It said 'I don't know what type of drink you like so I got you this hope you like it
- You're Secret Admirer . My son has a secret admirer (btw George and Martha adopted Alex when he was 16) I wonder who it's from maybe the John guy he always hangs out with.

              •Alex's POV•

I walked into my dorm to get ready for class. "Where were you last night" " why do you care?" I shot back "I just wanted to know where you went so I can tell you to say there, shithead" "leave me alone" I walked into my room and got ready. Walking out of the door I saw my friends waiting for me "oh hey guys" I really hope Austin isn't around

John went to give me a high five I flinched away thinking he was going to hit me. He noticed this I laugh it off and hesitantly high fived him back " I-I should go to class" while walking away I heard Eliza ask 'what's wrong with him'.

I walked into class and saw something sitting on my desk it was a hot chocolate with wiped cream and with two candy canes and sprinkled with chocolate chips. I looked at Washington "dad what's this"?

I referred to him as 'dad' because  we were the only ones in the class room and we agreed to act like we were only teacher and student around others"seems like someone has a Secret admirer" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Really?" Someone cares about me? No way it's prolly just Austin I took the warm mug and took a sip It was actually really good. Plus I didn't have me coffee today, so yeah

The rest of the class walked in and sat down. Jefferson took his seat to my right and Austin took his seat to my left, Aust looked at me "where did you get that from?" He asked kinda upset "oh I-umm" I was afraid to tell him the truth "I got it myself".

"Is it good" "u-umm yeah I really like it" out of the corner of my eye I saw Jefferson smile at me, why?
               *Time Skap*

I walked out of class with Austin holding my hand very tightly. He lead me into the bathroom, he looked at me for a second then punched me in the face. I hit the ground "w-what did I d-do w-wrong?" "I saw that tall bastard smile at you, you cheating whore!"

I scrambled to my feet " just like that whore mother of yours" " don't talk about my moth-" he cut me off by slamming ours lips to together " I'll show you what happens when you cheat". He took a step closer, I took a step back this continued until I was up against the wall.

He pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands. Then slipped the other one down my pants and began to rub my member "A-Austin please I didn't ch-cheat, stop". "Shut the hell up" he growled starting to unzip my pants "p-please stop"

"Shhhhhhh-" someone cut him off "I believe stop means stop". It was.....Jefferson? "Leave us alone before someone here gets hurt" Austin said stepping up to him. Tho-Jefferson towered over him "just leave Jefferson Ill be o-ok".

"Bullishit Hamilton he's about to rape you, I may hate you but I'm not letting that happen". Austin swung at Jefferson but he dogged it, then Jefferson punched him in the stomach Austin stumbled back. Jefferson continued by Punching him in the face then he grabbed him by his shirt "Get. Out" he said pushing Austin out the door.

I stood there with tears in my eyes. "Are you ok? You hurt or anything thing?" A cut had opened from when Austin punched me in my face. "C'mere let's get you back to the dorm darlin'" I blushed darlin' that's what he called me. He scooped me up in his arms I felt safe in with him, I buried my head in his chest.

We made it to the dorm and he sat me on the counter and walked into the bathroom. He came out with peroxide and cotton balls "this many hurt a bit" I winced when when he dapped the peroxide on the cut. Then put a band-aid on it.

He kissed my forehead "better?" I blushed and nodded. "you should rest I'll cook something"
"Jefferson?" "yes?" "T-thanks for you know, saving me" "yeah no prob"

             *Thomas's POV*

Darlin' that's what I called him I didn't mean to it just slipped out.   It felt right to call him that then I kissed him on the forehead god Ima idiot. But what I want to know is, who was that asshole about to rape Him? Could it have been that Austin He mentioned?

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