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He was running along the corridor of the building. 

Jimin was running late for his group's dance practice. 

He tried to widen the steps and prayed that the speed increased, which was impossible due to his short legs and he cursed inside for having such damn legs. 

He was always being teased for being the shortest among the group (well, he was not one of the shortest. 

Yoongi should be considered one, as he was taller than him by one damn centimeter. It was not like the others could tell the elder straight to his face).

As much as he wanted to increase his speed, he also needed to slow down a little bit due to the intake of breathes.

It will be okay. Even if I am late, they won't punish me...

At this, he giggled, knowing fully well that his hyungs had a very soft spot just for him. 

It was not like he would take advantage of that. 


It was just that today of all day, his lecturer had decided to finish their class later than usual plus his class was located far away from the club room. 

So he had no choice but to run.

When the club room was in his sight, he without hesitation just pushed the door open and froze immediately. 

There, in the middle of the room, was the boy. 

The Jungkook boy. 

Practicing with Hoseok (after a few moments now that he noticed the other). 

The other boy, Hoseok, noticed Jimin who was still standing rooted at the entrance, greeted the later with his sunshine smile.

"Where's the others?" Jimin finally moved to the corner of the room, putting down his backpack before finding his tumbler and gulping down half of its contents.

"Oh, you didn't know?" He only stared at Hoseok in confusion, while the other boy in the room continued his practice alone at the other side of the room.

"They cancelled today's practice."


"They already texted in the group, you know," Hoseok raised his eyebrow and shrugged after he was met with silence.

"Aish! These hyungs...Should have texted earlier in the group!" As Jimin finally checked the text messages. 

Not that he gonna read all those text messages as he always scrolled down the texts from them.

Then what should I do? If I went back home, I won't be practicing at all...

He stared blankly at the two boys in the room, watching their every moves quietly while his mind elsewhere, still considering whether to just go back home or stay there and continue doing his assignment.

"What are you guys practicing?" He asked when he realized that the dance moves are totally different from their usual choreo, Haruman.

"Oh, we are just preparing for another performance in the near future." 

Jimin just nodded his head for a while before moving towards them and situated himself at the back of the room, silently trying to copy their moves.

Hoseok however noticed this and gestured to Jungkook, implying that he needed to teach Jimin the dance moves. 

Jungkook then quietly moved beside Jimin and taught the other of the dance moves, to which the later shyly followed the former.

He did not know why his goddamn cheeks were hot.

 It was not like he had a crush towards this boy. 

He stole a glance to the boy. 


 His heart did not beat faster. 

He must be embarrassed because no one other than his hyungs ever taught him dance moves. 


No one.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was observing the both of them from the corner of the room. 

He still has not realized it... tsk tsk tsk

He brought out his phone and pretended that he was texting when in fact, he was recording the both of them, dancing side by side. 

Finally he found his dancing partner

At this, Hoseok grinned and sent the video towards the group chat which consists of the hyungs;


Look at them~ They are so cute together! Ship!!! Lowkey shipping them!




Yes. Yes he is...




I know righttttt?!!!! Totally shipping them!!!


The freshie?


YASSS! The Jungkook guy! My kokoro~~~


Uuuu~ I smell JiKook goodness~


What are you guys practicing?



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