Treat you better - Shawn Mendes

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Song name - Treat You Better
Singer - Shawn Mendes

I tried her number again, but the call went straight to voicemail.

It's like she's abandoned her phone from the past few hours. Or she just doesn't want to speak to me? I didn't do anything this time, though.

But in all seriousness, what is going on? It's nearly midnight and she's not even picking up. I can't help but worry.

She left at about six with him, going to some party. She did offer me to tag along, but I didn't want to be the third wheel. And honestly, I didn't want my heart to suffer even more while seeing him kissing her.

Yes, she's my best friend and I have fallen for her.

Totally cliché, right?

I didn't want to, I swear. It just happened. From day one, I found her quite attractive. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes, everything was just beautiful. I've had a lot of girl friends but none of them made me feel the way she did. It's like she was perfect, despite her imperfections.

As friends, we grew quite close over the years. We told each other everything, from that little tattoo she got secretly to the vacation to Australia we planned.

Everything. Except one thing.

That I liked her, but not in a caring friend-sort of way. More like a hopeless crush-sort of way.

I've tried plenty of times, believe me. But the fear of denial held me back.

What if she hated me for that? What if it all became awkward between us? What if it would never be the same again?

Even after knowing her so well, I can't predict her response to my confession.

Call me a wimp, but I can't risk our friendship for my stupid crush.

But even before I could think of making a move, he came. And well, he succeeded beautifully in making her fall for him.

I'd know all about it. After all, she told me everything. That little compliment he gave her when she left her hair open one day to their first kiss.

And that hurt. That little pang in my chest, yep, that's the heart breaking a little bit more every time I see them.

Before I had actually met him, the way she described him over the phone made him seem like a God. Like somebody who's flawless. It was like I could never even be compared to him. He was simply great at whatever he does.

When I actually did meet him, I immediately came to disliking him.

Not because he was dating her, although that did add fuel to the fire, because of his attitude. His personality. Hell, I don't even know how she came to like him.

He was a dick, an asshole who believed he was better than everyone. He treated her like an inferior creature, as someone who's there to worship him and glorify his masculinity. But compliments her in the cheesiest of ways to make her forget of all the times he's hurt her.

But I don't.

She could do so much better than him, like me. Now, I'm not self-praising here, no I'm not that vain but I know I can treat her better than that douche can.

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