Rolling in the Deep - Adele

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Song - Rolling in the deep
Singer - Adele Blue

So, was scrolling through the drafts and hey, found some acceptable stuff in that mess. Here it is.

You sow the seeds, water them, watch them grow into beautiful plants, flowers bloom on them and the greenness of it all leaves you mesmerised and satisfied, all of it. But, while you were busy watering those delicate, beautiful creatures you had also been giving water to the growing pest that hid within the beauty of it, helping it grow. So, it grows secretly with your little sapling until it's of age to destroy your creation. And it does, oh, he burns them all to death. You watch, you sob, you blame the creature for the destruction but realise that it's actually you who's to blame, for it was you who didn't spot it beforehand, or take precautions.

That, in brief, summaries our relationship.

It was short-lived, our relationship. Many wouldn't say that I lost much in it. That it was transient enough to not have caused any damage. That I shouldn't be moping around for something so temporary. That it was foolish of me to trust someone open heartedly within such a short time span.

Well, then I'd say that many were wrong. Because they don't understand, they don't get that time isn't the only factor that determines the intensity of a relationship. That falling in love doesn't happen only after a specific amount of time has passed, it's spontaneous. You feel it happening but don't have control over it. And when it happens, bam! There's no way out. You've fallen hard, landed face-first and hadn't really braced yourself for such an impact. It leaves you wondering what the hell just happened and could you, you of all people fall for someone? How did you manage to find love so soon without ever intending to?

I never understood why I fell for him, but I do remember when.

"And he's like you're such a pathetic loser, Matt," a very drunk Matt says. "And I'm like sorry bro, I totally ran out of fucks to give."

Everyone applauds and cheers at his comeback excluding me.

"Hey, why so glum? Not drunk enough?" He asks with a small smile. "I mean, hey, that was a pretty good one."

"No, it's not that, I'm just...stressed out," I admit, reluctantly. "And well..."

I leave it at that. If I were to speak any further, he'd think I'm weird and I'd lose a good friend at my workplace again.

"Well?" He pressed.

"Nothing. It's weird."

"I promise not to be weirded out even if it's a weird fetish like eating your own booger."

I give him a weird look.

"I've babysat many kids, they're all weirder than the other."

Okay, that does make sense.

"Okay, so, I don't like parties at all," I say reluctantly. "And well, they make me uncomfortable, I guess?"

He breathed out what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"It's far better than the booger one," he shrugged, making my lips twitch upwards.

We sit in silence for a few moments before he gets up and offers a hand to me.

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