Warriors of Hope x Kid!Abused!Assassin!Reader

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Your Pov:

I sat on the street looking out into the chaos,the chaos the warriors of hope created.I don't like to call it chaos,it's more like hope for children despair for adults,hope for everyone else,despair for those who disobey the children.I may seem like a normal child trapped in a bad situation but I'm an assassin,raised on the streets,by myself.

"Everyone,if we kill the kids we'll be free!"Someone yelled,but I didn't notice.

"There's one!"Someone else yelled but I still didn't notice.

I was hit my a blunt object,instantly knocking me out.As a trained assassin,You didn't think I didn't notice people yelling?I'm not that stupid,I was too slow to get up.

"Hello,are you alright?"

I opened my eyes.

"Who are you?"I looked at the man sitting in front of me.

"That's not important right now.Just call me the servant"He responded.

"You're,Nagito Komaeda correct?."I squinted my eyes.

"Even for a plain boring harmless child like yourself you could tell a lot from my appearance"he stated.

"Plain?Boring?...Harmless,kid...The first two yes,the second no where close and the last you may refer to me as a child!"I sighed in annoyance.

"You seem to be the only one not wearing a monokuma helmet"The servant turned to the door.

"Those black and white bear helmets?Sucks but I got my own standards of low brow. Plus that bear is creepier than the mouse from chucky cheese." I jumped out the bed I was laying in.

"Where-No who was a big enough dumbass to touch my weapons?!"I shouted.

"Calm down"Nagito replied.

"Calm down?!How am I supposed to calm the fuck down when someone touched my weapons!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?"I yelled stomping my feet on the floor,causing the whole building to shake,wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it was an earthquake.

The servant happily tossed me a f/c belt with weapons equipped.

"Seems like you've passed the first test,go on the others are waiting for you"The servant pointed to the door.

I walked towards the door out into the hallway.Eventually I reached a room with five other children standing in front of me.

"She's totally adorbs!And she likes killing  demons!"The girl with pink hair jumped up and down.

"Demons?Do they mean adults maybe?"

"Monaca wants us to meet this girl?"The blue haired one scoffed.

"Uh,hey my name is y/n and-*Yawn* I'm also known as ICAS"I waved my hand half asleep.

"What does that mean?"The redhead asked.

"Ice,Cold,Adult,Slaughterer"My eyes almost stayed shut.

"Is Monaca boring you?"The green haired girl's face saddened.

"No sorry to ask but why are you talking in third person?"I instantly woke up.

"Third person?Is Monaca speaking in third person a bad thing?"Monaca asked,with slight anger in her voice.

"So Monaca is your name?Jantaro,Kotoko,Nagisa and Masuru"I pointed to each of them.

"All our names,exactly right.As a trained assassin,who was probably trained by adults must be useful"Nagisa looked away.

"By adults?Me?Trained by adults?That's!Not!Possible!"I stomped my feet causing another earthquake.

"Wow so this adorbs girl caused that earthquake earlier!"Kotoko stared.

"Monaca wants y/n to be apart of the warriors of hope"Monaca smiled.

"Yeah we kill adults and we're gonna make a paradise for children!"Kotoko grinned.

"No adults?"I thought out loud.

Flashback Begins:

"That's wrong!Making mistakes like that make you even more useless!"My mother,Riuko l/n yelled out.

"More useless?Is that even possible?She's worthless!"My big sister,Soudia l/n laughed.

In that moment I was knocked to the floor by my dad,Kanatio l/n.

"All members of this family need to be loyal to the l/n!"My dad yelled.

"Yeah like your gold digger wife" I groaned.

"I'm your mother!"she yelled.

"You're a bitch!"I shouted.

Before I could get up I was kicked to the floor with my head under someone's foot.

"You have to have all good qualities to heir to the business unless we die!And all you little ingrate can do is cook!Wanna cook so badly,cook me a dish that'll knock my socks off!"My sister yelled.

"It'll knock your socks off alright,how bout your life while we're at it?"

Flashback ends

"No adults...No demons or monsters to beat me constantly...Nothing,no one to get into my way?"I stuttered looking at them.

"You won't even have homework"Nagisa stated with a slight smile.

"I feel so happy right now to hear this,Of course I'll join you all!" I giggled falling on the floor.

"Is something wrong with her?"Nagisa asked.

"I'll never have to see another demon in my life"I smiled.

"That's great!I'm Masaru Daimon!Leader of The Warriors of hope!(Aka the Leon look-a-like)"The redhead shouted.

"I'm Nagisa Shiota,The mage.I'm also the Sage for the Warriors of Hope.Also their baby sitter,Monaca excluded"He smiled.

"I'm Kotoko Utsugi,they used to call me Lil ultimate Drama.I'm the fighter for the Warriors of Hope!I like Adorbs things,and being girly,peeled chestnuts and mostly I like Monaca!"Kotoko looked at Monaca.

"And I'm Monaca,I'm the mage for the Warriors of Hope.I bring people together"The green haired girl smiled.

"Monaca is like the Princess that we must keep happy.I don't need a introduction cause everyone hates me"Jataro added.

"I like you guys but I'm not sure if I could fit in.I'm not a good artist,I usually don't work well on teams,I'm not girly,I'm pretty loud,I basically have nothing in common with any of you"I shrugged my shoulders.

"But!Monaca!Wants!Y/n!In!The!Warriors!Of!Hope!And!What!Monaca!Says!Go's!"Monaca shouted.

"Monaca!"Everyone yelled running to her.

I stood in my spot as the warrior's of hope surrounded the green haired girl.

"I didn't mean I don't want to join,I'm just a little self conscious about the people I'm around.Ya know like a heads up"I looked to the floor.

"It's okay.Monaca knows you weren't trying to upset her"Monaca smiled.

"Kyaaa!Monaca's smile is so cute!I just love that about you!Of course that's not the only thing I love about you!I love everything about you!"Kotoko laughed.

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