Bendelacreme- Dela with a D

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The first time you didn't know.

Benjamin was your best friend in high school. Though you graduated quite a number of years ago you still kept in touch. But some things stayed private, like his "hobbies". You didn't know he did drag until you saw Rupaul's drag race. A normal person would have called him, met up and asked, but you had other plans. That's why you were waiting in line for the bendelacreme meet and greet. It was finally your turn.
"Hi Ben" you said
"That's not my name" he replied as if you've greatly offended him. Ouch that was cold. But then he got a good look at your face, and seemed to recognize you. " I actually go by Dela when I'm in drag. So right now I'm not the Ben you know, I'm a completely different person"
" Oh. I'm so sorry I didn't know. Then hello Dela. " you said, getting used to the new name of your friend.

The second time it was tense

So after the whole Ben/ Dela fiasco you apologized and treated Ben to dinner. From then on you two started to go out more and slowly but surely developed a romantic connection. Although it was just the "honeymoon " period of the relationship it felt like you were an old married couple. You'd spam your social media with cute couple with Ben and pictures of Dela's gigs. And that didn't go unnoticed by your parents. So they called you one day, insisting on having dinner with you and your partner. So you scheduled a get together, keeping Dela's gigs in mind. Even though the show ended early you had to pack everything, make your way through the crowd gathered at the exit and finally get in your car. The only problem- Dela was still in drag, but there'd still be time to change without you parents suspecting a thing. So you dropped her off at her apartment and drove to your place. Good thing you lived only a few blocks away. You arrived home and ordered some food. A bit later your doorbell rang but it wasn't the delivery, man it was your parents. You
let them in, had a little chat and apologized for your boyfriend's lateness. Then someone was at the door yet again . It was the delivery man. As you were paying him you saw Ben coming over. You two shared a quick kiss and then you took the elevator up to your apartment. In the living room your mom was inspecting one of your framed pictures.
" Honey, who's that with you? Is that Ben's sister?"
" Um, actually that's me. I work as a female impersonator" said Ben. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. After a slew of insults to both you and your partner he calmly explained to them who Ben was, and that Dela was like someone else entirely. That didn't seem to convince them as they left, still feeling angry. It didn't really matter to you , you loved your partner to pieces

The third time was funny

You had moved in with your partner. As they were getting ready for a gig, you were painting your toenails on the couch. Then the doorbell rang.
" Can you get it sugar, I've got makeup on." asked Dela.
" Sorry hun, I can't . My nail polish isn't dry yet. "
Dela opened the door to the stunned UPS man.
" I have a package for Benjamin Putnam. Is he here? " asked the delivery man
" That's me."replied Dela.
" Nice try ma'am. Now I'm gonna need some ID. " said the UPS man in a stern voice.
Dela signed, took off her wig and said in a deep voice:
" Is this better? "
The guy just gave up, asked for a signature and handed the package to Ben.
So that's how your delivery man discovered what drag queens were.

The forth time was creative

After Dela did a YouTube Q and A on your couch you had an idea.
" Hey babe, you know how people don't know how to refer to you in drag ? Why don't you do a number about it? " you suggested
So she brought a notebook and began working on lyrics. She refused to show you any of it until it was finished. So the time had come when she had it ready for the gig tonight. You were so excited when the cabaret style number started.
" It's Dela with a D, not Ben with a B. It's she instead of he, D instead of B. You're looking for Dela". your partner sang what would become your new favourite song in the world.
And even thought when you two met again after all these years you were looking for Ben, you had also found Dela. And most importantly you had found happiness and love.

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