Miz Crackerxreader - And that's how the cracker crumbles

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So, lots of people wanted me to write about Miz Cracker, so this is for Random_Depressed_Kid , x0fanfics4life0x and mizhoneyy

Cracker was writing jokes at your apartment. She was preparing for a roast and she would sometimes laugh at some of her own material.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" you said playfully.

"Yeah but you love me for it. Also it pays the bills, doesn't it?"

"I'm not so sure, I think the fans like it more when you do your hoe mix in that golden bikini."

"You love it when I do that number."

"Yeah, because of the aforementionbed golden bikini. You're like a princess Leia mixed with a Barbie. Which is somehow hot af"

"I think you're more suited for the hoe mix after that sentence."

"I know that number by heart. I won't hesitate, bitch"

"Did you just quote a vine to me? And I'm the idiot?"

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways come here let me see what you have" you said referring to the jokes
You partner looked at you right in the eyes and answered with a deadpan expression
"A knife"
You burst out in laughter, even letting out a few snorts.
"And people say that soul mates don't exist. Anyway isn't that roast in a few days ?"
"Yeah, but the only performance I have before that is a standard gig at Roscoe's, I'll be fine."
"Okay, now let me read your jokes, woman."

It was a typical Saturday night, Cracker gave you a kiss, before putting on lipstick. You wished them luck and they went out, ready to have fun.
A few hours later you were getting ready for bed when Cracker texted you

"Come pick me up. Gig finishes soon."
Confused you texted them back

"Uber or subway?"

You knew something was up, when you usually picked up your partner the texted you something along the lines of "hey babe, can you come pick me up? I wanna see your cute face and then walk hand in hand in the cold night air.". That cheesiness wad one of the reasons you loved them. But this seemed urgent. When you arrived at Roscoe's you saw that your partner was waiting outside for you, still in drag, though some of their makeup was ruined by tear streaks. Not wanting to press on, while the driver was taking you home, you waited until you were in your apartment. There you led your partner to the bedroom and spooned with them. Burying your face in their neck, you stroked their arm and asked gently.

"So, babe, why are you upset? What happened at the gig tonight?"

"My music didn't work, people didn't laugh at my jokes, there was some drunk that just got up on stage with me and started dancing and to top it off someone tried to take my tips. You know that used to happen before and I was okay with it, because I wasn't that well known, but now I've been on drag race, I'm famous, this shouldn't be happening. Am I just not good enough?". They replied, the self-doubt clear in their voice.

"Don't say that. You're perfect. You balance work with drag, social interactions, YouTube and me, and that's a lot. If you weren't good enough you wouldn't be booked constantly, if you weren't good enough you wouldn't have a show on wow presents, if you weren't good enough you wouldn't have long lines of fans, eager to meet you both at drag con and at normal gigs. So you are good enough.". You could see your partner tearing up, so your words did their job.
"I love you."
"I love you too, babe. But don't doubt yourself that much. Hey, you can still steal the show at the roast."
"What do you mean can? I will steal the show."
"That's the spirit. Now let's finally go to bed, I'm tired and I want to get a good night's sleep for once."

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