Chapter One:Mirror Mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of em all

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I hear the latest Justin Beiber song playing on my stereo alarm and I snuggle deeper into my thousand thread Egyptian bed knowing full well that it's only gonna get louder. What can I say, I'm a diva and a diva needs her sleep. The song eventually grows louder, so I stretch my hand and search the nightstand for my iPhone to switch it off. I fumble around and eventually realise I put it across the room so I wouldn't reach it. It's then that I remember why I put it there !!!! I squeal in excitement and jump off the bed. I race into my large closet and do my normal routine check. I look at my 5'7" body which is nipped and curved at all the right places and my cute butt whose shape can be seen through my silk night shorts. I look at my heart shaped flawless face and smile revealing a perfect set of straight teeth. My dark brown hair flows down my shoulders and ends perfectly under my shoulder blades. The sun glistens off my golden highlights through the huge French window. Like I said I'm perfect and I have to stay this way because everyone looks up to the head cheerleader and most popular girl of la belle high. I quickly go to my bathroom and freshen up before going into my closet only to spend an hour on what dress would I look my best in. Once I select my off shoulder top revealing one slender shoulder and my black mini skirt which flares a bit at the ends giving an illusion that it will lift up any moment. I pair it up with my favourite Louis Vuitton pumps and then call my BFF . Alice picks up the phone squealing as much as I did when I woke up. Eventually both of us are squealing and giggling. Finally we calm down enough to speak. Alice speaks first, "Brianna!!! Today's the day we finally get to meet the hot and sizzling Justice Hamilton !!!! I mean OMG can you believe it? He's going to be studying at La Belle! Of all the schools who invited him, he chose ours, that's gotta count for something." We both giggle. I drop my voice a bit to sound mock seductive and say," Maybe its because...... Oh Maybe I don't know, there are really hot girls here. Maybe one with brown hair and blue eyes and a body which would make anyone drop to her knees." There's a hesitant pause and then Alice speaks," Brianna, aren't you forgetting a very important detail?". "What?" I ask, still appraising my handiwork on myself in the mirror."Your dating the current school quarterback." That makes me pause for a millisecond before I continue appraising myself. Yes, I am dating Jake, but that didn't mean I couldn't go after Justice. After all, Jake himself had whores hanging all over him when I'm not around. He thinks he's being sneaky, but he's getting sloppier by the second. We started out as innocent people. Yes, we were popular back then too and Jake tentatively handed me a rose asking me to the junior prom. I couldn't contain my excitement and immediately said yes. Everyone had cheered and hollered for us. What they didn't know was our future would be disastrous. Jake ended up drunk and I ended up kissing his best friend just to save face. Over the next two years we remained the golden couple out front. We smiled at each other, we walked together and we even finished each other's sentences, but behind it all we lashed out by scoring one above the other, till eventually the bad outran the good. Now, I don't even blink when a girl comes up to me saying she's been in Jake's bed. I know just how to handle them. I appraise them with my cold gaze and follow it with an insult they never forget. To wrap up their humiliation, I spread rumours which the Bloody Mary rumour couldn't hold a candle to. Jake and I may not be in love, but we pretend to be, just to keep up our ranking in the popular crowd cause once we break up, all our carefully constructed lies will come tumbling down ,along with our reputation. We cheated, but the person we cheated with, never dared to spread the facts of our relation for fear of what white lies might proceed later. I swivel around and grab my fur coat and my thigh high boots and readjust the phone. "Please, when did that ever stop me?" I smirk and zip up my boots. I look like a walking talking porcelain Barbie in my outfit. "Brianna!!", Alice whines," Why can't you let others get a chance. I mean you've had every boy kissing your feet from the moment you hit puberty. Even the hot ones!!!! They take one look at you and their sunk. Just this once let me take the hot guy. Please!" Alice begs desperately. For a moment I feel bad, but then I think of the time I found her with Jake under the bleachers pushing up against him. I maybe no better than her, but I'm petty enough to not let her get her way. "I'm sorry Alice, I just can't help it. You'd be standing right in front of me and yet Justice would look behind you. You know it's always been that way. Why would it be any different today? Plus Justice is the hottest guy in Braxton city. I don't think I'd be able to stop myself. Why don't you go on a date with that cute geek in Biology who asked you out. I bet he'd be a gentleman." There's silence on the other side for five seconds. Finally Alice huffs out, "Fine! but next hot guy in town will be mine and not your leftovers." I smile, "Cross my heart and hope to die." I promise even though I know we'll be having the same conversation with the same result when that guy crosses our path. I snatch my BMW coupe keys and yell for the maid, "Rosa, I'm leaving! Where's mom and dad." Just as Rosa rounds the corner of our expansive house, Mom and Dad gracefully descend our elegant stairs. Hand in hand, smiling at each other. I roll my eyes. My Dad is exactly like me. To the world Mr. And Mrs. Knight could not be a more perfect couple. But not a single soul has seen the ugliness behind my dad's flawless face. The escorts which have made an appearance in this house only to disappear completely after a period of a few days. He even has our maid, Rosa, and our butler, Gerald, fooled. Though, sometimes I feel like they do know but they do not want to let on for fear of their jobs. Mom knows all about his daily expedites, but never says a word. She still believes the man she once loves is still in there somewhere, even though I damn well know he's long gone. I tried telling her one day and she reprimanded me for saying such a thing about my dad. We might look like a picture perfect family and even pretend to be one, but that's the only way we know how to survive and it has kept us at the top for so long. No one in their right mind would botch that up. Once they finally descend I walk up to them a kiss both their cheeks. Finally I turn to dad," Daddy?" I look at him, looking like the poster child of innocence, but my dad knows to see through my facade. His eyes narrow slightly, but his smile remains fixed on his face. "yes Brianna?" " Could you put money in my account. I'm running low and need to buy supplies for my high school activities and my salon visits." He sighs and smoothes his hand over my hair. For a brief moment I see my dad. The one who, when I was younger, gave me 'horsie' rides and took me on the choo choo train when I had a 'boo boo'. Instantly he vanishes and is replaced by the porcelain replica of him. My dad is handsome. If he wasn't married, he could be on the cover of The GQ and one of the most eligible bachelors in the city! But that didn't mean he was as good as he portrayed himself to be. "It will be done as soon as I reach the office Bri." he replies and then focuses his attention on my mother. I turn and head to the garage. If I stayed and watched the show I might have puked on their very expensive carpets which wouldn't achieve anything but being grounded. My baby sits there looking all shiny and sparkly. I sit in, let the engine rumble to life and then peal out of the garage meticulously. Once I reach La belle, I park at the spot reserved only for me, which is next to Jake's parking spot. Jake's car is already here, which means he'll be at the door waiting along with the gang. As I walk up the stairs, I do my daily check on emails and facebook updates, all the while trying to huddle into my fur coat to keep myself warm. Suddenly out of nowhere, two hands snake around my waist and there a hot breath at my neck. I turn my head and immediately regret it as the stench of beer hits me. Seriously?! Who drinks at 9am?! Jake. that's who. "Hey babe, what took you so long" he kisses my temple and takes a step back turning me towards him. He eyes roam my body and his face tightens with appreciation. What he doesn't know, is the show I'm putting and the seductive attire is not for his benefit, but for my own game with Justice. "You look hotter than any day of our senior year." he says all the while still leering at my body. I let him have his fill and then say, "I'm not late, your early and thank you." I lean forward to give him a quick peck on the lips only to be pulled forward for a full blown hungry kiss. Jake and I might not like each other, but we still have lust simmering between us. Case of teenage hormones running wild. I quickly melt into the kiss and only come up to breathe when the first warning bell rings. I turn my head and all the guys in our gang our looking at me with eyes full of lust and the girls with envy. I smirk and then pull Jake inside the school. I scan the corridors subtly knowing full well that Justice won't be arriving till lunch hour. Alice bounds towards me and then drags me to our lockers. "Bri!!! you look hot with a capital H!" I smirk and look at my blond haired friend. Alice is a few inches shorter than me, but makes up for it with her pretty face and sense of style. The reason she's not queen bee is because she's a complete pushover and had it not been for me she'd be at the bottom of the food chain. "So do you." I say as I take a good look at her glamorous top paired with her black shorts and high heels. Her bluish grey eyes look up at me with so much hope. I'm pissed she came to school all done up even when I told her that Justice isn't going to even glance at her. I enter the four digit pin on my locker. Yeah, you read that right. La belle isn't just a school. It's a freaking modern technological museum!! The classrooms are lecture halls with built in led screens which connect to the professors' electronic tablets and the lockers have a four digit pin which pops them right open. Hell! The cafeteria is more like an elite restaurant with gourmet cooked meals for each student. Maybe that's why justice chose this college. Because it IS one of the best in this city. I check my schedule and pull out my first period books. We have English and have an assignment due today. I smile knowing full well mine's done and will get a straight A. Now, before you go thinking I got it done for me, let me get one thing straight. You don't get the title of queen bee just because you're pretty and graceful and your dating Mr. Popular. You achieve it by excelling at everything which, may I remind you include sports, music and literacy. Ok, I concede, I may be doing my homework and getting good grades because of my mom but hey I still do it myself. That says a lot. I'm not that spoilt. I reapply my lip-gloss and shut the locker, then head to my English class. "Well.... Since you and I aren't going to be together for most classes this year, I'll have to keep an extra vigilant eye on my watch. See ya, I definitely wanna be ya" Alice turns and runs down the hall. I swear that girl cannot keep track of time ....or sense of direction I think, when I see her taking the wrong exit down the corridor. I shake my head and walk toward English. I spent most of time checking my facebook updates and chatting with my boyfriend on my laptop. It's fun until a teacher asks you a question and you don't know what he's talking about in the first place. I've been caught a billion times. Then again, they can't punish me, because I somehow manage to answer all the questions, big salute to mom! The next three classes go smoothly and soon it's lunch time!!!! By the way every girl is acting you'd think the one they're marrying is coming. Every girl is checking their makeup, pulling their shirt till their boobs are popping out and shortening their skirts till their ass does the same. I don't blame them, it's Justice freaking Hamilton. Everyone wants a piece of that. I too hurry back to my locker and recheck my makeup. I don't need to readjust my clothes though. I have the freaking queen bee title!!!! and I'll be damned if I don't use it to get what I want. Alice hurries up to my locker. "Let's go Bri.!!!" She literally tries to drag me, but I manage to stay grounded and pull her back. "Alice the key to getting a guy's attention is to make a first impression. How many times do I have to tell you that! Don't let them categorise you into the crowd. Make an entrance." I animatedly tell her. She pouts, but remains rooted to her spot. Finally after chatting a bit more, we hear the tell tale sounds of the La Belle girls fawning all over someone. I roll me eyes. Seriously??? Like they'll ever have a chance with me here. I tap Alice's shoulder and tell her to go ahead. She does. We both walk side by side. My heart races as we near the cafe. I've seen Justice in the newspapers and magazines due to his brilliance. He looks a gorgeous with a capital G. He can make you feel inferior in front of him. Not that, that would phase me. I've got a superiority complex and I don't think Justice can burst that bubble. Even so, when I reach the cafeteria, I pause and then open the doors and step in.

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