Chapter 2: You see me, I see you. Let's play a game of 'Peek-A-Boo."

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I look ahead and can't see anything but throngs of girls flocking to a certain table. You don't need to be a genius to know whose sitting there. Justice is practically a God. I first scan the crowds for Jake cause let's face it. I can't go towards Justice with Jake in sight. He's not in the cafeteria. Probably shacking up with some chick in the janitors room or the emergency room. I suspect he may have known that Justice would be here and decided to let the guy have his five minutes of fame. I walk towards the crowd and immediately they part. I smile on the inside, the rush of power keeping me steady. I finally reach the front of the flock and look down at the only guy sitting at the table. His head is down, his eyes are closed and both his hands are massaging his temples. I smirk knowing full well that it's the result of all the chatter which happened moments ago. Now there's dead silence. I straighten to my full height to gain advantage of looking down and then put my hand forward. "And you must be Justice." I say with the confidence which has built for years. Finally his hands still and he looks up. The shock of looking into his eyes for the first time makes me shiver, but I somehow repress the feeling chalking it up to be the unique colour of his eyes. He looked good in pictures but my God! does he look hot in the flesh. His eyes are a deep shade of violet and his pale skin looks smooth but has scars which make me swoon on the inside. Even with the distance between us I can tell he's lean and built and I wish we already knew each other so I could rub my hands all over him. Don't judge me, all of you are wishing the same. He leans back in his chair and rest his arm on the one beside him and crosses his one leg over the other in that arrogant way. My eyes magnetically follow each movement till he he's stock still. I look up at his face and realise he's smirking and has one eyebrow raised. "Are you done feasting your eyes or do you want me to turn around and let you look at my sexy butt and my swagger?" That snaps me out of my daze and makes me angry. Who the hell does he think he is coming to my school and making me look...... I still can't get words right. He just looks so damn hot! I know his type. They work their charm, display their best, and then expect you to fall at their feet. Hell I am exactly like him. But I don't like someone else flaunting it in front of me and flustering me. I realise he's still waiting for me to answer knowing full well the trance he's put me in. I tense and try another route to make the score even. I slowly smile and stick my hand out," I'm Brianna Knight. Welcome to La Belle!" I say acting all happy and cheerful. He falters and his eyes narrow slightly. "Is that seat taken?" I ask all bubbly. "Yeah.." he drawls out, "I'm sorry, my table's fully booked. But don't worry honey, maybe your boyfriend has his lap free. I'm pretty sure he's waiting for you." Ok. Now I'm pissed. How the hell did he know I have a boyfriend?! "How did I know? Well let's see." He turns to the crowd I forgot was standing there. He stands up and leans against the table and booms, "I'm guessing she's the popular chick here right? Judging from the entry she made?" Everyone just nods and looks at him all confused. Frankly I'm pissed and confused too. What the hell is he doing? I soon get my answer."And she's dating the quarterback here?" Again all of them nod like fools. "She's never spoken to anyone out of sheer selflessness and never sat at a table other than the popular one?" Again with the nodding. He smiles and shakes his head and then turns back and looks at me. "well is this the popular table ..... I'm sorry, what's your name again?" Now I'm steaming. I can't believe the new guy just humiliated me in front of the entire cafeteria. I'm not going to let him get away with it. I smile my most evil smile and say," Is this your way of becoming Mr. Hero here and saving the lowly? Cause frankly that sucked. You need to remember two things. One: In La Belle no one comes to anyone's rescue because no one is differentiated, unless they try to harm you in any way possible and two: yes I have a boyfriend and yes I sit at the popular table. But, you're Justice Hamilton! Everyone knows who you are. If it was just another person, no one would notice. It's an honour to have you in our school but that doesn't give you the right to act like god almighty. I was simply being cordial and trying to make you feel welcome. Mr. Hero doesn't need to go saving the rest of the chicks behind me because you and I both know that you're not going to talk to single one of them. Isn't that right?" he looks stunned for a millisecond before he walks up to me and stands inches apart. I have to look up at him. Dammit! A hand snakes around my waist and jerks me towards him. His hand slowly rubs my hips with a slow up and down motion.I inhale and am assaulted with the scent of his cologne and freshness. All the while I'm staring into those deep violet eyes trying my hardest to break free of his spell. He leans next to my ear and says," Is this your way of welcoming me? Letting me touch you wherever I want?" That makes me push him hard! He steps away laughing and I scowl internally. I can't show a single expression on my face. That would make me look weak in front of the crowd and give him an advantage. He cocks his head and folds his arms and says "Well?" I too fold my hands and give him an arrogant smirk saying," I didn't realise Mr. 'I'm too good' didn't ever learn personal boundaries. I'm not the one who pulled another guy's girl towards him. What do you expect me to say? I shouldn't have let you come near me. Well let's call it a lapse in sanity. You on the other hand did it knowing full well what you're doing. So don't act all high and mighty when you know you wanted to do exactly that." His eyes storm and finally he sighs. " I feel like we're going in circles and I honestly do have a migraine, so let's answer all those unanswered questions. No, I don't want you to sit here. Yes, I have no sense of personal boundaries and definite no to the Mr. Hero snide remark. However I will say this, try and humiliate me again and there will be consequences." I'm shocked at his completely honest and obnoxious behaviour. I open my mouth for a witty comeback when he raises his hand in a stop gesture and turns towards the crowd. " Don't you guys have 10 minutes till the next period begins?" All of them check their watches and nod. Again! What is with these kids and nodding like that's the only thing they know to do?!!! "So aren't you guys starving?" Again they all nod captured with the beauty standing in front of them. I roll my eyes. He shakes his head and then announces a little loudly and a little too harshly,' Leave!' All of the skedaddle to their tables and start munching. He's still watching the tables and looking at anyone who dares to stay rooted in their spot in front of them. I choose that time to go back into that trance. I look at his sharp jaw and straight nose. His light brown hair which is spiked in front and the way his muscles in his jaw flexes every time he looks at a person daring to look our way. He's still looking at the crowd when he says," You know for a girl who doesn't like me, you sure look at me a lot." Finally he looks at me and smirks. I regain my consciousness, shrug my shoulder and say, " What? You're handsome and you know it. I may not like you when you open your mouth but you're candy to look at. And I wasn't trying to humiliate you up until you did, when you stood up and started talking to crowd. So Justice, you'll find me staring at you a lot, but don't mistake those looks as me liking you because I don't think that'll happen in a million years. Again he comes close, so close that my nose touches his chest. He looks down at the same time I look up and our lips are millimetres away. "Wanna bet?" he whispers and then turns, takes his bag pack and leaves the cafeteria leaving me dazed and confused. 

Brianna Knight is never flustered. She never gives a damn about the next person. Right? Right!!!??? Oh God!!! 

Justice's POV 

I walk out of the cafeteria and towards my locker. I punch the code and it opens. My mind wanders back to that ethereal beauty in the cafeteria. When the crowd had suddenly become silent I knew someone was standing in front of me. But I didn't expect the impact that someone would make on my brain. The moment I looked up I saw this dark haired goddess and wanted to touch her hair to see if it felt as good as it looked. Then she went followed my every action and I knew her hidden agenda. I instantly felt guilty, thinking of Meera, my gorgeous exotic girlfriend. So I did the first thing that came to mind and humiliated her in front of everyone. I felt ten times worse when I saw he face drop. But she surprised with a comeback. We started throwing nasty retorts and the next thing I knew I was in her space and holding her at the waist looking at those dark blue eyes. My palm automatically started studying the curves of her waist. She smelt like lemonade and fresh water and I wanted to bury my face in her neck. She inhaled and her eyes glazed and I knew I took this too far. I leaned right next to her ear and said those cruel words. She had every right to push me. But me being me, went and added fuel to her fire. I was mesmerized with her. She tried so hard not to show what she actually felt and kept this icy cold exterior that it was hard to decipher what she was actually feeling until you took a good long look. She was like a puzzle who hadn't been solved. Not that I wanted to solve her or anything but it was nice to stoke her fire and watch the flames. I chuckled to myself and then thought of the time when our faces were inches apart and how wanted to bury my finger in her hair and kiss though pale pink glossy lips. Unlike Meera's whose lips were pouty and mostly ruby red. That sobered me up and I made a snide remark and left the cafeteria to clear my head. I did not want to fall at her feet like I'm sure every guy did. Moreover, I definitely did not want to cheat on Meera. She was sweet and I liked everything about her. Her laugh, her ability to make me laugh and the way she takes care of me when no one else does. She's beautiful and I feel extremely guilty for thinking of Brianna. How can I compare Meera. the sweetest girl I've ever dated to this snide spoiled princess? I shake my head and trudge to my first class in La Belle High.

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