Chapter5: Look at me and you how sorry I can be

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Justice's POV

I'm dreading heading to school today for two reasons. One, I have to face Brianna and apologize and two, everyone knows I hooked up with Brianna and that could bring a shit storm to my doorstep. I shower and shave, all the while thinkiing of how to salvage the situation. I could just go about pretending like it never happened, but that would be a cowardly and shity way out. I could just send her a text on facebook, she'd probably read it and dismiss it right away. The tought of Brianna dismissing something I give to her, does not sit well with me. I have to somehow find a way to apologize and not get too close to her alll at the same time, because that would just be calling for trouble with a red neon flag. I keep thinking as I head down to the wear my sneakers. Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I grin like a chestshire Cat and head to school.

Brianna's POV

You know the feeling you get when you work really hard to accomplish something, only to realise all of it was in vain, because the task you chose was the wrong one? That pissed off feeling like you worked really hard for absolutley nothing? Yeah that's how I felt when I reached the top of the school stairs. I thought my eyes were gonna pop out and my head was gonna explode with the steam building inside, because standing right there next to my boyfriend, hangong out like old buds, was Justice freaking Hamilton. I swear, if murdering was legal and non crazy this would be the moment I'd decide to do it and cross over to cuckoo land. I school my features as much as I can, and let me tell you this is the hardest I've tried, and walk towards Jake. Once he spots me he waves me over, which causes Justice to look back. He grins and I want him to swallow his own tongue. I ignore him and walk to Jake pulling him in for a long deep kiss. Petty? I know. But after the things Justice said to me last night, there was no way in hell I was going to give him the satisfaction, I sure, he desperately craved. I may have gotten carried a way with the kiss cause the next thing I knew, someone was coughing. Loudly!!!! And muttering something very close to ass. I really wanted to commit murder now. I paste a smile on my face and do what I do best. Act nasty. "What the hell is he doing here Jake? Isn't he supposed to be somewhere saving the world or better yet checking his reflection?" Everyone gasps like I've insulted a god, but Justice is the only one who raises an eyebrow and smirks. " you think I'm a superhero. Well that's nice to hear." OMFG. He's acting like a jerk and isn't even sorry about it. Wait. Why am I pissed?!! I take ten calming breaths and then look at him and grin my evil grin. The jerk isn't even frightened. He just leans back and crosses his arms. "Well, we don't mind a new guy tagging along,do we Jake?" Jake hooks an arm around my shoulder and says"babe. Relax. Justice is cool. Don't be mean." What the hells happening???!! By now Justice is smiling so wide I can see all 32 teeth!! I'm about to roll my eyes, when I realise I don't do stuff like that. I turn and pull Jake along to the first class. My new motto: ignorance is bliss

Hey guys!!! Sorry about the late update. Architecture can literally suck the life out of you. To be honest I had writers block too. Apparently still do. It's not much but it'll push the story forward. Please rate and tell me how you liked the story till now

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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