Chapter 5: My non-fairytale ending

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Something's wrong. I feel strangely uncomfortable in my bed, yet I don't want to move away. I can't breathe nor can I move, but I feel warm too. Plus, why does my bed feel like a hard rock??? Where the hell is my mattress and my fluffy pillows? Why is there an iron rod under my head? I struggle to open my eyes, but they remain clamped shut. I inhale and moan at the delicious smell assaulting my senses. I start feeling around for Mr. Fluffy, but my hand encounters hard rock. What???!!!! I start investigating with my hands. Now, I've been in many a guys' bed to know that the thing I'm encountering is abs. Hard, rock solid, deliciously enticing abs. My eyes shoot open and are immediately enraptured with the beastly beauty infront of me. More like inches away from my face! I tilt my head up a little more to get a better view. He looks so innocent when he's asleep. More relaxed. No annoying smirks or arrogant faces. His warm breath fans my face and I bury my face in his neck, inhaling his scent, letting my mind wander. I want to stay right here. I want to be the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes. That thought makes me snap my head back. I'm not one to prolong my time in someone's bed. I get out before they even have a chance to open their eyes. But looking at Justice.... God! Who am I??? Why does this feel different. I shake my head not wanting to answer that question yet. I try moving and then understand why I can't move. My entire body is touching justice's entire front and he has his arm tight around my waist. His other hand is under my head which explains the iron pillow. I try gently removing his hand. It moves, and for a moment I think I can actually get out, but then his hands clamps tighter and his mouth is next to my ear making my heart pound. "Fuck! this feels good. It's never felt this good before." My heart flutters and I lay my hand on his chest. I don't want to think right now. I just want the feeling I have to last as long as it can. I've never felt this, ..,,this....ugh!!!!! I Donno!!!! Exhilarating perhaps? . I stay rooted and his hands start moving rhythmically across my ribs. He frowns and says," Did you get thinner?" Ok. Now I'm just confused. What? His features smoothen and he leans towards my ear again saying," thinner or not. That was the best night we've ever had." Huh? Have I slept with him before? Surely I'd remember sleeping with the Justice Hamilton. Wait, unless I was really drunk. I'm still mulling over the possibility when his hands start pulling me tight again," don't ever leave me Meera. I need you" he says in a voice that trembles. The shock of that statement makes me blink a couple of times before I feel bile rising up my throat. I quickly start pushing against his chest fighting the feeling of breathlessness taking over. My struggles might have completely woken him, because the next thing I know, I'm being shoved off his chest and I stumble down the bed. I feel relieved and start fighting to breathe again. My chest feels tight and I can't see a thing. My eyes are blurry and I press hard against my chest to alleviate the pain. After a few moments, it subsides and I wonder why that happened. Was I getting an asthma attack? A panic attack? Or may be a heart attack?!! God I should get myself checked.

"Are you okay?"

I look up and see Justice standing there with a neutral expression leaning against a grandfather's clock. I nod and then stand up. The cool air hitting me makes me realise I have no clothes. I'm about to cover up, when I realise I've never covered up before. Why should I start now!? Hell! I flaunt it half the time, just to show the guys what they'll never have again. I ball my fists and look around trying to find my clothes. When I spot them on the floor in a pile, I walk towards them. Only problem is, Justice is standing right infront of them. When my eyes move away from the clothes and land on Justice, I find something similar to disgust clouding his eyes. I look down again. I've got that look a million times. I Donno why it's affecting me now. I shake my head thinking that I really have got to get myself checked.

I look him straight in the eye and walk forward. My insides are churning, but I'll be damned if I let him see that. He puts his hands up and says," Look, last night was a onetime thing." I stop and cock my head. I know that last night was a one night thing, but that's my line! When did the tables turn on me. When did I become such a wimp? My head starts aching with all the questions and muck in my brains. I close my eyes, grab my temples and exhale. I don't want to talk right now. To Justice or to my brain! "What time is it?" I ask. There's a slight pause, followed by a shuffling sound. "1:48am" he says. I'm relieved. I didn't want to do the walk of shame. I know the walk of shame doesn't apply to me because it's usually me walking out, but this would definitely feel like it. A plus point is, my parents will be asleep and I can sneak in to my bedroom. Their sleep-hogs. I lift my head and look straight. I step around Justice, grab my clothes and start putting them on. I can feel him burning a hole on my back with his eyes, but I ignore it. I just want to get out of here. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I freeze, but don't turn around. He curses and says, "Look at me, when I'm talking to you Dammit!" He says it with such authority that I almost turn around, but then I remember that I'm Brianna Knight and Brianna Knight doesn't take orders from anyone. I continue putting on my clothes and then start searching for my phone and car keys. When I find them, I turn and walk towards the door. Well thank god! now it feels normal and not like I've just been used. I'm almost out the door when I'm pulled back and the door is slammed. I'm whirled around like a puppet and there are two strong arms up against the door caging me in. I close my eyes. I did so for two reasons, one, to steady my wild heart and two, I did not, absolutely did not want to look at those violet eyes. Again his warm breath assaults me and I shudder imperceptibly. We're silent for around thirty seconds before he bangs his fists on the door behind me and commands," Brianna, look at me." Me being me, I don't do as I'm told. Instead I focus on something else entirely. This is the first time he's ever said my name. I can't tell you how it sounds, but it gives me this heady rush in my veins and a tingly feeling at my fingertips. I feel addicted to the feeling already. I try hard to say focused, but his closeness, his smell, his caging arms and the sound of his voice are making it impossible. "look at me" he says louder this time. I finally let my eyes open surrendering to the rush I feel. His eyes are even more beautiful up-close, with a golden ring at the rim of them. It's then I realise he looks pissed. Oh! I mentally roll my eyes. This happens all the time. Every guy I've ever been with gets pissed when I leave. So i lock my jaw and look him steady in the eye. This feels normal. "Why aren't you saying anything?" he asks searching my face. I shrug nonchalantly and say" What's there to say?" I know he wants a reaction. A fit. A tantrum anything to alleviate the guilt seeping through him. Well tough luck buddy. you're not gonna find it here. You see, I understood three things when he said the name 'Meera' during what I call our 'cuddle session'. One, he has a girlfriend. Well of course he has one. I'm so stupid to think that a gorgeous, cocky Mr. Popular won't have one. Two, he must have had a disagreement or fall-out with her last night, which leads us to observation number three, last night was an act of revenge. Ouch! First time I got played. Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice? Shame on me. So no, I'm not going to ease his guilt by saying something he can use against me and call me bratty and spoilt. I lift my chin and say," Anything else?" For a brief moment I see his face twitch into something like adoration before its gone. "Yes. Are we clear on what I said earlier?" He looks at me with this dominating expression. He's referring to the one night comment. Ha! If only he knew me better. I stand up to my full height. That puts me chest to chest with him and me looking up at him. Should have thought of this before, but anyways, I say," Sparkling fucking crystal" He almost winces before he nods. "Good. I just broke up with my girlfriend." He hesitates and then turns around and walks back to the bed. He puts on his shirt I watch like a moron. Seriously! What the hell is wrong with me. He turns and I snap back to reality. I put an ice cold expression on my face and then turn to open the door, when he says, "It's late. Let me follow you to your house." I fume. First he insults me, then uses me as his emotional punching bag and now he wants to play gentlemen! Well screw him. Oh wait! I already did! "Don't bother. This bitch can find her way back home." I say and close the door behind me.

Justice's POV

The door shuts softly and I curse out loud. She had to do even that with grace. No slamming. No screaming, not even a twitch! The words I'm an asshole keep running through my head and I'm trying very hard to ignore it . I regret what I did last night. No surprise there! I slept with a committed girl. That makes me no better than the rest of those bastards out there in the hallway. In fact the cruel words I uttered to Brianna make me even worse. How could I say that? 'You were thinking she'll use it against you' a voice says in my head. I sigh. True. I still think she can do it, but I have a horrible feeling I was wrong about her. Even if I'm right, it doesn't make the fact that I treated her like a rag cloth any better. I couldn't help it. If I'd made her feel comfortable I would have ended up taking her to bed again. She's slowly etching herself into my skin. When I woke up this morning, I thought Meera changed her brand of shampoo because her hair smelt like peaches and summer. Then my brain got even more confused when my hand smoothed down her ribs. The curves were perfect and smooth. When I woke I was shocked and pushed her off me. I'll never forget the helpless feeling I felt when she tried to struggle against something. Like something was choking her. I was about to go put my arms around her when she calmed down. My brain started working and I lost it. I took out all my frustration on her. She saw through my bullshit and did not give me a damn thing to hold against her. She knew I was struggling to hide and she didn't give me chance. She met me head on. She just moved a notch higher on my chart. She's observant and witty and she uses it to her advantage. I've never seen her exploit it. But then again, I'm new. Let's see how things turn out. I'll have to keep a closer eye on her, but that gives me an excuse to take my mind off Meera. Oh! Who am I kidding??!! I want to see what she's hiding under that cool facade. But before I do anything, I need to apologize for being an asshole. I shake my head and smile. That is one tough, icy, strong women with a sexy butt. I'll be damned if I don't get to know her. I think of the offer I made her when she was about to leave. To be perfectly honest, I did not want her to leave, so that's the first thing that came out of my mouth, but she threw me off again. No one has ever done that. I take my keys and walk out the door, all the while thinking of how to apologize to Brianna. I even love the way her name sounds on my lips!!!

Hey guys!!! I hope this chapter tortures as much as the vision of it did to me. *evil laugh* no one actually knows what Justice is feeling. He himself doesn't know what it is. But is starting to realise Brianna is more than just a pretty face.
I'll keep updating if you keep comment and voting for this book. It'll mean a lot to me. Over and out;)😁

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