Chpt 3: I kp running,I kp chasing, don't know Why, But u've got my Mind Racing.

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The lunch bell rings and I'm frustrated. No one has ever given me shit. I'm a knight for god's sake!!! We are known for the respect and dignity we are given. Justice is just a pompous ass. I turn around and look at our table which is clearing out. Alice just sits there watching me. Her expression is a mixture of hurt, longing and pity. PITY????!!! I power walk towards her and say, "What the hell is wrong with you? What's that look on your face?' She neutralizes her expression and asks," What look?" The picture of innocence. "Forget it. Let's just go. I've got history and they can punish if I'm late. That can't punish me if I'm inside and dreaming. Let's go!" Alice jumps up and dumps her tray into the bin on our way out. As we walk Alice takes out two flyers and hands one to me. "Mark is throwing a party today at his place. He says it's the best way to get chicks in his bed." She rolls her eyes and mutters something about honour and disgust. I raise both my eyebrows and wonder since when does she give a crap about what Mark does. Mark is Jake's best friend. He throws parties almost every day just because he can. His parents are usually away and stupidly keep juniors as his baby sitters. Naturally you can understand the result. Don't get me wrong. All of them don't jump into bed with him. He plays hard to get and they fall for it hook line and sinker. He played the doting best friend at junior prom with me and that's how I kissed him. Since then, I'm wary of what he does. Because everything he does has an agenda. Back then, it was to kiss the prettiest girl in class. I don't know why he's hosting this party, but I'm pretty sure he's up to something. But I'm all for partying. The drinking and dancing gives me a rush. So I say," I'll be there." And then walk to class. My seats reserved and I go and sit in it. The entire second last back row of the lecture hall is reserved for the popular clique. Jake enters followed by Tristan, whose reapplying her lip-gloss and fixing her hair. Oh! So that's who he was with. Not that I care. Chris, Mark and Dray follow all taking their seats. Jake comes and plonks himself beside me leaving one of the seats next to me vacant. I know no one's going to take that seat because they're scared of ruining the perfect couple's peace. I pull out my phone to check my Instagram account when Jake kisses my cheek saying, "Hey honey" A disgusted shiver passes through my body. Seriously??? Minutes ago he had his mouth sucking another chicks tongue out. I look at him and say, " Jake? You have a little of Tristan's lip-gloss left on you cheek. You might want to wipe that out. People might notice it. And next time wash your mouth before you kiss me after you're little escapades. How many times do I have to tell you!!!" Jake takes a wet wipe which I removed from my hand bag and wipes his cheek with a scowl on his face. "You're getting sloppier each day Jake. I don't know how long it'll take till someone posts a picture of you humping another chick. You've been lucky for two years. Don't get sloppy our senior year. Let's just get the title of prom king and queen and leave this place. "Fine" he grumbles and then looks ahead. "Are you coming to Mark's place today?" Jake asks while opening his iPad and fidgeting with it. "Yeah." I say. "Cool" he looks at me and smiles," I'll pick you up at 8." I force a smile back. Right then, the violet eyed monster enters the classroom and heads for our row all the while looking at me. I'm furious he thinks he can sit with us. Yes, I was going to invite him to sit with us before. But that was before argued with me in front of the cafeteria. He's still heading towards us when the professor, Montgomery enters. I stand up and am about to tell him off when he passes us an walks to the last row of the lecture hall. For a second I'm confused, "what just happened?" And then I feel embarrassed. I pretend to readjust my skirt and then sit down knowing full well that my cheeks have turned bright red. "What's up with you?" Jake asks a bit too loudly and I cringe. I then force a smile and say nothing. It's just a little stuffy. He looks at me while longer and again busies himself with his tablet. I subtly try to look behind only to find Justice smirking down at me. I scowl and look infront and force myself to smooth my features. 

Justice's POV 

I can see her struggling to keep cool and collected, but failing miserably. I chuckle. When I entered class, I was going to sit in the vacant spot in the middle row. But then those dark curls caught my attention at the back and I watched her. A guy, presumably her boyfriend came and kissed her cheek. Funny I just saw the same guy kissing a blond chick right outside the classroom minutes ago. I see her almost cringe and smirk. Yeah, it surprising how fast I can detect her almost expressions even though I don't even know her. Probably because I'm very observant. I relax my fist which somehow tightened. That confused me. She doted on him and then her head turned and her eyes clashed with mine. I made a split second decision to ruffle those pretty perfect feathers, even though I don't like her one bit. I kept my eyes trained on her strained face and walked towards the back row. Predictably she stood ready to launch into a rant just when I crossed her and sat in the last row right behind her. She turned a deep shade of red and sat back down. Her cheeks looked so sweet with that colour that I wanted to run fingers along it and across her jaw. Just then my phone pings, alerting me of a text. The professor can't see this far and is too engrossed in The world war II to even care. I remove my phone and read a text from Meera. 

"Hey baby. How's the new school? I miss you so much. I wish you'd chosen my school, but I understand why you chose La Belle. There's a party at some guys house in our block. Heard he's form your new school. See you at 7? It'll give us a chance to get to know some of your school friends. Get out more like I'm always saying;). Anyways love you. Keep dreaming about me during the lecture you're in. I know you're not paying attention. XOXOX" 

I feel guilty, but I smile. Meera's always asking me to be more social and less broody. She was my neighbour when we first met and I crashed her bike. For forgiveness, she asked me to take her for coffee for a week. What can I say?! She was pretty. She made me laugh the entire week through and then next thing we knew, we were holding hands and kissing. I never have to worry about her. She's strong and independent and never whines and cries about her problems. That's an A plus girlfriend to me. I text her back. 


Right then a note hits my head 

You know for an A grade student you don't pay a lot of attention in class. 

I look up to see who threw it, but no one's looking back. For the rest of the class, I try concentrating on the professor's lecture but my eyes keeps wandering back to Brianna. Her boyfriend keeps touching her and she keeps shooing his hands away and trying to concentrate. It's a laugh, how much he frustrates her, but how patient she is, meticulously removing his hands and placing them on the desk a billion times. Finally when the bell rings we head to different classes and I release a sigh of relief. At least I don't have a certain someone distracting me now.

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