Chapter 01-Maya: Eye-Contact

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Chapter 01-Maya: Eye-Contact


Go buy the groceries, she said. It'll be easy, she said.

Whoever came up with the phrase "Mother knows best" should have met all mothers before making that phrase a thing. My mother certainly did not know what was best. However, for a woman who didn't like to associate herself with the kitchen she sure makes plenty of grocery shopping demands on the rest of my family. I swear there wasn't a single day where my father returns from his coaching without a brown bag of groceries.

I wonder why I actually listened to my mother's advice. Grocery shopping was and will never be my thing. Window shopping and clothes shopping is what I can do, and the pride of all Irwin family women. Unfortunately, this was the small favour I had to repay my mother, since she was forced to shop for my dance costume the last time I was busy. She's probably having her lavish tea parties at some fancy place out of town. Or at the housewives clubhouse organising it.

I sigh, and continue to examine each green apple one by one. The apples aren't going to get into the basket with my thoughts messing around in my head. I've always thought fruits were all identical until I closely examined this pile of apples.

Frankly speaking, this is the first time I went grocery shopping by myself. It was not only weird, but awkward too. I wondered why the staff didn't kick me out yet for the pile of green apples I managed to overturn in the past hour. If I worked here, I have a feeling I would blacklist a person overturning apples like me right now.

I could already see it, the mugshot of my awkward looking face pinned all over the grocery store's corkboards. My mother will certainly die of shame before I do.

Seven. Seven fresh, green apples was all that my mother had asked of me. From four o'clock to five o'clock, I wanted to give up. I needed four more blemish-free apples before I could snuggle under the soft covers and watch re-runs of korean dramas.

Sighing to myself once more, I tried to find another four apples that appeared blemish-free before proudly stalking towards the cashier. It was rather eco-friendly for them to place the apples in a thin, brown paper bag, but at the same time it felt as if they were plain thrifty and just wanted to save some cash. I wouldn't blame them, since no one is here half the time.

I hummed as I walked towards my favourite hangout spot to grab a nice cup of coffee before I went hope. My mother was probably home by now, and I wondered what she was going to try with those poor green apples. She was heavily inspired by some baking show to make apple pie once, and to put it in nice words, my father suggested she continued baking her signature shortbreads and nothing else. Just thinking about it makes me remember the horrible week where I stayed at home, making friends with the toilet-

"Ah!" I gasped as I fell to the ground. I must have lost my sense of direction and my footing again. I, Maya Irwin was always clumsy. I tripped over my own foot, spilled a drop of milk from a tall glass. Needless to say, I was a little clumsy when I lose focus and start building those sandcastles in the air.

Gosh, why did I wear white shorts again? I even heard a slight ripping sound. Please don't be these shorts. Please. I just bought those last week!

I winced slightly as I patted the dust from my shorts and stood up. I not only walked past my hangout spot, but my street as well. Oh well. It wasn't as if I never ventured this far before.

There were a few green balls rolling along the pavement. I stared at them, puzzled. There were seven green balls, all rolling around. It took me a few seconds before I realised they were not just green balls. Those were my green apples!

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