The First Stage

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Monday came around so quickly it was like the rest of the week had been skipped until something good happened. I got out of bed at my alarm, showered and changed into the costume that Mr Telkins had helped me put together. Personally, I hated it. It was a gold unitard with rainbow tiger stripes at the sides randomly, ruffles at the neck, ankles and wrists and was extremely tight. I had tried to edit it around to make it better as much as possible, so I had removed the ruffles and made it slightly less fitting. I had also messed around with the colours changing the gold to black and the rainbow to silver. To cut a long story short, I had made two outfits. The one I was wearing and the one sir wanted me to wear. I pulled on some trapeze boots and slung a chalk bag around my hips for now. I quickly shoved on a jacket over the top, some sweatpants and some trainers. The make up had gone in a back-pack to be applied when I got there, because these were being recorded sir wanted to use some to promote our school. I also shoved in a hair brush and my deodorant before heading downstairs.
"I have made you a fry-up for breakfast today Master Dick." Alfred said as he laid it in front of me." I have also baked you some cookies for the day."
"Thank you Alfred." I said and ate until the plate was clean.
Once I finished I quickly jumped on my motorcycle, forgoing everything but the helmet as I am such a rebel, and drove down to the location of the auditions. Happy Harbour theatre. I pulled up in the underground parking and walked up to the reception desk where a small line had already formed.
"Richard, there you are." Mr Telkins said coming over, "You were almost late. Come on, let's get you signed in and ready to perform."
I signed in, taking a quick glance at the register and seeing the team were already inside and followed sir to where the rest of the school competitors sat.
"Alright everyone, they have set up extreme sets already so they will be going first. In other words, Richard I think you're second on the list so you need to get ready pronto. You'll be on in two hours."
I quickly escaped with that, thankful I wouldn't have to listen to him ramble on and headed to the dressing rooms, thankfully they were all individual. I locked the door behind me and spread my make-up on the counter. I started with some foundation and then drew on a few tiger stripes from the edges of my face in eyeliner. A little mascara to make sure that my eyes were still my most breathtaking feature, I mean, even I can't resist looking into my blue orbs. And then I finished with a spot of black nail varnish. It had already been an hour when I got that done and so I quickly fashioned my hair and sprayed it to make for minimal movement and removed my civvies to reveal my leotard, but keeping my trainers on for now. I exited the room, getting quite a lot of stares from everyone and then Wally came over.
"You must be Richard Grayson, I'm Wallace West." He said immediately.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked shaking his hand.
"Just a big fan of yours. Have been since, forever. And I can't wait to see your score." He said, the last bit being that the briber was going to have very high scores so that a place was guaranteed.
"What will I see you doing?" I asked.
"I'm part of a group with my friends Conner and Kaldur, we're going to be doing a little trick with water, so they've put us first so that they can put water absorbent mats down. We're actually on in ten minutes, so if you'll excuse me." And he jogged off back to the team.
I continued to walk back to the school where most of them had gone to get ready for when they were on.
"Richard." Mr Telkins pulled me to the side, "They've set up your stage in the left wing as they have aerial shows in there often and it will be safer."
"Okay." I said and he left me alone to warm up and stretch out.
"The danger justice." Was called out in the loudspeaker system and I looked up to see Conner and Wally walking on stage.
"It says here that there are three members of this group." The judge said.
"I'm up here." Kaldur said from where he had been sat on top of the tank for the past five minutes.
"Alright. Begin."
Kaldur jumped into the water tank and Wally pulled the sheet away to show him suspended in the water, supposedly not breathing but he was aquatic.
"This demonstration requires all of you to pay close attention." Wally called as he paced in front of the tank, "Conner, if you could do the honours."
Conner turned towards a table which had been put on the stage and lifted it from the ground. Wally then jumped on the table and using it as a diving board jumped into the tank with Kaldur and chained him to the bottom of the tank. He then came back out, jumped down onto the table and back to the floor.
"And now we wait for Kaldur to escape his chains." Wally said and stepped back so that we could see Kaldur. He fiddled with them for a while before releasing himself and breaking the surface of the water. Then, taking everyone by surprise, Conner jumped the entire eight feet to the top of the tank and pulled Kaldur out as the surface caught on fire.
"Looks like we're burning water." Wally joked, "But in all seriousness, let's put it out with..." There was a quick burst of wind which told me he had ran backstage and back, "...this!" And he pulled out a fire extinguisher from behind his back.
He pointed it towards the tank, "It's too tall. I need a boost."
At that Kaldur lifted Wally onto his shoulders and then stood with one foot on the palm of Conner's hand. They were then lifted to the top of the tank. Wally then put out the fire and the act was concluded.
"Alright, we're moving to the other stage for the next act whilst this is cleaned up and for safety reasons. Richard Grayson, you're up." The judge said and everyone filtered through to the other stage. Telkins set up the cameras beforehand as there was some at every angle, and some strapped to the ropes and poles. I looked over the set to make sure the setup was correct, the trapeze bars into the hoop with the silks hanging from the bottom of that and then more bars to the next platform. Perfect. However, I did hear the mutter of Kaldur commenting on how similar it was to my setup at the mountain. Ignoring him I stepped up to the platform, introduced myself and my act and then climbed up to the first bar. I took a deep breath and leaped from the platform. Swinging back and forth a couple of times I went for a double flip to the next bar and then flipped over so that I lifted myself above the bar and stood on it, swinging with more momentum now, and then I flipped over catching my feet on the bar until I was upside down and then triple flipped onto the hoop which was now fixed in the middle instead of a bar. But I miscalculated the leap and I was falling to the floor, no net to catch me.

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