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Through my routine I could see the team taking down bombs around the stadium and by the time I was ushered off stage they must have got at least 20 of them. I quickly threw my hoodie back on and went into the crowd to help, fortunately I didn't need a map to tell me all their locations and so I could get through them quicker. By the time it was half nine they were all disabled and I could breathe again.
"Good job Dick." Wally gave me a pat on the back before he went up with Conner and Kaldur.
"Artemis." I called as I watched her walk away.
"What?" She snapped.
"I'm sorry for what I've done these past few weeks." I said, "I never meant to hurt you."
"I understand." She said as she put a hand on my shoulder, "You never fight on the team, so why would you fight with me? It makes sense now, Slade was telling you what to do and you had to do it. You had no choice. But you did know what was in the poison you gave me, right?"
"Ummm... I mean." I got out, "Slade said it wouldn't kill you."
"And you trusted him?" She almost yelled.
"He hadn't given me reason not to. And mistrust gives misbehaviour which he didn't want. So..." I tired to explain but she said she forgave me with a sceptical look in her eye.
And I didn't blame her. I'd want to know your friend wasn't killing you too.
"With that you are correct. And I want you to behave." I whirled around and came face to face with a man half orange and half back with only one eye.
"Slade." I growled.
"You think you can beat me Nightwing, but I always have a back up plan." He sneered, "Even of it means getting my own hands dirty."
I didn't give him a chance to continue as I leaped at him but he caught my foot and threw me through the wall and onto the stage. I rolled to a stop at Wallys feet.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Slade." I growled as he stepped through the hole after throwing through the girls.
"Ah, it seems they did get the bombs out your system." He said as he laid his eye on Wally, "Such a shame. But you should have seen Robin scream, I actually thought he might miss you."
"Who's going to miss you though?" Wally taunted the man as I stood back up.
"Everyone." And a horde of people dressed like him came swarming through the hole and onto the stage. I instantly went to reach for my weapons but they weren't there, stupid stage costume. Instead I just went in with my fists knocking out attacker or attacker as the stadium emptied of the audience. In fact, as I looked at them they all looked exactly like the team. At least I know who stole from Lex corps now.
"There's too many of them." Artemis shouted as she shot them down with the small amount of arrows she had.
"We've beat the odds before. We can do it again." I painted back as I threw one of the people into the others advancing but then someone grabbed the back of my neck and threw me off the stage and onto the judging panel which broke through.
"You really think that you can stop me." Slade asked as he walked over, "You are not as bright as I thought."
"I don't think we can stop you." I growled as I stood back up, "I know." And I lunges at him.
He parried all my hits with infuriating ease and I was already breaking a sweat without landing a single hit on him. He backhanded me and I went flying back again but flipped over so I landed on my feet.
"Let's make this a fair fight." He said as he took out a bo staff and threw it to me.
I caught it easily and advanced again as he took out one for himself and so we continued again, neither of us landing a hit.
"You're technique is good Nightwing." He said, "But it could use some improvement." My staff snapped as he kicked it and I was left with half in one hand and half in the other. But I'd take it, "As like me, I can see you hate to lose and have the needed resilience to withstand training. You would make a very promising apprentice indeed."
"I will not be your apprentice." I growled as I tried to sweep his legs out but he just jumped over them and came back down with a hit that sent me flying back into the thick of the fight with the team. Or what was. It seems since I had been with Slade the team had gone down, all held back by a couple people each.
"You didn't really expect that you could win, did you?" Slade asked as he came back over, "You cannot beat me Richard. I offer you one last time, become my apprentice or die."
"I think I'll make my own option." I said and went at him again with renewed anger.
However, I pulled to a stop as Bruce jumped in the way, facing Slade, "I don't know who you are and nor do I care. So I give you a warning, come quietly or we can do this the painful way."
"I'll make sure you know what painful means when I am done with you." Slade snarled and advanced on him, staff twirling.
I watched as they fought but it was clear that Bruce wasn't winning, Slade had the gear advantage, the strength and the skill the outmatch Batman. But maybe not the both of us together. I leaped into the fray, sliding under Bruce and kicking Slade in the knees so that he went staggering backwards.
"Wooo, go Rob!" I heard Wally shout behind me and smirked, not taking my eyes off Slade as he stood back up.
"Not so tough now, are we Slade?" I taunted and he snarled as he came back at us again.
Bruce and I parried him and eventually managed to get in a few hits until he was on the floor and being held down.
"It's over." Bruce growled, "Release the team."
"No." Slade growled back.
"Release them." Bruce growled again as he snapped Slade's arm.
"Let then go." He ordered his followers and they did, making a run for it themselves.
Bruce then hauled him to his feet and dragged him away towards the police station.
"You okay Rob?" Wally asked as he came over.
"Astrous." I replied, "What about you?"
"We're good." Artemis replied, "But at least we can say that we won't be dealing with him for a while."
"Praise the lord for that." I said as I dropped his ear pieces on the ground and smashed them under my boot.
"So," Wally asked, "anyone up for pizza?"

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