The Second Stage

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The rest of the week passed treacherously slowly and I was glad when it was over. I had been down to see Alfred on the weekend and spent most of my day up there until I was forced to leave, just sitting and watching him. It struck me then how mortal we all are, all it would take is one slip up and we reach the end of our line. And Alfred's line was closing in on him fast.
"Dick, you need to get to school." Bruce said as he came in and woke me up.
"Be there in a second." I said and rolled out of bed.
I quickly dressed in my uniform and headed to the small kitchen area. The room we were staying in was the largest they had, it was only small flat size but it was rather homely. And the less room there was the less emptiness there was to notice. However, due to our new location Batman hadn't been very active recently. And Nightwing, as I had dubbed myself, couldn't be active becuase of this stupid injury on my leg. Five days later and it still pained to walk on for more than an hour and a half. We ate our breakfast in silence and Bruce dropped me off at school before continuing his way to work where he would continue to plan out the new manor. However, school wasn't my calling today. I headed over the the Zeta beam and went to the cave, I haven't seen the team all week, and Bruce couldn't keep me from them for much longer.
No one was in the living room and so I headed to the next place they might be, the training room. On the way I dumped my crutches in my room so they wouldn't see them and opened the doors to the cool refreshing air and stench of sweat.
"Rob!" Wally called as he saw me and everyone stopped to come over, "Where have you been?"
"Here and there." I replied with a smirk.
"You have missed too much my friend, we shall have to catch you up." Kaldur said and we headed back to the living room and sat down, "We know that the attack was going to be a bombing correct?"
I nodded to show I'd heard, not sure where he was going with this but I had an idea.
"Well you know the bombs that were shipped here just over a week ago?" Artemis said, "We've had them analysed, they were the same ones that went off in Grayson's house."
"And due to their lack of link anywhere else and the fact he is already high on our suspicion list, we believe we may be making arrests soon." SB grunted to finish.
"Personally I think they're making links where there are none." Wally said as he turned to face me, "Richard seems a good guy. They just don't know him like I do."
"Wally, the evidence is not in his favour. At all." I argued, "But the links are weak. The evidence is sketchy, so maybe hold back on the arrests for now."
"We said we'll see where he places and then make a decision," Megan said, "So the threat will either be nullified or continued tomorrow."
"That's a good idea." I commented, "And you all have acts that will get you through?"
"Plus your ticket." Megan said as she handed me the slip of paper.
I pocketed it and thanked them, then we just hung for the rest of the day.

Batman 02
Oh damn. I looked at the clock and tried to shrink into my chair. But it was useless as he came over and just stood in front of me.
"Heeyy B-man." I greeted meekly as the rest of the team just looked on.
"Nightwing, I'm pretty sure you have somewhere to be, school maybe?" He questioned, glaring at me like there's no tomorrow.
"Schools finished by now." I replied and gave him a slightly scared smirk.
"You'll be finished if you ever decide to skive without telling me first again." He threatened and began to walk off, telling me to follow.
I said goodbye to the team, who looked absolutely terrified, and followed him to the Batcave.
"What's so important you had to come and pick me up?" I asked as he sat down in his chair, facing the computer.
"The bomb leads point to you, the score points to you." He said, "And the competition is tomorrow. Add on to that the fact there is another link to you not being the golden boy you are."
"What?" I asked, there was literally nothing solid against me.
He opened up a page off the news and read it out to me, "Last night CCTV caught Richard John Grayson breaking into Lex Corps and stealing an unidentified object which is believed to be part of the Lex Corp security system. We are waiting for confirmation for what has been taken." And swivelled round to look at me as I continued to read the rest of the article, "Can you prove that this wasn't you?"
"The only thing I can give is my word." I said, "You know as well as I do that a power surge killed out the hotels cameras last night, turns out it wasn't a freak accident."
"Just be careful out there, okay." He said, removing his cowl, "Someone is obviously out to get you, and they're doing a great job of making you seem like the terrorist. Stay alert."
I nodded to show I'd heard and was dismissed for the evening. I headed to the gym I had been using their ariel set to practice my routine, of course it had been changed a bit to ensure I didn't damage my leg too much, and my classes had been cancelled for the next month as they didn't want to have me injuring myself further, so I had a lot of spare time on my hands lately. But it would seem I would be needing that spare time to figure out who as framing me, and why.

I arrived at the competition venue early, turns out I was closer than I thought I was to the theatre now, and headed backstage to my designated area. I changed into my costume, same as last time, and sorted my make-up and hair out as the rest of my school started filing in. A couple minutes after I finished the order was put up, I was going to be going last this time as they had an ariel show booked for the evening and they didn't want to have more work than necessary. I had given the ticket I won off of Conner to Bruce, seeming Alfred was still hospitalised we didn't need to buy one, but we would be getting a recording of it so that he could watch it when he woke up. Which would hopefully be soon, I don't know what I'd do without him. The first act was called onto stage half an hour later and the show had officially begun. As the rest of the team were probably doing, I was keeping an eye out for anyone who seemed at all suspicious, and I could feel so many eyes on the back of my head. I turned around to head back to my room only to bump into Artemis.
"Richard, I didn't think you'd be competing today, not with your leg and all." She said, indicating my crutch.
"Can't let this get in the way or my teacher will kill me." I replied, "I've edited my routine to avoid putting any strain on it anyway."
"Cool." She replied, "Just don't cause any permanent damage to it, you'd regret it if you did."
"More than anyone would ever know." I said, "I can't become an expert karate master if I can't kick anything."
She was forcibly holding back laughter at my, what I thought was lame, joke. And then she was saved as the backstage hand came to collect her to stand by. I went back to my room and sat and waited, watching the screen which showed us the acts and the full stadium of watchers. It seemed like forever until my name was called and I was heading up up to the stage. Next thing I know I walking onto stage, beaming my most winning grin and giving the best performance I could with an injured leg.
I was panting when I was finished and everyone was called back onto stage whilst the voting went on. I stayed up on the silks, as my final move had them set up as a kind of swing, and just hung above the others whilst I waited. Ten minutes later everyone was being hushed as the count was in.
"And in no particular order, through the the next round is... Danger Justice, Sofia Belcourt, Louis Smith, Artemis and Megan..." "and the final space of the evening is...Richard Grayson!" The announcer said and a large burst of applause came out. We were all ushered off stage and rushed to leave.
"Well done, I see you're through again." Wally said as he came over.
"Same to you West." I replied and patted him on the back, "And good call changing your performance like that. I don't think the judges would have been overly impressed with your initial splash everyone tactic."
"Maybe not." He chuckled, "Do you mind if I come over tonight or tomorrow? The rest of my act have girlfriends and are off for a double date and I don't want to be that awkward friend with no one."
"How about I just come out with you instead." I suggested, "As a friend."
"You hiding something Grayson?" Wally asked in a smooth voice like an inspector from your classic detective film.
"Only the fact that the hotel I'm in is a mess because I hate cleaning." I smirked and he agreed that I'd just come out with him.
I left the stadium and headed to the hotel, which is actually clean but I have to keep Wally away with some excuse, cleaned myself up and hen headed to the cave to see the team.

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