chapter 26

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 Eleanor parked the car outside of school, cutting off the loud music that was playing. Parrie opened the passenger door getting out and stretching her arms.

"I can't believe you're all going up tomorrow," She wined turning to look at Eleanor and Emma who stepped out right after her.

"Why aren't you coming?" Emma questioned, pulling her cardigan close, trying to cover herself up from the chilly wind.

"Zayn's mum's birthday and they have this huge thing planed and I promised I'll go," She pouted.

"But College is more important, she'll understand won't she?" Eleanor asked, locking up the car and catching up to the two girls striding lazily towards the football field.

"She will but he won't, I don't feel like getting in a fight with him over this, as it is he is always at my throat for hanging out with you lot," She shrugged.

"Well, that's not fair… He shouldn't have a say in it.. I mean, at first Louis didn't like me hanging out with Harry, but he never said a word," Eleanor replied.

"We can all agree Zayn is not Louis, anyway I don't want to try out for that college anyway, so you'll have to fill me in on your findings when you get back," Perrie added.

"Well it won't be as fun without you," Eleanor bumped playfully into Perrie, making them both lose their balance, catching it right before they tip over.

"Rubbish, Jen will be there, that girl is plenty of fun," Perrie laughed out.

"Emma? What is so interesting with your phone?" Eleanor turned to Emma, noticing she wasn't listening or taking part in the conversation.

"Mm? Sorry, It's nothing really, It really is too bad you won't be joining," Emma turned to Perrie.

"Come on girlies!  Don't bring me down! Let's have fun today at this game yeah?" Perrie jumped up, linking both her arms with Eleanor's and Emma's as they giggle towards the growing crowd.

Harry's POV

I was changing into my uniform when Niall and Louis walked into the locker room, paint on their faces, and a smile from ear to ear.

"What happened to your faces?" I smirked at the green and black lines on their cheeks.

"Come on mate, you're next in line, so finish up and scoot out to get your game face on," Niall ordered me.

It was astonishing how friendly Niall and I have become this last week. It was as if life was going back to normal, like it used to be before juvie, minus Hope.

That was another thing, Hope. She was in everything I did, everywhere I went. She was haunting this town, shadowing my every move, waiting for justice to be made on her behalf.

Zayn and Liam walked pass us, sneering. Zayn was pissed off I was starting instead of him, kicking at the bench I was sitting on.

"Don't," Louis put a hand on my shoulder as I moved, stopping me from punching his face off.

I took a deep breath, pulling my hair back.

"Fuck… Where is that disgusting face paint?" I got up, pushing Zayn and Liam to the back of my memory, telling myself I will take out my aggravation by playing well tonight.

"Over there, the cheerleaders are doing the painting," Niall pointed. He and Louis walked over with me.

When I saw who was doing the painting I let out a low swear.

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