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Brontide (n.)

the low rumble of distant thunder

-Collie's Word of the Day #309



AFTER tossing away his cigarette, Hopper stepped inside a bar that was filled with the sound of chatter and the smell of alcohol, though was warm and welcoming nonetheless. He unzipped his jacket and made his way to a table where Dr. Owens sat and waited with a smile.

"Chief-o," Owens greeted as Hopper sat.

"How's the leg?"

"Better." Owens shrugged his shoulders and glanced down at his healing leg. "Pretty sure my football career is over." He gestured to his sandwich before him and pushed the plate across the table. "You want some? No way I'm gonna finish."

Hopper pushed the plate back and shook his head. "No, I'm, uh... on a diet."

"Well, you're a better man than me." Owens turned and dug in his bag for a moment, producing a white envelope. "Hey, got a little something for you."

Hopper eyed the envelope curiously and opened it, pulling out two pieces of official-looking paper. They were birth certificates, the first reading, Jane Hopper. His eyes widening, he moved to the next one and read, Colleen Hopper.

  "I thought-"

  "Sometimes I impress even myself," Owens cut in. "Still, I'd let things cool off for a while, if I were you."

  Hopper raised an eyebrow. "How long is a while?"

Owens hummed and picked his sandwich up, staring at it thoughtfully. "Want to be safe? I give it a year."

  "A year?" Hopper repeated. He huffed and grabbed the other half of Owens' sandwich, taking a bite. "What about one night?"

  "One night?"

  "Yeah," said Hopper. "One night, how risky would that be?" Owens peered at him in question.

  "What's so important about one night?"


Hawkins Middle School was decorated in wintry blues and whites, dozens of signs hung about the walls advertising Snow Ball of '84. Music blasted from speakers and hundreds of kids danced about the gym, dressed in tuxes and dresses.

Mike sat alone at an abandoned table, watching as couples danced before him. His expression downcast, he heaved a sigh and took a sip of his drink.

"Hey, buddy," said a voice. Mike looked up to see Jonathan standing next to him with a soft smile. "Can I sit?" Mike shrugged as the older boy sat with him and observed the dancing students. "What's wrong? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends?"

Mike gave him a sideways glance, then shrugged his shoulders again. "I don't know. Shouldn't you be dancing with your girlfriend?" Jonathan blinked and scanned the crowd as if he might find the face he was looking for.

"I could ask you the same thing," Jonathan finally replied. Mike was just about to retort when their attention was drawn across the room, where the door to the gym opened.

Both the boys' breath hitched as Collie and Jane stepped in, taking everything in with wonder-filled eyes. Collie wore a white halter dress that came to her knees, her hair pulled up in an elegant bun. Jane donned a teal dress with a pink belt, purple eyeshadow highlighting her face.

Jonathan and Mike jumped to their feet, their mouths agape as they stared at the girls. The two couples locked eyes and the girls smiled as they walked forward.

When they met, Jonathan took Collie's hands and grinned as he kissed her passionately. Mike and Jane gagged, hurrying away to their own spot.

"Hi," said Collie.

"Hi." Jonathan looked his girlfriend up and down, his heart racing as he took her in. "You look... you're just beautiful." Collie smiled as she straightened his dress jacket.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She refrained from asking how he was doing, as she already knew. Joyce was still reeling from the death of Bob, who had been killed in the Demodog attack, and Will was still returning to himself after being possessed by the mind flayer.

She switched her gaze to the sea of dancing couples, Jonathan following her eyes.

"Oh, right. Do you wanna dance?" he asked. Collie laughed in reply and led him out to the floor, where she wrapped her arms around his neck and he took her by the waist.

Collie and Jonathan swayed to the music as they grinned at each other, occasionally pressing kisses to the others' lips. As Collie rested her head on his shoulder, she looked around.

Nancy and Dustin both laughed and giggled as they danced playfully together, and Mike and Jane stared into each other's eyes as they held each other tightly. Will, back to his normal self, smiled as he danced with a girl with brunette hair, and Lucas and Max stepped back and forth in time with the music.

  Everyone was happy. Everything was fine.

  However, when Collie closed her eyes as she leaned into Jonathan, a soft rumble reached her ears. Her head shot up and she stared out the window, not recalling there be any chance for a storm.


  "What?" Jonathan asked, peering at her. "What's wrong?" Collie settled her gaze upon him for a minute, then grinned, pulling him down into a deep kiss that left them both tingling.

  "Nothing," she said. "Nothing at all." She eased herself back into his secure hold, allowing the music to wash over her and envelop her completely. Over Jonathan's shoulder, Collie gazed out the window for a few moments, then closed her eyes once more. She'd let it be for now.

  She'd let it be.

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