Dont make me wait for a falling star.

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Alex's P.O.V

Jack's mom had gone to work and I was just on my phone when Jack moved closer to me. I shrugged it off. Then he started grinding on me. Okay he is having a sex dream. I wonder who it's about. He grinded harder. Damn Jack someone is horny.

"L-" that's all he said. Who has an L in their name well besides me but it would have started with an A. "Lex!" Nevermindddddd. I felt proud like really proud do not ask me why but I felt proud. He started grinding harder.

I decided to wake him up. "Jack. Jack wake up." I shook him and he opened his eyes.

Jack's P.O.V -dream form is in italics-

We were in my room and I was leaning against the wall while Alex jumped around like an idiot to American idiot. Not weird at all.

"I'm bored." I stated. He stopped dancing and start to walk over to me. "Alex what are you doing?" "Shush just let it happen." he said and kissed me which I kissed back and it started getting heated.

He started kissing my neck. "L-" was all I got out because he kissed me again. Then he went back to my neck. "Lex!" I started kissing his neck.

"Jack. Jack wake up."


"Sleep well?" The smirk on his face and the cockiness in voice made me wanna punch him. In the face. With a frying pan. Twice.

"You were like grinning on me for a good 10 minutes." I had to get that damn smirk off his face. "So you let me grind on you for 10 minutes?"

The smirk was gone and his face was red.

"See Gaskarth don't make fun of someone who has a card to play." I stated.

"Fine bara-" I gave him a look. "Sorry." He said. "That's what I thought."

He shrugged still slightly blushing and picked up my guitar. Normally I would have back handed someone that's the last thing I have from my father. Anyways.

He started strumming I'd have to admit he has talent. "Wait Alex." I took the guitar and handed him my lyric book. "Pick one." "Jack I was just kicked out of my other band I don't have talent." he said. "Alex whatever. Just sing one you suck,you suck if not awesome it's not like it's gonna be in front of 1000 people."

Alex sung a song called the party scene a song I had written.

"Alex you have talent." I said. "Then why was I kicked out?" "Maybe cause you are always late." I said and he laughed. "That I am. I will probably be late to my funeral." He said.

Then a voice came from my door. "It's a known fact if Alex moved any slower he'd be exstinked." Zack said walking in with Rian.

"Loving the support guys." Alex said. "I support your homosexuality." Rian stated.

I looked at Alex. "You're gay?" I asked. "No I'm a unicornnnnnnnn." He said dragging the n. Yeah he's gay.

"Speaking of gay people I walked in on Austin and Alan making out." Rian said.

"I ship Cashby." Alex said. "What is a Cashby sounds like a nut or an atm." I stated. "It's a ship name Jack. Rian and Zack would be Zain. You and I would be Jalex. Austin and Alan would be Cashby. Tay and Jordan would be Taydan."

"I ship them all but Zain." Zack said.

"So you ship Jalex?" Alex asked. "You don't even need gaydar to see y'all are like crushing all over each other." Rian said.

"Are not." Came from Alex and I at the same time. "Then kiss." Zack said.

"What?" Came from me and "Huh." Came from Alex.

"Let's play dare or truth." Rian said. "Truth or dare." Alex said to correct him. "Dare." "What?" "Since you didn't give me a dare Ill make my own. My dare is that I dare you to kiss jack." Rian said. "You sneaky little rat bastard." I said.

Alex grabbed my face and kissed me. After a few second we both pulled away.

We both had a look of shock on our face.

"Seeeeeeee." Zack dragged out e.

Remember when I wanted to whack Alex with a frying pan twice. Well replace Alex with Zack and replace twice with 10 times.

"I see nothing." Alex said covering his eyes.

Small time lapse to Jack being at his house alone.

So I've been here alone for an hour or two and I've just been thinking.

That kiss with Alex. It was truth or dare. Which may I add no one else played after that so yeah.

It wasn't special or important. Didn't make things weird. Didn't break any friendships.

Which may I add happens a lot in books.

Someone has a feeling for another, which causes some bitch to get their panties in a twist, so they send a hotshot after one of the people to fuck up the relationship that caused the bitch to be upset but it backfires in her face. Am I wrong? That's almost every teen novel out there.

Another thing that's bothers me. Yes this is leaving the topic but earlier I ate some ice cream with Alex.

Now I have an eating disorder but since I ate some may believe I'm getting better or that I really don't have an eating disorder. Which is not true. It hurts me to eat. Trust me I know I'm not fat but at one point I believed I was so I started eating less and my body got used to it. So I'm used to it. I am slowly coming back to two meals a day. So maybe I am getting better.

And maybe I'm getting back to trusting people too. 6 months ago no matter who they are I wouldn't have let them kiss me for a game.

Maybe it's me getting older or my hormones going let me fuck you.

Either way I will say I have a small crush on Alex.

I mean he's hot and I'm me.

Misarable at best. JalexWhere stories live. Discover now