First date?

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(Sorry the last chapter was short.)

Jacks P.O.V

I was walking in the wooded area by my house I was clearing my head and I guess I walked further then I normally did and I was by a stream.

A spirit was on the other side. A male "Hello?" I asked it. "Go away you aren't suppose to be here." He said and then appeared behind me. "Who are you?" I wondered outloud. "Doesn't matter now does it." he stated. "Look I can help you." I looked at the nameless ghost. "I'm dead what help can you do to the dead." he said. "You know your dead?"

That was one of the first honestly May,Kellin,and Vic are the only three who knew they were dead.

"You know you're dead?" I asked. "I don't float threw people for fun." he said. "What happened to you?" I questioned following him as he started floating threw the woods. "If I knew that would I be here Jack?" I froze. "The shirt." he said and I looked down at my shirt and remembered it was one I wore to a camp thing and my name was written on it.

"Okay you know my name but I don't know yours. Care to tell me." I said leaning against a tree lighting a cigarette.

Yes I smoke,sue me anyways.

"Why you didn't know me when I was alive." He said rolling his eyes at me. "Well you didn't know me when you were alive either but you know my name." I said ashing the cigarette. "What do you want to know?" "I want to know who you are." I said. "I am nobody." he replied. "Everybody is somebody." I replied. He rolled his eyes and disappeared.

Alex came over later in the afternoon.

I was pacing in my room I didn't even notice him for a moment.

"Jack?" he asked. "MOTHER FUCKER PENIS SUCKER!" I shouted. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Sorry Alex you scared me." I said sitting on the floor. "So the words you chose are mother fucker penis sucker?" He asked sitting in front of me. I shrugged.

"Jack you seem stressed. What's up?" He asked. "I met this ghost in the forest earlier and he really confused me but I need to help he cross over." I said. "I'll help." he stated. "How can you help?" I asked. "I can see them to." He said. "Alex you were in a coma you could see Kellin and Vic because of that." I tried telling him. "No Jack I can see them it's scary as hell but something happened to me in that coma and I can see them."

Either Alex wanted to helped or he was making fun of me and after the friendship we've built I don't think it'd be opinion 2.

" are we gonna help this ghost. I don't know his name." I said. "How did you not get his name?" Alex asked. "I don't know I asked and he got pissed basically saying I didn't need to know since I didn't know when he was alive." Alex cut me off. "He knew he was dead?" he asked. "Yeah and I asked again and he said he was a nobody and I said everyone is somebody and he disappeared on me." Finishing my story. "Maybe he didn't want to hear that." Alex said. "No shit Sherlock."

After some music playing and homework doing me and Alex were bored once again. Not that we weren't bored doing Algebra because who is entertained by 12-a+x=260.

"Jack what do you wanna do?" Alex asked for the 3 time in the past 5 minutes. In which I replied with the same answer. "Whatever you want." which in return he growled. I chuckled.

"Jack I am bored and I get very restless when I am bored." he said. "Like sexual?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows in which he punched my arm playfully. He didn't lower the punch he fist rested against my arm.

Alex's P.O.V

"Jack I am bored and I get very restless when I am bored." Isaid. "Like sexual?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows in which I punched his arm playfully. I didn't lower the punch my fist rested against my arm.

Misarable at best. JalexWhere stories live. Discover now