Space Ninja Turtle Warriors : The tmnt's new stories

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( If any tmnt fans are interested, please check this petition on my page, the link looks like the one below but in orange. It'll let you hide your name if you look for the little check box. )

This is an alternate telling of origins.

The space travelling turtles return, not in the way you expect...

Its a new beginning and how are they related? They go into space later for a different reason..

The beginning....

"Master Splinter, Hamato Yoshi at the time, had been visiting New York with his wife, Tang Shen.

They were walking on the beach, enjoying the sunset and cool night air....


"Yoshi... Look.. "

He heard Tang Shen tell him and saw her pointing towards a small turtle sitting on the sand and dirt, some distance from the water.

Both watched from the distance, knowing better to leave it alone. Then they saw something amazing...

The turtle moved off where it was sitting and was covering where it had sat, before crawling towards the ocean.

They smiled, knowing it must've been a female laying her eggs, then noticed it was getting darker and decided to go inside their house for the night.

Over the next few weeks...

Hamato Yoshi was walking by himself, over the beach once more, until he heard some gulls crying and saw some coatis digging in the sand.

He remembered the turtle from a few weeks ago. That turtle was laying eggs there...

He saw one coati pick up an egg and ran over quickly, his staff in hand.

The animal was scared and dropped the egg, running off.

Yoshi stared at the eggs, they were safe...

For now... but he knew that now that that coati knew where they were, they wouldn't be for long...

So he stayed the night, watching over them, keeping them covered over with enough sand.

His wife brought him a blanket and stayed with him, watching over them.

When it was pitch black and the moon was full and bright in the sky, the eggs cracked open and the hamatos witnessed the birth and journey of several turtle hatchlings.

They smiled, glad to have been able to help the turtles survive, watching each baby go into the water and swim away. Once the last baby was gone, they turned back inside...

The Next Day...Early in the morning.

Yoshi went for an early walk before training. He was walking around the area and down to the beach, when he decided to see the nesting spot once more. To gaze at the once full nest and think about them. When he walked over, at first, it looked normal, with sand holes where the babies had dug through, but when he took a closer look, squatting, he thought he saw some egg shells. Thinking it was broken shells, he looked over the nest them carefully, then realized, these were not broken, like all the others and scattered in pieces. With curiosity and confusion, he began to dig with his hands to reveal...

A small clutch of eggs...

Four to be exact...

These didn't hatch the night before..

They couldn't have...

He picked up one egg and put it to his ear, listening for a heartbeat. There was one slow beat.

'I can't leave these eggs here... The predators will find them, especially now that the nest has been disrupted before my doing. '

Carefully, he carried the eggs in his arms, cradling them gently, close to his chest.

Once inside, he told Tang Shen and she found a container, filled it with a big fluffy white blanket and then they put each egg carefully in the blanket to stay warm..

Yoshi looked outside, he saw an animal walking over the sand.

' No hatchlings for you tonight. '

He thought.

It was a week period of watching over and keeping the eggs warm. Sometimes Yoshi and Shen took turns guarding them, until one day, they watched into four small, previous turtle hatchlings.

The Hamatos decided to keep the hatchlings. They could release them into the wild, but after watching over them...

They grew fond of them and after what happened with the coati...

Over the next month, the babies were hand fed some fish, bugs and were regularly allowed to swim and hydrate in a little wash basin, big enough for four.

Yoshi spoke in both English and Japanese towards the hatchlings, like he was having a conversation with them. He looked through some cultured books, reading and looking for names for them and chose four Italian names, but also, he called them by the Japanese translation of the names. Sometimes Shen called them the Japanese names, while Yoshi called them the Italian names.

The family was happy....

Then one day...crossing the street, carrying their turtles in a bowl, a car couldn't stop and in the commotion, a canister of green slime fell out of the car. The turtles were lost in the sewer crate, as Yoshi pulled himself and Shen out of the car's path.

Yoshi and his wife frantically searched where they had last seen them, not caring about the smell.

They couldn't see...

Until a bright radioactive green came into view and they saw the four squirming around. A rat ran past the turtles and over Yoshi's shoe. Its tail whipped his leg as it ran off.

They tried to rub them clean with some little tissues and carried them to the surface again.

The next day...both awoke to pressure on their chests.

When their eyes opened, they saw four pairs of eyes staring at them from four little green child like turtle faces.

At first they were scared, but as they gazed at them, they realized slowly that these were their babies.. They looked like toddler like little turtle children.

There was another surprise besides the toddler turtles...

Shen noticed Yoshi had gotten hairier and had a rat tail. He still had his hair, but his arms and legs were covered in fur and some of his face, like side burns and above his eyes brows.

Each baby had red stripes at the sides of their heads, long thin red stripes where their ears should be. The strips ended near their necks, like red eared slider turtles.

So they raised the four babies like how they would human children, home schooling and training them. Yoshi trained them, Shen home schooled and sometimes... the boys wore clothes whenever they were relaxing or were cold. Eventually, the family moved closer to a more sheltered place, secluded from most of the city, to keep the turtles safe from other people who would criticize them. 

A Space Turtles Story, with some random ideasWhere stories live. Discover now