Space Ninja Turtle Warriors : Warzone

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The turtles grew stronger and more swift as the days became months, then a few years. The rest of the Hamato Clan arrived during that time and aided them some nightly patrols. Sometimes they helped one group of people, while the turtles dealt with another in need on the streets, but always kept themselves hidden the best of their ability. If anyone had caught a glimpse, it was sharp white eyes staring through the darkness with a dash away, swept up to the rooftop and that was it.

When the turtles had reached their teens, they became more competitive with each other, especially Raph and Leo.

Master Splinter saw their rivalry growing and would always remind them to not let it overtake them like it had Shredder.

Whenever Raphael had his rages, either Master Splinter scolded him, or Shen gave him the, 

"mom glare" or, she would take him aside and they would have some quiet time to take deep breaths.

Shen would hold him, didn't matter that he wasn't a baby anymore and Raph wouldn't refuse, because it felt nice to him and she was his mom... So when his brothers weren't looking he wouldn't mind hugging back.

Now that they were adolescents, Master Splinter allowed them to go sometimes on their own, so they could learn how to fight all on their own incase any of them got separated.

Donnie had shown an interest in building and technology, his admiration budding from the times Master Splinter was shaping the furniture and their bedroom doors. He wanted to invent his own devices, maybe something to help keep them all safe and stop Shredder's, so he made some walkies talkies at first, with Sensei's help, then they gradually turned into t watches, both short circuited in a matter of a few nights apart from each other, but each failure lasted longer than the previous one, which meant he was doing something right.

In his lab, Tang Shen found Donnie working hard on another invention.

" Getting through, Donatero? "

Tang Shen asked, using his Japanese name. She walked over slowly, trying not to startled him.

Donnie paused and smiled, turning to her.

" Yes, I'm almost done with my new communication system."

Shen looked around his shell, at his creation, which looked like a turtle shell.

" What is it? "

Donnie held it proudly, as he used a screw driver to twist in a few more nuts, before holding it, like on display.

" I call it the tphone. "

Shen nodded, smiling at the device.

" The tphone. "

" Or the shell cell! That one's mine! "

Mikey yelled, suddenly popping up from the other side of Donnie.

He had snuck in after mom, ninja stealth like.

Donnie rolled his eyes.

" Well, I guess it has two official names. These should work where the t watch and walkie talkies failed. I made them closer to normal cell phones, except better.

They don't need charging because they're like mini computers and if they fall into the wrong hands, which are none of ours, it will explode immediately. You see, I had it memorize each of our finger and to prints, for safety purposes, but your hands or feet have to be clean, otherwise the contaminants may block some of the print so it won't work. "

Mikey grins, looking at the phone, then looks at mom.

" Cool, right mama? "

Shen nodded.

A Space Turtles Story, with some random ideasWhere stories live. Discover now