Chapter 29

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"-Eridan!" I heard a familiar voice call out for me. I sighed quietly and addressed my fellow seadweller.

"hello Fef."

"Water you doing? Are t)(ose cards for your party??" She gestured toward the invitations I held.

"yeah. here, this one is for you." I handed one to her.

"O)( I can't wait! I'm so GLUBBIN -EXCIT-ED! 38D"

I sighed, "I don't knoww wwhy I evven bother wwith these stupid invvitations. random people showw up anywway."

"Maybe it's more fin to )(and out invitations?"

"not really."

"W)(ale.... maybe you s)(ould just tell people they're invited instead?"

"I guess I'll just do that then. thanks for the idea. say, you see the neww kid around here lately?"

")(ave I sea-n him? No, not yet. Did you )(ear w)(at )(appened to )(im yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah. I wwas there for that.. I wwas in the crowwd."

"Seariously?" Her eyes widened. "and you did nofin aboat it?"

"wwhat could I havve done? I don't evven knoww him yet."

Feferi stopped for a moment, then nodded. "Ocray, you win. )(ey, isn't t)(at t)(e new buoy over t)(ere?"

I followed her gaze and stopped. I took in the sight of him.. He was about my height. Black, kind of shaggy hair that looks like it hasn't really been cut in a while, but it didn't look all bad really. He had two semi-large horns and then a set of two smaller inner horns on his head, making four in total. He was pretty skinny too.. His bi-colored eyes were new. No pupils. I don't think I noticed that yesterday, but I sure can see them now.... after making all these mental observations, I caught myself staring at the kid.

"Oooooo)( you got it bad!" I heard my moirail giggle.

"wwhat?! i do not!"

"Yes you do!" she said in a singsong voice.

The new kid walked over to his locker, which happened to be right next to where Fef and I were standing. I shoved the pointless invitations in my bag and went over to him.


"iif you're another a22hole that want2 two attempt two make fun or yell at me, plea2e move along, you are wa2tiing my tiime." He spoke plainly and didn't look up from his combination lock.

"no, I'm not comin here for either of those things."

He paused and looked up at me, "oh?"

"yeah. i actually came to invvite you to my party."

"Party? When?"

"saturday. it's in my hivve."

"Where ii2 iit?"

"it's a rather large hivve and it's purple. it's hard to miss."

"Am ii allowed two briing 2omeone?"

I frowned a little. "yeah that's fine."

He nodded. "Okay. ii'll be there. oh, by the way, iim 2ollux."

"Eridan." We both nodded and parted ways. Great. He's going to bring Kar. That damn lowblood is going to ruin my chances with him.Well... they're technically both lowbloods... But Sol is higher.

"So )(ow'd it go?"

"he's comin." I sighed.

"W)(y so glum?"

"he has a date."

The bell rung and everyone scattered. I grabbed my things. Time to think of a plan on how to get them to split.

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