Chapter 45

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Well for a while, things for me had ultimately became numbing. I followed Karkat around mostly for the duration of the past few weeks, but I occasionally had conversations with Porrim, and found out information on my parents.

About twenty years ago, my mother and father met and instantly hit it off. My mother, however, had no idea about my fathers background until they got married two years later. After Aradia and I were born, things started getting bad. My father slowly but surely brought my mother into the path that lead her to the nut case. I even saw her first kill. It was so disturbing.. I don't want to get into it really.

But as I looked into their plans more, I realized that this was going to happen. They wanted this to happen. They knew where I'd end up from the very beginning. Worst of all, they knew what their penalty was if they screwed up- which they did- but they took the chance anyway. They really wanted to kill me. Me and Karkat. Karkat and I. Us... I know why me, but him...? Probably to spite his parents.

Speaking of Karkat's parents, I got to talk to them recently. They understood everything, just as I did. They knew I didn't want to be apart of their death. They knew all along. That gave me a bit of relief. They also approved of mine and Karkat's matespritship. Again, more relief. I don't really see a reason why that'd disapprove it. We both had cared for each other from the very beginning, even if we did have our fights. And believe me, we did.

While finding out all this information, I had been accompanied by my sister. She stayed at my side and never once left it. We caught up quickly. I found out that she had been watching over me the whole time. She even talked to me a few times- but it was at the asylum when I was completely bonkers. Being able to talk to her again was actually really great. It was like finding something you lost years ago and remembering the all the good times you've had.


I felt pressure in my head instantaneously. The pressure started growing and growing. This soon spread throughout my body.

"s0llux? what's the matter?" Aradia asked in a concerned tone.

"ii don't... ii don't know..." The pain started to get worse. Where was it coming from?

"SOLLUX?" A voice echoed through the white plain, which is where we currently resided.

What the hell? Was that KK??

"0h i see what's happening here... y0u're waking up."


"it seems s0." Aradia nodded and hugged me quickly. "i'll miss y0u, big br0ther."

I hugged back despite the pain. "ii'll mii22 you two AA..."

As soon as my eyes closed, I felt her presence disappear, and my whole prospective bend out of whack. The pain in my head moved down into my chest. It quickly dispersed into soreness and soon I started hearing more voices.

"Sollux." A deep, male voice spoke. "Open your eyes. There are people here to see you."

People here to see me... Am I awake?

When I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was some dude in a lab coat.

"Okay ii may have been out for a whiile, but ii 2ure a2 hell don't know you." I then heard a gasp to my right. When I turned, I saw Karkat staring at me teary eyed. I offered him a weak smile and the next thing I knew I was engulfed in a tight hug.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN... ASSHOLE." I could sense the happiness in his voice.

"ii'll try not two." I tried to return the hug, but I had an IV in my arm to prevent the left so I wrapped my right around him. "ii mii22ed you kk."

"I MISSED YOU TOO." Karkat tried to lower his tone a little since mine was so hushed.

"Welco+me back." Porrim nodded at me and I returned the same motion, much slower.

Karkat didn't seem to want to let go, but he pulled back to look at me. "WE HAVE A LOT OF SHIT TO CATCH YOU UP ON. *AGAIN*."

"Ehehe... ii fiigured."

There was little chatter and everything seemed to be okay. Smiles and laughs all around. Maybe things will be better now...

That's what I thought up until the door opened...

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